
Showing posts from August, 2023

Abba Sent 2 Angels. Gave Me 3 Messages.

Hello My Wonderful Beloveds. Abba sent 2 Angels to me at 4:20 to 4:27 am The first was female the 2nd was male.  After They told me 3 things.  They told me to write it down and to write the time down too.  3 times I wrote each message down, having to turn the light on and back off again.  I know this is not just for me, but all the Beloveds who receive it into their heart. I know what these mean.  When I woke this morning to read what I had written, I saw them in word pictures. Because I am a seer.   I pray Abba's love in these 3 messages will bless you.  ..... The first one, told to me by the female Angel. "Nothing about Him returns void." "The Lord is within and on your present surrounding you." (Here I saw His Spirit fully lit within our beings and in our "nows." A Bride ready and set apart fully. To each individual who belongs to Him fully and we, collectively fully lit and bright. Everything about our lives individually and also collectively as Hi...

Walking On The Hand Of God

A Theme Abba gave me to write to you. I wrote this sometime ago.  But  it so wonderful! Worthy of reading.  I have a personal true story too in this post for you.  Love always, Kim  ~~~~~~~ "Walking On The Hand of God"  I got the pleasure to read a one and only book that was written by Leif Enger.  It is titled, Peace Like A River.  My Aunt Cindi Lankford gave it to me.  I still have it.  It is very precious to me.   I've read it a few times and I plan to read it again soon. It's that wonderful! It is deep, insightful, thought provoking, and very true in the realities of God's care. This not an advice or self help book.  It is a Christian Novel.  I am going to write a piece from this book for you, I think often on this part.  It is pages 16-18. I am summarizing in my own words...  The little boy, has to get up in the night to go to the outhouse. It is very cold outside...  When the boy goes outside, he ...

A Dream From Abba. A Woman Chose To Become The Bride To The Wrong Man.

 I had a dream...  Abba gave it to me.  I pondered the spiritual truths concerning it.  I will now tell you through  Holy Spirit inspired...this story He gave me to write of what the dream meant.  I saw a very happy beautiful young woman. Two men were wanting to be in a relationship with her.  I watched this woman.  She was a joyful person. She enjoyed who she was in her characteristic and personality.   She was thoughtful, kind, loving, helping, loved to laugh, and she loved others and liked to go out of her way to bless people. Even with just kind words.  She focused on lovely things. She enjoyed life as a gift.  Her face was pure.  Her eyes full of Life. So pretty too.  And she loved Abba God.  She was a pure delight in so many ways.  She had the eye of a very wonderful, loving man.  She was The Apple of His Eye.  He loved everything about her.  He even cherished her.  To Him She was s...

Testimony of Abba helping me with our Doberman and in my health flare.

Testimony of Abba helping me with a situation of a health flare and our Doberman Hans.  I was having a hard couple days with autoimmune flare.  Especially on my face.  It got so bad with, burning rashes, bumps, itching and swelling. My eyes were almost swollen shut when I first woke up.  I got through these flares every week.This one was a particularly bad one and as well as other symptoms in my body as well.  I had been very tired and weak.    I was suffering alot.  I got on Facebook and asked for prayer covering for relief of my face.  As some of you know my husband is now a owner operator with leasing to own his own tractor.  He is an over the road Trucker now. And not home most the time.  But God takes good care of me.  Just a couple weeks before, our Doberman Hans was deathly ill.  Dying.  We couldn't figure out why. The veterinarian could not as well.  I asked you all to pray that God would heal Hans. He di...