I saw Yeshua on a Throne 2 different times...for 2 different seasons.

Recently I have sharing things that Our Abba has already shown me and touched me to writen to you all within this year and evrn last year.  
We are on His time table and His seasons. We do not look to the world as the worldly folks do...we look to our Abba God. 
 Decided to share this post previously shared Aug. 2023
It blesses my heart that He is my Abba and reassures us in dark times, He is very aware and is fighting for us against all enemies.
He stands for us and we can rejoice in our great and mighty warrior who has conquered and will conquer the wicked ones and demonic supernatural forces that pursue to kill, steal, destroy.  
God Himself is our Champion.
Glory Hallauyah. 
When my husband got home from work this morning...we spent time talking of the greatness of Jesus. 
I reflected too, on the Return dreams
I have had. 
The things I saw of Him taking us Home. 
I cried as I reflected on these and as my husband and talked together. 
I also reflected on some of  the visits
 I have had in Glory. 
Especially the one of when I saw Him on a Throne of white granite marble...
And the awe and holy respect and the fully understanding and knowing.
 And what I immediately felt, as I looked upon Him and the season that was about to occur. It was stormy and storm clouds filled the temple and around His feet...
He sat on it with intentions, seriousness of fearsome things...
His eyes were set as a Father about to do magnificent fearsome things Only He can do. He jaw set. He face was the expression of incredible seriousness. Final. 
His legs were apart and his arms on the rests of the Throne and His hands gripped the ends as if to stand quickly. 
I bowed on my face in Holy Reverence. I did not speak a word. 

We are now in what He is doing, in The Nations. 

He had also shown me, at another time...the temple..
He was not seated. He was Not there. 
 The Throne and the temple was beautiful. Filled with light. No storm. Giant very strong thick
vines with incredibly big leaf heads decorated the temple. 
Light was everywhere. Beyond the temple too. 
This was at a time, I had also saw The Wedding Supper Table Ready. 
For The church/Tribes...

When my husband and I read 
Psalm 98.
We realized we were speaking of His marvelous things like in these scriptures. 

We All will be accountable to Him.
He is fair and just and no one will be able to argue this. 

We were talking of His judgments on the wicked and the given over the lukewarmers to who they really are...pretenders.
 No longer to pretend. 
And the rulers dropping like flies. 
We were talking of sofars sounding, people singing and celebrating. 
Rejoicing in the lands...that is for a season. A few years.

Creation Rejoices in His Salvation
Psalm 98
1 A psalm.
Sing to Adonai a new song,
    for He has done marvelous things.
His right hand and His holy arm
    have won victory for Him.
2 Adonai has made His salvation known.
He has revealed His righteousness before the eyes of the nations.
3 He has remembered His lovingkindness,
    His faithfulness to the house of Israel.
All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
4 Shout joyfully to Adonai, all the earth.
Break forth, sing for joy, and sing praises.
5 Sing praises to Adonai with the harp,
with the harp and a voice of melody.
6 With trumpets and sound of the shofar
blast a sound before the King, Adonai.
7 Let the sea roar and all within it,
the world and those who dwell in it.
8 Let the rivers clap their hands,
let the mountains sing for joy together—
9 before Adonai, for He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with righteousness
and the peoples with fairness.
Kimberly Wenrich 
Aug. 2023


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