Love Went Home On The Wings Of A Dove

This is about the first time I saw my momma in a realms of glory, 2 months after she passed. 

She passed March 31, 2000.
I have recent Glory visits since then. 
I will tell of later. The realms are different.  All of them. And not meant for me to keep to myself. But to be shared with you. 

There are many things I have seen and other family and things as well. And especially in the last 6- 5 years. 
 I have passed 3 times. I am more spiritual aware in God's realities. In many senses. 
Not because of Passing, but because of the realities of Him. Because He delighted to show me many things often for many reasons. 
I see in the spiritual realities of our Lord. 
What is true and does not fade. 
A relationship with Him is something I will never compromise. 

I plan to write them to you, even the dreams and visions. The out of body visits. Testimonies too, if He tells me to write those. With The Holy Spirit's help and strength, 
I will write it all to you in this blog.  

May only God get the glory and honor. 

The testimony of my momma passing is quite a long one. Abba did many great things 2 weeks before she passed, at the funeral and after it. And to this very day. 
But it is too long to write it all. 
Just know this. He is faithful to His Own. 

Death is not real for those who belong to Him. But it sure hurts us when those we love, even when our pets pass on. I assure you that our beloved animals that we love, go Home too.

When my momma passed I could not be comforted. Except by our Abba. 
A few weeks before my momma passed. Her and I did a unusual thing, we never did before. We talked on the phone up to 3 times a day. Long talks.  Mostly her telling good memories and sweet things. 
She lived in Georgia. There were no cell phones at this time in our lives. 
Long distance calls were usually planed once a week and were not lengthy conversations. Because to call long distance was expensive then. 

Sometime during one of the last few days we talked...she said this to me, "Kim I am going to tell you something. I do not want you to get upset." 
She said, "I have been praying for awhile now, that Jesus would take me Home."
"I don't want to be sick anymore. I am so tired Of it and so tired In it. I have suffered alot. I just want to go Home to Jesus."

I knew my mom was very sick. But she hid how sick she was. She hardly ever spoke of it. 
She had suffered many years.
But tried to be very brave. She was truly Brave. 
Her life on earth was very hard for her entire life. But the illness was probably easier for her than her story of her life. 
That isn't a comparison. She suffered childhood rape, around 2 and 3 years old. And also as a preteen, older until she ran away with my dad as a teen and married him. She had many other tragedies while growing up. 
Her life was not easy. Ever. 
But she had a dad, me and my 2 little brothers. 
She loved my little brothers and I with all that she knew how and better. 
I think that's were she got her inner strength to not give up. 
When my dad divorced her when we were still kids and took us from her. Something inside her quit. Now she had no one. And she felt lost and alone. 
When we got older, we reunited with her. 
What my dad took from her was us, but it ended up that she gained a life with us  and my dad did not have us anymore. 
By His choice. 
My momma got to see my son as an infant and up to when she passed...he was 5. A very sweet and beautiful relationship between them. Throughout my son's life to this day he asks me to tell him the stories of memories between them and to talk of Memaw. She is his Memaw. 
She also got see my middle brother's son as an infant. On a visit to see us from Georgia to Virginia to see Cody's new baby boy. 
I took her over to his house. But my brother's wife was very mean spirit and hateful to my momma. My momma only held him few seconds. Before she pulled the baby out of my momma's arms. Very roughly. 
We left.  My momma cried alot. 
She never got to see him again. Because only 2 or 3 years later. My momma passed. 
 I am telling you this because....when my momma was suppose to pass from a brain tumor when I was 10. She was very very ill. 
The doctors were doing brain surgery. But determined she would not live through it or most likely not survive after the surgery. 
All family came to the hospital to say goodbye to her, before they took her to the operating room. 
She did live and it was miracle. 
She told me that she had prayed that God would allow her to live long enough to see her children grown, 
(my 2 little brothers and I) and to see her grandchildren.  
She live 20 extra years.  Abba took home on March 31, 2020.
She did she her grandsons. 
My son until he was 5 and the other one only that one terrible time.  He was withheld from her. 
God gives everyone freewill choices in their behaviors. 
They did send her pictures of him though. 

