Dream as Observer of Peace and Saftey For Beloveds in a world in judgments of Abba.

On January 9th, 2022. Early in the morning before I woke, I was given a dream.
It was centered in my area of Rockingham, Virginia. 
But, I understood…it was about our Nation too.

In the dream…I was an observer. Yet I was in the dream.  
I was inside my home.  I was in my sunroom spending time with our Father God. My home was filled with beautiful daylight and so was over my home and outside within our boarders of our home.  

My son and his family was here, in the livingroom.  The little grandchildren were playing in there.
My husband was in there too.
Also Dawn R. was here.  In the livingroom with them.  She is my son’s mom inlaw and also a very special friend to my heart. 

I begin to feel a stir in my being.  I looked out the sunroom windows. And all at once, also Dawn felt a stirring and came into the sunroom.  We both stood side by side and looked out beyond the boarders of the home. Yet, we did not look at each other.  Together, but Not seemingly in a physical sense.  

We saw giant, heavy, dark storm clouds coming down and resting on the Massanutten Mountian.
We saw the Shenandoah River Rising.
We saw many folks enjoying their day in laughter and so unware. 

All the sudden, the Mountian erode down…completely.  Into a heap. Like Kenetic Sand.
That somehow caused the river to become violent and it swallowed up all those in and near.  
People, cars, homes, fields, livestock. Whatever that was there and around this event.

We knew this kind of thing was happening, spontanously all over the state and Nation.

Quakes, Erosions, Waters rising from under the ground and above it, Sinkholes…Whatever The Lord sent upon our Nation.

There was no time for anyone to escape.  They were seemingly caught unaware.
I knew why.
I knew. She knew too.

Abba had warned us all.  But like the Days of Noah, the people mocked, did as they pleased and was not listening. In our years now…Father God has many listening and seeing this time.

For the last 2 years, He poured out His Spirit upon His upon children, babies, Teenagers, young adults, the older and the prophets and Seers…to tell what He was going to do and even told us how to prepare.  Take a look at The Street Peachers Even!
Look how the people are responding to The Word through them…
It is people who respond good and well for their sake and there are people mocking, laughing and even attacking them.

Father God has said, if they will not even listen to them, the prophets…they wold not even listen to someone risen from a grave.

Father God has even gave encouagement and promises to us, of what is about to unfold in our Nation this year.  He told the Prophets and seers why He was doing all this.  He had even longer told a few other prophets and seers, years ago. Kim Clements, David Wilkerson…and a handful of others. Those of us who have ears to hear and eyes to see…we know who they all are.
Abba has warned us to prepare and told us what He was about to do in our Nation.

This dream is difficult for me to write to you.  There is more I must tell you.
I have been talking to our Father concerning writing this to you all.  

As I was oberving from my sunroom I noticed, there was not sort of storm, darkness or desasters of any kind over, on or around our home and boarders of the home. There was light over us, like the noonday sun.
I knew this was the same for many others as well. 

As I saw what was happening and knew what and why it was happening…there was no way to rescue, warn or help those caught in the storms.  

All of us who were safe…
We had listened, we had prepared and we were not living for self, or the desires of this world. That beckoned hard…to play and do and be busy with the affairs of this world. The lukewarm, unbelievers and wicked never once considered listening to The Father and His Vessels.

I understood that this was a season, we were to be prepared for…like deligent ants prepare for winter.  Many Beloveds understood. Even well informed Patriots and Set Aside People.
We were not to make vacation plans, or any kind of plans that keep us from preparing our home and lives. We are to be wise, with common sense, awake, alert. Watching, Seeking Yeshua in all details of our lives.  Every detail and plan. Even in work. 
He will do incredible things for us in all the details of our life. 
 We were to do exactly what He instructed for such a time that was coming upon our Nation.

We are to be seeking Him.  Setting our affections only on Him.  
A Storm Is Coming.  
Father God has been warning us and to trust in Him for our lives. 
Trusting in Him is a “Life Filled Action” word. 

He has and telling us…it would be fearsome.  We would become afraid. 
But He said, as soon as we understand it is upon us…He will instantly give us peace.  
His Peace. He will keep us from being afraid.  Peace beyond understanding.  Songs of Him will fill us and we not see darkness upon us.  

Now this being said.  He has prepared in advance telling certian Beloveds and even those who He has plans for…(I don’t know those particulary plans for those particular people)
He has set upon their hearts already and even now to move out and also away from certian areas and places.  Many are. Many are not. He has even told many to pull their children from schools and to Homeschool.  Many are listening, many are not.

Also, there will be some family and/or people who will be in the homes of those prepared for our Father’s saftey.  He has designs on them for a reason.  I do not know what this is though. 

Not just Beloveds will be kept safe at this time…He has chosen what and who. 
It is not His desire, that anyone should not listen to Him.  Free Will Choices Is our gift. 
So is Cionsequences.  So Is MERCY and GRACE as well.

These storms that are coming to our Nation…is not the end of time.  
That will be much worse when the end of time comes to the whole earth.

But what He is doing now, must come to our Nation.

He has told us, in a 2 year advancement to this day..to prepare, how and what.
Do any of us truly have an excuse. Especially when we trust in Him and pray about everything. 
And if you feel you do not have enough…are for the reasons you feel you could not do as He told in preparing in advance.  Even the birds are cared for every single day.  They do not worry or fret or complain.  They sing thier songs.  So shall we. 

You will not be apart of the panic buying and stealing.

The Just live by faith.  But not what is seen, but unseen is His realities in our lives.
We are not like the world.
He gives a huge bowl full of potatoes from a small greenbean can. 
He makes a pot of soup stay full and fresh for days in a week.  Providing everyday all we need.
Oil Is In The House Of The Wise.  

The Great Encouragment Is This…
There will be no more Lies and coverups. There will be an outpouring of Healing Salvation.
A Renewal will happen upon our land, in the likes we have never seen before.
Godly and Ungodly will say together, Only God Could Do This.

We will see His heart for us for Liberty.  That can only be had for our Nation tbrough Him.

He will keep you, give you His peace and a song.

Prepare and seek Him.  Do not fear.  His peace will enter you and your household and boarders. 

His rest will be with you.

Remember look to Him and not the false wisdom of wicked rulers.  They are full of clever deceptions and curses.  But Abba said, they are now and will be removed. They are already dead. Walking dead. 
Wicked Rulers high and low do not prosper.

Father God said…He is doing new things in our Nation and for Isreal’s sake. 
For a season of healing, restorations, renewal and liberty. 
It is not time yet for the antichrist or nwo. 
But those things have begun to be, but not yet to become.
But we will see it, in our lifetime.
For now, Is The Time of Singing Coming Across The Land.

To God be all glory, honor and power. Amen
Kimberly Wenrich 


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