The dream I had...The Storehouse of God. October 4, 2022

The dream I had on a Tuesday. October 4, 2022
The Storehouse of God.

My family and I, as well as other Beloveds...
We were all at a Storehouse.
That word, "Storehouse," just entered me to write.
An incredible and beautiful place. Even the outside had strong, tall pillars of wood that did not decay. Those pillars were set at the entrance of the big overhang of this porch.
It was incredible. Many people could fit under it.

I was in this dream.
Not just as an observer this time.

We were all Beloveds...many of our "extensions"...a word just given to me to write.
Were there with us. These extensions were not always a Beloved, but also our family members.  Ones close to us. But not close in a relationship withtYeshua. But also those ones who were too. 
It's the common inner circle. 
Those ones were...
Being taking care of, because of us. 
Family Extensions in a family unit.

The extensions mean....Separated, but connected through circumstance or situation.

This is what The Lord is having me write to you.

And The Extensions are Not cousins, aunts, uncles...but the intercircle of grown and growing sons and daughters. Husband's, wives, grandparents who aren't a Beloved. As well as those who are not close to Yeshua in a relationship with Him.

I'm not sure about grown brothers or sisters to us, who are not a Beloved. I did not recognize to see them there. I did not have my brothers in circle. Not because I should. They have leadership of their own family circles. And men all have accountability to God.
But only my son and his family. 
But some other families were bigger circles.
My son did not have his own Wagon to drive and have filled.
Godly men. Husband with a full on love relationship with Yeshua were the leader and driver of The Wagon.
Many women and men who are a Beloved, do not have a spouse.
 I think these become an inner circle to The Brother or GrandFather or Uncle, in- law without a relationship of Family...ride in the Wagon of the inner circle.
Hence, I saw my son's mother in law in The Wagon with us.
We were called to enter many of us and our extensions. We rode in, on this pathway of cobblestone...beautiful cobblestone.
Pure white soft cobble stone, inlaid in pure soft gold. Both simmered beautifully. 

But I saw the ones not Beloveds, haters of Beloveds and Haters of Yeshua and Truth...standing on the sides and were not even setting a foot to step on the cobblestones path.
They were shaded over in darkness. But can be seen. Seen darkly.

This cobblestone path led all the way under the Storehouse's huge covered porch, right into the opened huge double doors. The whole porch was cobblestone as well. Very large porch. 

But the the ones that were not beloveds could not see in. But they knew what was happening. They knew they could not be apart of this.
This silently enraged them.
They hated us all.
But watched in silence.
As families rode in the wagon...we went in and left...and went in and left. Each set of us.
Until we were all done.
I saw us in our own Wagon in detail.
Each family was given an incredible big wagon. ...but not like we see on western shows or movies. 
These were too beautiful to hardly compare to anything on earth.
I went on the internet and looked up to see and read about, 
"The Most Beautiful and Biggest Wagon" ever made.  
I found one. It was quite surprising and awesome in magnificence of human hands crafting.
But still could not compare much at all to what I was shown.
(You might want to look this up too. It will give you some idea of The Wagon Abba give to us during this time)

They were so big and made out of a strong thick wood...
even the "Integrity" Parts. 
A word Abba just gave me... I looked it means,
moral or artistic values : incorruptibility.

I'd say the wagons...we're as tall as maybe nearly a giraffe.
Taller than the largest horse and camel.
I looked those up too. I was astonished by their sizes.
These animals were pure, strong, beautiful and mighty.
 Smart and gentle as well. They knew their purpose. 
They looked proud in their duty. 
The Wagon out stretched in height in their length.
You can look up that too. That wagons had been built like this.
There was camels attached to the sides of the wagons. 
And horses led the front on reins. 

Everything was incredibly put together. To the tiniest details.
We received incredible provisions, beautiful jewels and jewelry.
Money, but not was in the most beautiful shinny coins of different sizes. The biggest one covred the center of a man's hand.
Each were in various dollar values. From a thousand dollar value.
 To a dollar value. 
We would never run out of those coins, if used wisely and as good stewards.

