Kim's Journey

Shalom Beloveds  
(This is tad long. But worth reading every word) 
This is a true testimony of a season I was going through some very hard things. Spiritual, mental, and controlling afflictions done to me. 
I had already still been on a journey on healing with Yeshua for awhile. From past years of trauma since I was 16. 
I was seeking truth. Seeking Him. Seeking my identity. 
I just could not take anymore harm. I had this very real experience with Yeshua. He has been my constant. He has shown me so much of Himself in my life. Without Him, I’d already be dead. I wrote this when I was in my 30s. I had been experiencing more trauma from another person, since right before I got married and after. (By a very bad family, before I even met my husband)
This Testimony is still very real to me, as the day it happened. Because of Yeshua in my life. We know He never changes. 
As you choose to read this, I pray The Ruach will touch you in deep profound personal ways of His Love and Care for you in every detail of your the past and present. As well as future days.  You may have been through some very tough things. No matter what it is or might relate to this knowing Who He Is in your life and how he kept you and takes care of you. I write this all with love and healing. And also in forgiveness of the harms and afflictions done to me. 
You may share this testimony. This post. It is His story. Nothing belongs to me, but Him. And I belong to Him. 
To Him be all glory, honor and power. 
I titled this...

Kim’s Journey 

I don’t know how to begin. This is about the beginning of my journey. 
As I am sitting here, searching my heart for the words I want to express, 
I am filled with a kind of emotion that there are no words for. 

This is what my journey has been like. 

I know there is a place I must go to, to be able to continue on. 
The walk is hard. I am not sure where I am going. 
Along the way, in the soft places, I get relief and renewed strength from others who represent truth. 

Also on this journey I run into cross roads, detours and even places where there are signs that say, “Dead End” or “No Exit.”  At some of these places, I get so tired I just want to quit, but deep down inside my soul, I feel a strong urge not to give up. 

In the shadows of my journey, in the hard place...there are traps set for me. A planning of my end. 

As I go farther, getting closer to the place I need to be...every hit is harder than the one before it. 

I see where I need to be!  I race toward it!  I am hit with a terrible, forceful blow. I was not ready for this one. This impact was so hard and so cleverly planned. The force of it takes my breath away. I fall to the ground. 

I cry out...”Is there no one to help me?” 
I feel so alone, hurt, tremendously sad and overtaken. 

I fall asleep hoping not to wake again. 

Gently though...I am awakened. 

“Kim, you can get up now.” 
“I Am here for you and you can do this. 
Take My Hand.”

I struggle in the dark to see Who it is that is speaking to me with such love, compassion and assurance. 
I look up. All I see is a blur of white light and a form of a hand reaching down to me. 

I reach up and take the hand that is offered to me. I instantly realize how comforted I begin to feel. There is a strength and gentleness in This hand.  Because of that, I Stand and my eyes begin to focus and I see no one with me. But I feel sure I am not alone anymore. I feel able.  Able to continue on. I walk on. I arrive to the place I need to be. 

There I find a chest full of treasure, but instead of just accepting what I see...I look deeper. 

I need to. I have to. There has been too many deceptive things forced into my life. I want to understand the truth of things. 

I reach in and move pass the jewels that look so beautiful and feel so rough to touch. As I push pass with my hands, I discover the box is deeper than I thought. I feel the sting of the scratched and scrapes as I press on. I want to know what is at the bottom. There has got to be something more to this. 

The jewels look so inviting. They seem to offer a soft smile that entices you to except their reality. 
They misrepresent themselves. I am relieved I understand this. 

Suddenly, I feel something Soft. 
It feels like a rope. 
I take a breath and struggle to get a hold of what I can’t see, but only feel. 
It’s in my fingertips. I am almost frantic. 
“I have to get this!”  I say...with such desperation that it startles me. 

I have reached in so deep now, my shoulders begin to ache from digging into the sharp, jagged edges of the deceptions on the top. At last, I have it in my hand. I try to pull it up. The weight of all that is there suppresses me. 
As I am pulling free, I am becoming more sore and scratched. Finally, I am near the top. I pull out my prize. I am surprised at what I have. I forget my pain for a moment. Dangling on the end of a short rope...
is a mirror the size of my hand. I lift it to my face and peer in. 

“How can this be?” I say out loud.
“I struggled so hard. I came all this way and have gone through all this suffering for this?”
“Just for this?”   I am deeply saddened. 

Then I heard Him. The Voice of The One I had heard before. 
“Kim, why are you so filled with sorrow?”

I could feel the reality of His compassion for me in His Words and I felt compelled to answer. 

“My Lord, I was in search of a treasure that would help me live. I am sad because I did not find that treasure. Without it I can not know truth and I can not truly live. My journey ends and it is my spirit that will die.”

“Ahhhh, but you have found it.”
“You have found My most valuable treasure!”

He said this with such certainty, as if I had truly received that very thing I was seeking. 

I didn’t understand. “Please.”  I said...”Please, Tell me what You mean.”

“You have found you. I want you to see yourself the way I created you to be. The way I see you. I want you to look deeper. Not with your earthly eyes.  But with the eyes of your heart.”

As He spoke this to me...I began to see more clearly. My reflection started to change. I was seeing things in my I had never seen before. 

Tears formed in my eyes and my heart squeezed with the knowledge of Truth in what I was seeing. 

This was only the beginning. 
My Beloveds. This is true. This really happened. I did not make this up. 
He really did all this. He really spoke to me and I saw Him. I had laid on my bedroom floor in a heap of a mess in the darkness. Broken. 
He came to me. 
And He took me on a journey. All this happened. I have never been the same. And I don’t back track on my journey. Since then...I have had many profound experiences with Him. Even to this day. 
It’s about a love relationship. Not religion. Not traditions. Not rules. 
It Is Love. 
I press forward to The One True Prize.   Him. Yeshua HaMashiach 
My One True Love. 
ForeverHisDaughter, Kim


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