Back to the phone call. The last call between us. During that conversation, that she told me she prayed to go Home. 
I was very sad when she told me she wanted to Go Home To Jesus. 
I said to her, "I don't want you to die." 
She told me God was taking care of her and she knew it was time. She could feel it.  
She told me that she asked Jesus to please take her in her sleep and to help her prepare before He took her. 
In my heart these past years, I know more now about what she was saying. I have understanding. 
And she prepared very well. She comforted  us all in advance for after she passed. It mattered to her. 

She did suddenly pass. 
About 8 am I felt a very string urge to call her.  Even though I had just spoken to her the day before. I did not call her. I waited until 8:30 am. 
I was sitting on my couch just about to get up to call her. I suddenly felt a strong pull within my spirit. 
A big magnetic type of pull within my spirit. All at once, I instantly knew my momma was gone. 
I jumped up off the couch and began calling and calling her. No answer. 
I tried to call my grandmother, who lived right near answer. I left a message for her, to p,ease call me. That I felt she needed to go check on momma. 
I felt anxious and a bit frantic. 

Early that evening my grandmother's sister called me. She said, "Kim, your mom and has passed. We found her sitting on her couch with her arms folded, her head bowed down. She went to sleep and passed on." 
Time of death...8:30 am.

I fell to the floor and screamed. 
I cried in such heartache. 
I stayed on the floor, because strength in my body had left me. 
All I could do was scream in tears. 
Until tears wouldn't come anymore and I became drenched in sorrow. 

God had prepared in advance money given to me to go visit my momma that month. I had talked to her about it before she had passed. Turns out God provided for me to go to her funeral. 

When we got there, all the family found her comforts in her living room in one area and in the top of her closet were the things she left fir my brothers and I. 
She had even written out her favorite scripture on s heet of paper, Isaiah 40:31...
and also written out on a piece of paper...
" me at the feet of Jesus." 
She had placed these things along side her Bible. 
And other small things were there for comforts. A beautiful poem. And a few of her favorite old hymns.
My momma truly had her "House" in order. 
God helped her prepare for her departure Home. To give her closure and us comforts. 
I went into her room and got her blanket and sheets and all pillows off her bed. 
I put them and one pillow for me in a huge trash bag, closed up. To preserve her scent. 
I put it in the car. I then went back in fir the other pillows. 
As we walked put togther. 
My grandpa said, "I wish I could hug her."
I held out the best pillow to Him. 
I said, "This is off her bed. Now you can hug her anytime." 
He began to hug it and cry. 
I gave a pillow to each of my 2 brothers and Uncle Tom and Uncle Pete. 
Told them the same as what I told grandpa. 
Their eyes also filling up with tears. 

I thanked our Father God for her life and all the memories we had, for all the special times together. 

Many Beautiful things happened at this time there in Georgia during her viewing and funeral. 
I saw it, felt it, sensed it...

God was very real to us all at the funeral as well.  To us all. 

The story continues...
This leads to more incredible things of our Father and the first Glory visit with my momma.

When I returned to Virginia, once home...things really hit me hard. 
The reality of it all became very overwhelming for me. 
As an adult and then losing her...well, my "world" here fell apart.
Life changed for me. 
I loved her with every breath and I mourned her deeply. 
I didn't share with those in my family or my friends my relationship with her. 
I kept that all to myself. 
I had my reasons. 
It was too special to let out of the treasure box of my heart in my life. 
Except with my son, Jonathan. 
He loved her too with a very special bond and relationship. And still does. 
His memories and the stories of her and him are very loving and kind. Filled with good things. 

My momma and I shared secrets and kept them. We shated many hard seasons, more than good seasons. The hard things in this life changed us for the better in many ways. Life circumstances and the cruelties of the hurt this life really should not be carried in our hearts. We are to give all these to Jesus, lest we not survive them all. 
Because of Him, 
Much exceptance, love, compassions, healing, growing and just being grateful we made it through them...and not being like the world, resentful, hateful, angry, bitter.   
We loved instead. We forgave others and even each other. Quickly. 

