
Showing posts from December, 2023

Inspired Writen Love Letter From Jesus

I Am with you always. Draw close to me, My child. Lean on me with all that is within you. I can do for you like no other. Trust in Me. I Am yours and you are My Beloved. I desire to heal you. I take each tear and I treasure each one of them. I care so much for you and the details of your heart and life. What hurts you, hurts Me as well. I Am your defender. I will cover you in my mighty arms. Those who hurt you...will have to give an account to Me. I will shine forth in your life...and show My blessings over you to everyone for the glory of My Father God. Please give me all of your hurts, cares, concerns, worries and battles...I will help you through. You may not see it with your eyes every time. But if you will just look to Me with the eyes of your heart...listen closely...I will show you things you never saw before. Don't you know how much I love you? I do. I created you even before time itself. I knew you long before creation. I knitted you together in your mother's womb. My ...

I just forget in my brokenness. But God...

I just forget. My brain doesn't work like it did before the wreck. I forget to check texts, messages, I forget plans, most everything. It can be frustrating for me. I watch something on tv or a movie, it's always like seeing it for the first time. God helps me in my daily living.  Things doesn't easily come to mind or not at all. Brain was injured in the wreck.   Then having autoimmunes and chronic illness...adds to the brain fog. But by the grace and lovingkindness of God our Father...I do okay.  It's just I'm sure, others feel slighted or hurt by my forgetfulness, short-term memory loss, and not remembering at all things.  But spiritually nothing is tainted, hurt, or forgotten. That's incredible to me.  I was just reflecting this day, on the things I've seen in many of you know, I have passed on a total of 3 times. But He has also shown me many things, in visions, dreams, and out of body experiences.  I think on these things. The glory and...