
Showing posts from August, 2024

There Is No Fear In Heaven

The Bride Is watched over.   There is no fear in Heaven. So The Bride will not fear on earth.  In His Great Name demons scatter and darkness is pushed back by His glorious Light. He has defeated my enemies. The darkness flees in seven ways. Everything submits to Him. Yeshua! He Is Here!  His eyes are set on His Bride.  He is soon taking us Home. He is taking His Bride to Himself. Very very soon. His eyes are set on His Bride. Kim Wenrich 

He Is Returning...Oh Lord, Humble Us.

WOW  I Love this so much  A shout and the trumpet...  and we are going Home. I can almost here it.  I thought on Him returning today, as I was washing dishing.  And I remembered how we, who love Him in Truth and Spirit that are in the ground...will be raised whole from the Graves, transformed.  And just as quick...those who remain that also love Him in Truth and Spirit shall be caught up as well, transformed.  And I saw it all again in my He showed me before... and I cried.  I told Him, I can hardly wait to  Be Home.  Thinking also on those things, He has already allowed me to know and see.  I got homesick.   I keep seeing Him in the skies, His arms stretched out and downward. In a receiving position.  His Heart desire is His The True Church. All of us who took His Name that has sealed us in His Spirit and Blood.  We rose. And we went Home.   And I was greatly moved in my being by The Spirit....

Abba Sent Me Two Angels

Hello My Wonderful Beloveds. Abba sent 2 Angels to me at 4:20 to 4:27 am The first was female the 2nd was male. After They told me 3 things. They told me to write it down and to write the time down too. 3 times I wrote each message down, having to turn the light on and back off again. I know this is not just for me, but all the Beloveds who receive it into their heart. I know what these mean. When I woke this morning to read what I had written, I saw them in word pictures. Because I am a seer. I pray Abba's love in these 3 messages will bless you. ..... The first one, told to me by the female Angel. "Nothing about Him returns void." "The Lord is within and on your present surrounding you." (Here I saw His Spirit fully lit within our beings and in our "nows." A Bride ready and set apart fully. To each individual who belongs to Him fully and we, collectively fully lit and bright. Everything about our lives individually and also collectively as His Own, I...

I saw Yeshua on a Throne 2 different times...for 2 different seasons.

Recently I have sharing things that Our Abba has already shown me and touched me to writen to you all within this year and evrn last year.   We are on His time table and His seasons. We do not look to the world as the worldly folks do...we look to our Abba God.   Decided to share this post previously shared Aug. 2023 It blesses my heart that He is my Abba and reassures us in dark times, He is very aware and is fighting for us against all enemies. He stands for us and we can rejoice in our great and mighty warrior who has conquered and will conquer the wicked ones and demonic supernatural forces that pursue to kill, steal, destroy.   God Himself is our Champion. Glory Hallauyah.  KimWenrich  ............ When my husband got home from work this morning...we spent time talking of the greatness of Jesus.  I reflected too, on the Return dreams I have had.  The things I saw of Him taking us Home.  I cried as I reflected on these and as my...