We were honest without causing pain to each other. 
Never have I had such a relationship like this with anyone else. 

About the 2nd week after her passing to morning I woke up with a jolt from sleep. 
I felt the fullness of all my emotions of her. 
I knew it was going to be a very hard day emotionally for me.  
I was a mess inside my heart. 
I got up and got Jonathan breakfast and everything he needed to take care of him.  It was a peaceful, sun shinning day. 
Around 9 am, I told him to go next door to Mrs. Pleasant house to play with her grandchildren for a little while. I needed alone time with Jesus.
 (Her grandchildren were around his age) 
He played often with them. At pur home and hers. 
He went off to go over there and I quickly called her to ask her if it is okay. 
With her, it was always OK. She loved him. 

As soon as I saw him safely over there through my side window...
I got on my face. Flat out on the livingroom floor. 
And I cried out to God. 
Pouring out all my feelings. 
After awhile, I got up, wiped my tears. 
Just as I was wiping away the tear, 
I heard a knock on my front door. 
It was a Flower Delivery man. 
I looked at him amazed.  
He had a card and a beautiful Azalea bush plant. 
It had dark pink flowers in bloom on it.
At that same moment, I also saw Jonathan bouncing back over to our home, in joy from the time he had at Mrs. Pleasant. 
He come up to the door and stood next to the delivery man and said,"It's time fir me to come  home now momma." 
The timing of all this set me in awe. 

I let Jonathan in. 
I too,the card and bush from the delivery man and thanked him. 
I shut the door and began to read the card. 
It was from the precious women of the women's Bible Study I attended every Tuesday morning. 
The note said, beautiful loving things to comfort me and signed by many. 
Of course it moved my heart so very much. 
I felt encouraged and cared for. 
I could see God in all of this. 

I sat down a few minutes to soak it all in. 
To ponder it. 
How can it be? 
That at the moment I finished pouring out my heart in talking to Jesus about my feelings and grief, then getting up and drying my tears...a sudden knock, a delivery from the women at church...the plant and card. And my son no sooner running back home from the neighbor's house. 
Perfect timing in it all. God loved on me through it all. 

Now, about 2 months later...I had what peope call a dream...but what actually happened was, during my rest, I my spirit went to Glory for a visit. 
At this time, I called it a dream. And I know Abba gives dreams and visions. 
He also takes us into the spiritual realms of His Realities and truths, in the spirit. 
I have learned the difference as I walked closer and closer in a more profound relationship with Abba. 

As my body slept beside my husband, I was taken in the spirit to a part of Glory. 
I was outside the city of God, Ina beautiful endless field of green grass. So incredible. 
And right behind me not too far away, I saw and set my eyes on an incredible, gigantic, massive, beautiful gate. 
So so beautiful. 
A Beautiful Gate. 
I will try to describe glistened brilliance and is bright. I saw gold and silver colors inlaid. It was crafted with metals that was shaped around it and into it. This Gate seemed to be an entrance. Like a main entrance. 
I looked toward the outer edges of this gate and saw the most beautiful walls. It had many colors. Seperate, but melded. 
Almost seemed like glass. But not see through. Light from inside these walls lit the walls with light that is God. 
I saw down the wall and saw more gates. And they too were very incredible. 
3 were set perfectly on each side. 
Making 12. Inncredible jewels and stones inlaid those. But there was a center gate in the front. I do not know how to explain this. All gates at were closed. Not open. 
I knew a vast city was inside. 
I could see a great Light coming from the center. It did not hurt my eyes. I knew God was there in that Light. 
I knew I could not go in there. Not yet. 
But will one day. 

