My thoughts concerning holidays and Holy Days
There is always those evil folks doing all kinds of evil. And there always good folks doing all kinds of good things. There is always unsaved folks doing both.
To what end?
I recently have thought alot about this world and its celebrations. Holy Days and Holidays...
I have decided, Halloween is extremely dark and evil. A very very bad "holiday."
But I have also decided that I want to let God be God. And He has His Warriors, Street Preachers, Prophets, Seers, and set aside remnants to tell and preach and give understanding to a lost and dying world.
Jesus sat with many who lived for world traditions and they changed, they didn't change Him...they changed.
Oh how I pray we will all sit with Him in our brokenness and for counsel. For everything concerning our lives.
Because a smote is a smote. A sin is a sin.
And there is only One Who can reveal truth in any matter to our hearts.
Many are hated and looked down on for celebrating God's Holy Days and that they do not celebrate world holidays. But any decision we make in and of this recorded. All of us has got much to learn and know and grow from.
For the things of this earth will pass away. Even Heaven too. And we will live on a new earth with all His ordinances, and Holy Festivals.
Hannukah is not a required festival. It too is a tradition.
Yet most Jews celebrate it and most all messianic folks.
Shall we condemn them too....
I'm thinking about alot of things lately. What matters. And my advise to all is seek The Face of Jesus. For this world holds many lies and delusions traditions, passed down to generation to generation. Good and Evil. We need Jesus to reveal Himself and His Light into all these things personally. And we were warned in The Word about the evil traditions of men and of those who teach it to each generation.
Yet do we cling to the things Abba tells us to do in His Word instead?
No many of us do not. But oh how precious in His sight that He is pleased with those who do. We all need Him to teach us. We must want to know His heart for us.
God will cause us to open our eyes.
And maybe we will see Him more in our own lives and not look at others and say things Not Meant for us to say...about things we don't really Know much about in the Light of eternity. May we not teach or say things we have no true learning or understanding from The Holy Spirit to others.
It's like a blind man telling you how to see and a deaf man telling you what to hear. Sadly many do this. And we do not search it our for ourselves.
I have become hesitant and even now afraid to speak to others on such matters. I have much to learn from Him in all my living days and for all eternity. I have to need to want to go to Him so much with my heart and life as it is to be reviewed and counseled by Him.
To ask forgiveness for my own faults and sins. We have to fight the good fight of Faith, against our own flesh and babbling impulses in our emotions that we may feel are fact.
But have fallen short. We can't live this life without Him. It's too hard and broken and He hold all things together for us.
I wonder how important Love is too.
For even witches, idol worshipers and all kinds of people doing all kinds of evil have and still do give their hearts to Jesus and repent. They turn away from worthless things and claim Healing Salvation and a new life in Jesus. And those who know from experience...warn us and many do not even listen to them.
I think in most "church buildings" is the worst place for His Church to be at in this last days. Take a good look at the condition of the spirit and flesh in these certian ones. Examine for yourself and ask Him concerning these certian "church buildings."
The building is dead without His Church in them.
But many play "church" and do not worship in His Truth and Spirit.
But tickle instead and the tickeled like it. So let them be. And shake the dust off.
That is my opinion considering what is now being taught in them and the idols, lies, untruth, greed, twisting of the Word, and entrainment shows they call worship. The way they dress is very disrespectful too.
Calling it all godly.
But God is not there.
And look outside those buildings...and see The Church. For there is great revivals, healing, deliverance, bondange breaking and Salvation there. Why else would the preachers and remnants be getting shot, stabbed, arrested and beat up.
The deciples and all those who followed Jesus after them were also persecuted.
Jesus had said "they" will hate you because they hate me.
But praise God for The Remnants and the prophets and the seers. And Street Preachers.
For they tell us the truth and The Holy Spirit teaches us and reveals all things to us.
I hate what God hates.
But I'm a broken vessel. And if we truly knew what God hates and loves...maybe we should think about our individual relationship with Him more. So we can prepare to go Home. If we aren't ready, we aren't going.
Let us think on the things of His Spirit and on the things He tells us to think kindness, love, good reports, gentleness, not judging with our finger pointed, needs of others, etc. His Word is our beautiful amazing instructions.
We all fail Him. But that doesn't mean He fails us.
May we rise higher and stronger in spirit and continue to fight our lustful's full of self and self attitude. May we become more of what is pleasing to God through His precious Holy Spirit. We then start to smell more like His sweet Aroma than to stink like the world.
Oh how I long for His courts more than the things of this earth.
We are traveling through. Sojourners.
Each of us will stand alone before Him. To give an account to what has and is written...all our thoughts, words and deeds. This should make us have a Holy reverent fear.
No one else can stand for us and give an account to Him.
So we know now, that even Jesus prays for us and intercedes. Shouldn't we too be praying for others in a loving place from our hearts for others.
Christmas time...well, this is a season when hearts a mostly soft. He is able to work through these hearts, even at this time of year doing incredibly loving things, miracles in people's lives, providing, and they think about Jesus more in this time of year than any. To God only be glorified.
So some of us are no longer lambs but have learned and are learning truth and are growing and have grown to be a sheep.
Shall the sheep condemn the lambs that has not learned truth or has been learning truth?
And then there are those, in their rebellion traded truth for lies and deceptions...
Some cry outside the flock for rescue and Jesus leaves the 99 for the 1.
Yet as Sheep we are still His in His flock with The lambs and need Him to Shepherd us.
The lambs will learn from Him and from those set and anointed by Him.
I don't hate Christmas.
I hate all the parts I learned from Him that are from very dark traditions throughout the centuries. I love everything He does in people's hearts and lives to change the dark parts and bring light to many and give the glory of and in good, in a very heart softening season.
These are my thoughts, love always, Kimberly Wenrich
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