We were giving incredible handcrafted, woven clothes and shoes and types of robes to cover our clothes that we wore.

Foods and drink as well. Of the best and purest.
Oil, lamps, and other things. Dry foods, fresh foods. Of every kind.
We were given the ripest seeds of all kinds of foods, herbs, flowers and plants.
Fruit and nut tree seeds as well. 
We were also given startling small trees to plant right away. 

Every tool and equipment to make the ground ripen for planting and  harvesting. Every storage bins of all kinds for storing up. 
All needs met beyond expectations. 

The storage bags, were very large. They held flour, sugar, corn, tea, coffee, wheat...whatever dry food types there were to be had.  Beautiful tasseled cords were tied around each one. 
Also provided was provisions for all pets and even farming type animals. 
All...All their needs to take care of them well and good too.

Large wooden containers were filled with many different things too.
The containers looked hand crafted and decorative. 
Everything we needed and could not have even imagined to have.
Placed in the Wagons by Angels. All the Storehouse things that was given to us, was put into this wagons. Each wagon. Angels were there handing them all to us. To load in. They helped load them all in too.

We were given very big and strong horses and camels.
They carried many storage bags as well.
As we all loaded and mounted...
We left.

The silent, ragefilled watchers,  made wicked plans.
Watched in seething.

They wanted to steal, kill and destroy.
They wanted to take what Abba gave us...even to the tiniest things.

As we seemed to be nearing saftey,
It became dark.  We lit our lamps with the oil.  It burned very bright.
When this happened we could see our enemies. They seemed relentless. Their teeth were gnashing at us.
Their hair of their heads was blowing back, in the wind. Many on camels and horses. Their hands on the reins...they were running them hard toward us. As we got further away from The Storage House to go to our Home and Land.

I was surprised at how fast the camels were.  They seemed to keep the speed of the horses.

I saw that they finally caught up to us all. 
They tried so hard to steal off the majestic wagons and even of the clothes we wore. They wanted everything. Grabbing toward, with outstretched arms. Teeth gnashing in evil intent. 
And seemed able to get some of things it seemed...From those who dispared, developed fear and did not fight back.  Even stealing the integrity tiny parts of the wagon to try to disable and crumble the wagons. They did not keep strong faith and Bravery. 
They allowed the crowed to cause them to sway. To be taken over.

The faces of the ones who were not Beloveds were gross, hatred, ugly, darkness, and black steady eyes. And you could evil feel the hate from them.
But once any of the chassers got some things in their hands,
 from a faithful, brave warrior led wagon...the wicked could not keep it lost it. As they thought they gained stolen sweetness, they would look so filled of evil conquer pride. 
But quickly turned rageful. Toward us. 
As everything seemed to fumble out of their hands. Back into our wagons. 
Once they touched the intregrities of the Brave ones...they would lose grip. Everything fell from their hands back to us.

Which then caused each of them to turn on each other instead. 
To kill, steal and destroy each other.
They were delusional to think, many still hand precious things in their hands. But actually did not. They begin to fall back, out of sight more and more in ravaging and attacking each other.
They fell behind, out of sight and a large distance was made between us and them. They would never be able to catch up or find us.

As we pressed on, at a steady, peaceful pace together.
We were going to a place of joy and rest. We were being prepared to depend on Abba only. Set Apart.
At peace and well taken care of.
  And then to be Home forever with Him.
Well In front of caos. 

I pray our extensions, and those who feared and lost braveryvand faith...will repent and give their hearts to Yeshua fully and develope a first love relationship with Abba God.

Beloveds that use The wealth and provisions from Abba without reverence, respect, honor and graftness to Abba...that are not good stewards and not seeking His counsel in all they do and plan...will have to live in the consequences of being greedy and desirable above a balance to end up not prepared or ready for what comes, that they have been given, to prepare and take good care to do well and good in the sight and hearing of our Provider, Sustainer, and Protection of what will come...will be left to live in and try to survive the caos.
Those will have much more to fear and will live with what they did in not being good stewards. 
But if they ask Him for forgiveness...He will forgive them. But still have to live with their choices of frevelouness.
Love you all, Kimberly Wenrich 


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