Now my attention then turned back to were I was in the field. In front of me was a table. Like a Picnic table. But different. 
It was made out of wood and crafted beautifully. 
There were no seats around it. Except one on the other side of it from where I was standing in front of it. 
There in that seat was my Uncle John.
Sometimes when i have told this part to others, I'd get mixed up and say it was Jesus...because they have similar features.
Uncle John's hair was a bit longer and a beautiful type of brown. And his eyes were different than Jesus. 
Honestly, in my opinion...I feel strongly that Jesus has eyes like no one else in creation. I have seen His eyes recently. I know how long His hair is now too. 

Uncle John is my Aunt Cindi's husband. 
He passed on many years ago when I was in my late teens. I don't know exactly when.
Around that time is all I can think of. 
When I had this experience to see him, I was 30. 

Standing at the right end of the Table was 
my Aunt Cindi's dad, Mr. Crawley. 
He looked young, healthy, whole, happy. 
Him and Uncle John now looked similar in age. Just right. 
I don't know how to explain this. 

My momma was standing closer to me on that same side where Mr. Crawley was standing. 
I looked at her. She too was young, whole, healthy, happy. 
She was talking to me. 
But I could not hear her words. 
This puzzled me. 
I then said to her...
"How can you be here, you are dead?"
She said to me, "No I am not dead."
And she smiled at me. 
And begin talking to me again about many things. And now again, I could not hear her words. But I did hear and receive her words  to me that she is not be dead.

I then looked at my Uncle John from across the table. And then I looked beside the left side of the table, on the ground. 
There were 2 symbolic graves. 
One was little and had toy soldiers all over the top of it. They were turned in all kinds of ways.  
The other grave was right beside it. It was big and had red rose petals scattered all over on the top of it. 
I knew the big one was a representation of my mom's passing. 
But I wasn't understanding of the little one.
So I asked my Uncle John, "Who is the grave of?" 
He said to me in a very kind and compassionste voice, "Don’t you know?"
I then instantly knew. 
My Baby Boy. I had recently lost from my womb at 4 months pregnant.
I knelt down to this symbolic grave and begin to turn all the little toy soldiers right side up. As I was doing this, I asked...
" What is his name?"
Uncle John replied to me, "He is going to tell you his name when you get here."

I then stood up and looked at on the table.
There was a paper on the table. It was burning in gold flames, but not consuming it. The words burned in a deminsional way. 
The words were raised up. 
I asked, "What is this?" 
He said, "She needs to know." 
I said to him, "Needs to know what?"
He then said, "That you received what she had left for you before she passed. The comfort and encouragement. The gifts."
I told him, Yes. We all did."

Then I looked over at my momma. I saw that she heard me. 
She smiled and began to talk again. I knew she was talking about Glory and all the things about it to me. 
But I could not hear her words. 

Then she said, "Well, I have got go go get busy. I have so much to do. I will see you later."
I heard her. 
She then said, "Oh. Give this to Cody." 
She handed me a red rose petal. 
It was so beautiful. 
She placed it gently in my open hand.
She then turned to go with my Aunt Cindi's dad. 
They got into a beautiful car like thing. 
But it had no wheels. It was not touching the ground. 
It had plush velvet seats and it's color was a beautiful shinning silver.  White silver. 
It had no sterring wheel. 

(I have seen this again. In 2022. In another experience of Abba showing me somethings to come.
I have seen many more amazing things I pan to share on this blog as well. Dreams, visions, out of body, testimonies. I plan to share the testimony on here of when I passed on in the motorcycle wreck. For those who have not read it.)

I saw them fly off into the air. Not high. Just off the ground and where they wanted to go to. To do things that filled them with Joys. 
They went toward The City, that I saw earlier. 

Hen I opened my eyes from waking fully from my bed...I had my arms outstretched and my hands cupped togther. 
As if holding a very delicate rose petal that she gave me for Cody. Cody is my brother. 

I opened my hands to see it. It was not there. Not physically. 
My first thought was, "I've got to tell Cody."

Open I kept telling my brother Cody. Telling him that I had a message fir him from momma and that I saw her in a realm of glory. 
But he kept telling me, "annother time sissy." "Tell me another time."

I tried telling him for 2 years. 

Finally one day, I brought it up to him again.
I said, "Can I please tell you about seeing momma and the message for you."

