Take One Step Forward. A prophetic vision.

A prophetic vison- word picture
I came across this, not by accident. 
I had written this and shared it before on social media.  As I read it...I was filled with great awe of Him. I love Yeshua so much. 
This came alive for me again, in my season I'm in now...I wrote this some time ago, before I had got really ill and before the motorcycle wreck. 
As I read this, I instantly was into seeing. As a seer, it is natural through The Holy Spirit. Fresh. New. Alive. 
Very revelant to my life even now. 
I so grateful of my life journey with Abba.
He is so wonderful.  
I so look forward to Home. But until that time, I pray to keep moving forward, carried in His Hands. 
It is still very much alive in the blessing of Holy Spirit. It is still encouraging and a living testimony of our Father God.  When I write for Him, He moves in my mind, heart and fingers to write in visions and Word Pictures from Him. 
May it bless you, as you choose to read it...love, Kim 

Take One Step To Move Forward

I am standing just inside the edge of the place not meant for me anymore.
That place is hurt, pain and damage. 
A place of stones and hard ground. 
Not too many things are growing there. But I see patches of green areas of life. There is so many spaces between those green patches and the hard places. 
Life does get through though.
Those things that get through...are things God wants for me and has planned for me. Those things come alive in those dry places.
They become miracles for the different seasons of my life. 
They break through, the hard places  of pain, hurt and damage. 
Those miracles have been watered by my tears and grown through my faith and prayers and worship to my Heavenly Father. 

I have been on a journey for many years. A journey to The Place He has for me. 
A Land that flows with Living Water, fresh new things, Joys, dancing, Peace, complete healing and no more tears. A place of Light, Life and Freedom. 

I have come to an end of that life path of pain, hurt and damage...that I had to travel on to get to this point in my life. 
There are new seasons for me now...with new growth, wisdom and understanding. Stronger faith and trust in God like never before. A love relationship in and with Him flows in and out of my being. 

I can see what Is ahead of me and for me now. 
I won't let that go or be stolen. 
I want to be there with all that was created for me, for eternity. 

Both my feet are standing together, side by side. And all I have to do is take One Step To Move Forward.
Yet even now, I am reserved. 
I take a look back at the life I knew and was and has been and still creeps in by unwanted invasions.

But my attention is drawn...drawn to look Forward. I do. 
I hear Him. 
My focus. My eyes are where they need to be, at Him.

I hear Him say, "Kim." "Take One Step Forward."
"I will take the rest for you." 
"I will be your strength and all you need.  I will not let go of you."
"But you have to take that One Step Forward."
"I know it has been hard for you. I know the details fully. 
I know your hurt, pain and damage. 
I know how much strength you have and do not have.  I know how much you can carry and how much you can not carry. I Am Enough for you."

"Kim." "Take One Step To Move Forward."

I reply to Him...
"Lord, I see You there, waiting for me."
"Yet I feel You right here at this land's edge!"
"I can not do this without You. I don't want to do this without You." 

My heart aches inside. The hurt, the pain, the damage...reminds me and I ache inside my heart.
These things have felt at home in me. And I don't want them in me at all.  They have said too often, "Look, See, Feel it all again and again." 
Their words, give me the memories...and I cry. 

Then they say, "Don't go to Him. Let us sleep now inside of you and when you sleep too, you won't feel it. We will dull the pain and only rise occasionally. You will be fine."

I do not like their words...they reflect a dark grave of no peace, no life or no healing. 

I take a deep breath and I don't look back. I Take A Step Forward.

Ohhhhh He Has Me! 
Jesus My King! 
I am filled with every good thing.
My heart is so light. 
My eyes not dim.

I hear a song. A Love song like I've never heard before. 
From The Voice I know full well, that knows me full well. 

I am captivated. Enthralled. Held.

"Kim, I Am singing you a love song."
"One that is only for you."

"Come To Me My Precious Child."
"I have Life for you and more abundantly."

"My Child, I saw all the times you look back and when you have stepped back. I have been with you then too.
I understand you completely. 
I know everything about you. 
Remember I Am For You. I Am With You. I only ask for you to take that first step forward toward Me."

"TOGETHER, we walk your path, all the way Home."

"Leave the past. Let the dead bury the dead. I have Life for you."

"I have new ground for your journey toward My Kingdom."

"I make All things new."

I say to Him...
"Thank You Jesus. I am so happy that You guide me through this life all the way Home. I want to always journey with You in new things, in Life, and to new land."

I can suddenly look further now. No more edges. 
The ground is soft. It's grass like I've never seen or felt before. So lush, soft, depths of green colors that are alive. Feels so wonderful under my feet and between my toes. 
I see Light. Bright shining light. It spills everywhere. The Light moves but still shines out onto everywhere and everything. 
The Light is from one source.  The center of a Holy Place.  High up ahead of me, past the meadows, fields and the hills. 
Behind there...behind the hills is a grand place and I know it is. 

The Light fills everything with every good and beauty.  

The Light shines all over the land prepared for me. In front of me...
For Behind me, there is nothing to look upon anymore. 

Now, for me...is no more dark spots, no hard stones, or dry land. 
Forward. I go forward. 

Everywhere and everything has the Light is life.

I begin to run. I'm not weary.
 I'm not burdened. I'm free. 
The Light captures me up...colliding on and in me, in sweet peace and love and joy. 
I am transformed. I feel the Living Light and we are now one forever. 
Sweetly into my entire being. Now no longer with sorrows of any kind. 
Flowing in ever fiber of my being. 
I am made new.

No place in me of...
 hurt, pain, damage, lies, sorrows. 
No bad memories. 
No traumas.  

I see the Lord High and Lifted up.
His arms stretched out toward me and so many others. 

We lift our hands to His outstretched arms.  We are captured up as One. 

We shine in His Likeness as One...

I am free. 
We are free. 

Who The Son Sets Free Is Free Indeed.

Our journey on earth is meant for glory. 
We are always His Living Testimony. 
Even to the end of this age...
And forevermore.
Love Always 
Forever His Girl, Kimberly Wenrich 

Song, Moving Forward 


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