A Prophetic Dream of War

April 9, 2018
Early this morning I had a dream. 
I have never dreamt like this. 
I had a dream of a war.  
I have never dreamt of war. 
Things begin to happen. Here and there throughout our land. Destructions. But not told of full truth by media. Downplayed. 
Those not "asleep" those awake and ready in spirit. Knew. Prayed. Was getting prepared. 
In our country. In vivid details. 
I was in the dream. But as an observer. At first I was there before the war. Doing other things. Like I am today. 
Then people begin to get attacked in many different areas. 
More and more. 
The news could not lie and hide things anymore. 
So we all went to strong safe buildings. 
But I was no longer. 
I was an observer now. 
I saw many details. 
At a safe building, that started being attacked by a small group of evil doers....
Women and children begin to be moved quickly out to a safer place. The men fighting the bad ones. To protect. 
Jonathan and his dad saw Dawn. And asked Dawn, "Where is Kim?"  Dawn told them both, "She  is gone. The Lord took her to spare her this." 
I thought she meant my mom. And no. It was me. 
Jonathan and his dad were sad. 
But grateful. 
There were many peoples coming together in our country. In every state and place,
like armies with their weapons and strategies to fight. 
Strong men and some women. 
Strong in abilities in body, light, power, spirit and wisdom. They did not fight alone. 
Angels were with them. Helping them. Refreshing them. Showing them the enemy's plans, secrets and strategies. 
They were all fighting with their whole hearts and whole being. 
Heads covered and sealed. That could not be penetrated. 
Dedicated.  Able. 
Jonathan and his dad were together on same team with other strong men. 
Secret attack plans were being giving to them all. So they  can stop certain attacks and red small missiles, (that did much damage).
The enemy lived among us. In America and that opened the door for their country to invade. Some of those immigrants were good men and helped us with the secret plans and the knowledge of what to do. The loved The Lord. 
Many even died fighting for us. 
Many of the peoples gave their lives to save others. 
Many people with families had to leave them, to join the fight. They all put families in safe places and those places were guarded by good strong men. Sometimes found out by the evil doers and the people would have to move to another safe place. Always there were casualties. 
Not all stayed safe. Some escaped and some died. 
I saw people (and some  women) fighting. The fighting got very real fast. Started slow then progressed very quickly. 
I saw the faces of our men and some women. (Women-Those without children, those who were trained) 
All with set faces and being guided to fight in strategy.  Families are not able to be together anymore at this time. 
People in our country stocked piled. Ready. Guns and ammunitions. Depending upon one another. Also able to get bigger weapons and the enemy's weapons to use against them. Able to find some of the enemy's hide outs and quickly destroy them and took their secret plans  and weapons.  Our people had to have to have discernment, because some of our own would fight  like they were fighting the enemy. But all the time, had become part of the enemy's cause. They were not friends with us  and were deceptive to our people.  Our people had to trust God. Seek Him.  And use wisdom and discernment. 
Some of the bad people were working as one. Or two. Thought to be friends. Gathering in small groups as well,  to fight. 
Thought to be friends. 
Gas was short.  
But people found away to get it. 
This is the last war. 
A war of religion. 
ForeverHisDaughter, Kim 

There is an ending battle. Angels and men of God will fight.  Heavenly Supernatural will be seen openly. Here on the physical and spiritual. Reality. 
There is a Holy Mountain. The tree of life refreshes. You will not be as you are now. Changed. Strong. Warrior. Serving His Kingdom. Establish His throne on earth. It's a privilege and honor. Your mind protected. You will be different. Not as you are now. Those that are His. Those sealed with His Name.
Kimberly Wenrich 


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