He said. Yes. 
Oh how my heart rejoiced in that moment. 

As I begin to tell him. He gave me his full attention. 
He was receiving it in truth and love. 
I told the part of what momma told me to tell him..."Tell Cody I received his rose." And that she handed me a rose petal into my hand, 
My brother began to cry. Trying hard to hold himself together. He totally broke down. 

See I didn't know there was more to this rose in the natural. That Cody went through at her funeral. His pure heart of love for momma. That rose had a meaning and a purpose. And after he begin to tell me what happened. I understood more than that she received his rose. 

He begin to tell me what happened that day.

At the funeral of my mom's passing, Cody had bought a big, beautiful, full bloomed rose.  He had bought her other flowers to put around her casket too. Beautiful ones. 
But this Rose was very special.

He placed that rose gently in her hands.

He stood there for a few moments and then walked back to sit down. 

He told me, someone kept moving that rose out of her hands. 
Every time he went to see her body, the rose was put aside among other flowers. 
He kept putting it back into her hands and someone kept removing it.  Several times. 

This frustrated my brother. 
But he continued to go through this many times. He wanted her to have that rose in her hands. 

Finally at the last viewing.  The very last moment to see her begore she would be buried....
Our Uncle Tom (my mom's oldest brother) and my brother went up to see her one last time. 
Not on purpose together though.  It just "happened" that way. 

Cody had put the rose into her hands again. 
He then said to Uncle Tom, "I keep putting this rose in my mom's hands and someone keeps taking it out."
Uncle Tom said, "Oh, that is your? I am sorry. I am the one that keeps moving it." 

This time the rose stayed in her hands. 

 Did not know all this.
Yet my momma told me to tell my brother, that she got his rose. 

It meant so much to Cody that I told him. 

I had also got the chance to tell my Aunt Cindi about the whole experience I saw in the glory realm. 
I told her of Uncle John, (her husband).
And that I saw her dad, Mr. Crawley. 
When I told her I saw them. I can tell it moved her and filled her with emotion. But she held back tears and did not express her feelings to me. 

God loves us all beyond what we can imagine. In every detail of our lives. 
In every thought, felling, experience, plan, daily simple things, work, play, family, what our favorite flower is, color, and things we enjoy. All our pain, sorrows and frustrations. What we like to eat. Who our friends are. Everything about us is important to Yeshua. He loves us and wants to be invited into our lives. 
Only He can love us perfectly. He fills our empty spaces, heal wounds, lifts our countenance and protects us in storms. 
He has given us an eternal life to be had with Him and God forever, if we want Him in a pure, contrite heart of holy awe and understanding of what He has done for us to make a way for Home everlasting with Him and family and friends who also choose Him. 
Having a relationship now...right now is so important.  We need Him. We should want Him in our lives and in the details. 
Life will end on earth one day for each of us. It is ourbpetsonal and most profound choice to ask Him into our hearts and lives. To forgive our sins and make us clean and to keep close to Him. To change our sin behaviors and choices with His help. 
Get to know Him. Read His Word. Talk to Him. Pursue good and not evil. 
Seperate from worldly things and selfishness. Be loving, forgiving, do not judge others. 
Yeshua Is our True Love and He keeps All His Promises. 
Once I tasted and seen...accepting Him into my life and heart. I wasn't satisfied until I embraced Him into my life. And I keep pursuing Him. And I will never compromise or deny Him to anyone or anything. 
I ask those who may read this...and anything more I share of Him and His Glory realms and testimonies...please go deeper with Him. He will stand for you in expectations, running to hold you up into His arms of love, compassions and beauty. 
Nothing with Him is superficial or artificial. 
He is Life and Truth. 
The Light of Life. 
Healing Salvation. 
He invites us to come to Him and Taste and See That He Is Good. 
Kimberly Wenrich 
Psalm 139
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ps  I will make editing corrections later. I wanted to get this out to you now.n
Love, Kim  
My brother Cody and our momma 
The only picture i have of the two of them. 
This was around 3 years before she passed on. 


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