I just forget in my brokenness. But God...
I just forget. My brain doesn't work like it did before the wreck. I forget to check texts, messages, I forget plans, most everything. It can be frustrating for me. I watch something on tv or a movie, it's always like seeing it for the first time. God helps me in my daily living.
Things doesn't easily come to mind or not at all. Brain was injured in the wreck.
Then having autoimmunes and chronic illness...adds to the brain fog. But by the grace and lovingkindness of God our Father...I do okay.
It's just I'm sure, others feel slighted or hurt by my forgetfulness, short-term memory loss, and not remembering at all things.
But spiritually nothing is tainted, hurt, or forgotten. That's incredible to me.
I was just reflecting this day, on the things I've seen in glory...as many of you know, I have passed on a total of 3 times. But He has also shown me many things, in visions, dreams, and out of body experiences.
I think on these things. The glory and beauty that is reality, that is for us.
His face...oh how beautiful He Is.
His Light is alive and touches everything and everywhere.
I saw where Abba's Throne is too. But I did not go in there. It was on the middle of this great city.
I saw the judgment set too. The Tabernacle in different seasons as well.
The wedding supper celebration, His Holy Mountian, The Shabbath Rest, the fields, trees, music, pets, others, family, flowers, a corner of my home, I saw some family and friends, and a tree that was so big and wide. That hundreds of people can stand under it.
I saw paths and also a knowledge of my Tribe. I even saw Holy Spirit in person. Face to face. I could not even speak. So Holy. So beautiful.
The color of every Tribe. Hair that was alive and on fire, moving in glory. Pure. Angel beings were sounding Him.
He was lifted high.
I saw many things. Stars that were huge, soft gold that moved and worshiped God. And the gold dripped from its tail. I touched one and it was so so soft.
I saw clouds of glory, like nothing to compare to in our sky. And the colors of God's Rainbow was melded onto them. Silver lined the clouds. Scriptures embedded into them all. The scriptures I have trusted in and applied into my heart and being all my life.
I could go on and on.
Jesus even showed me creations on earth from the beginning to this day. FALL SEASON. My favorite season.
I have been told many many things as well.
And Jesus reminds me of those things in appropriate times.
I saw my passing for the last time and my raising up from the grave with others to meet Jesus in the air. He showed my family to me...after I had passed the last time. To comfort me. They were comforting each other in a nice restaurant.
I saw 4 grandchildren, Avery and the boys.
One was very little. I thought Abby was pregnant, but not sure. I saw Avery. She looked as she does now. She saw me and smiled at me. I saw my husband and Jonathan. I watched them for awhile. Then they got up to leave. An Angel came to me, gave me a scroll with a read ribbon tied around it. A ring tied to one of the ribbon strings. The scroll was in Hebrew, but I could read it. I put the ring on my finger. It was so pretty a soft marble green stone was in it.
I later found out what it meant. And what was the understanding of what was written in the scroll to me.
I watched my family walk out the restaurant door.
I have had so many experiences, saw so many things. My last out of body was very incredible and it wasn't too long ago.
I went Home.
Oh how my soul longs for Him and Home.
I've been Homesick a long time.
Heaven is in my heart.
I had a dream this morning of my momma.
I saw her closet. She showed me her bedroom. Oh my goodness....I've never seen such beautiful clothing, gowns, robes, dresses. Interwoven and fabric indescribable. Shoes too.
I was in joy to look upon it all.
Her closet was vast and beautiful.
Her bedroom was so majestic, magnificent and beautiful beyond words.
I was happy to see her again.
I could go on and on...
The things of God has no end.
Please. Forgive my short comings.
Have mercy and compassion on me with my brokenness.
Ps Jesus looks just like an authentic, no blemish, perfect Jew. From the Nation and people...He was from and born into. His hair is wooly soft, skin is not dark or light. Just perfect.
He is also Light. Living Light.
I Love you all, Kim
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