Abba gave me a fall coffee cup

Testimony.  Living Testimony of our Abba God...

We have got to stop wanting "Things" and instead wanting Jesus more and His Holy Mountian. 
Let's go together, side by side...
Let's turn our eyes away from the desire of wanting things, so easily put in front of our eyes through media and ads...every kind of online buying app. Stores are everywhere. Fastfood restaurants are everywhere.
Social media bombarded with, "buy me."
But look.  See.  Instead. To God the Provider. He leads us to be still. 
He leads us to His Holy Mountian. 
Don't you know what is there for us, even now?!

He gives with no sorrows added. 
He provides and we are filled with joy. 

We can even ask Him for the smallest things we need. We can ask Him for things too big for us that we need.

He delights in us to come to Him in all things big and small. 

Why do we fret?
Why do our eyes instantly go to the advertisements of this earth? 

God makes a way and it's beautiful. 

Can we truly live in His sight and hearing and trust in Him more? 

God is not slack concerning His Promises as some call slack.

Lift you eyes up and seek His Counsel. Petition Him. 

He will direct your paths. 

I'm sick of my desire and habit to see and look at what online buying apps offer. And earthly provisions advertisements. 
They say...Buy Me, Eat This...You Want This...Drink This...Wear This...
Inject This...You Need This. 
And we are still empty. 

There is so much more through pur Father God for us than what this earth screams at us. 

Can't we take our eyes off this world long enough, to look to Him.  
We know what His Word says to us about Him taking care of us and providing very good things. 

Yet our flesh tells us lies because of its desires. 
We must be stringer in spirit and rule over the flesh. 

I'm not saying Abba doesn't give us treasures, ways, and things that are in this world to us...
He does.  I pray to Him over everything.  Literally. 
He directs my paths and blesses me. 

Earn when my husband and I decide to eat something out or bring a pizza home...we pray. 

When Abba is put first, you are never last and all His Blessings are over you. 
Even eating out is surrounded by protection, perfect tasting food, grace, joy, peace, and satisfying.
Conversations are happy in His Presence. 
Provisions are prepared for us ahead of us. 
In all things.  

I wanted a fall coffee cup in the beginning of September. 
We went to Hobby Lobby. 
I set my eyes on a beige and brown large cup. It had brown printed fall leaves all over it. 
I wanted it so much. 
But on this...I heard Him say, "Wait."
And I did. 
But I still thought on that cup for a few days and then completely forgot about it. 
A week or so later...I had prayed about getting fall decorations. 
I talked to Abba about it. 
He knows my heart's desires and what I like. 
I woke up one morning...fresh and joyful. My husband had just got home from work. 
I heard The Lord say, go to 
Gift & Thrift store this morning. 
It's just down the road from us. 

So I told my husband this. 
And I told him, I knew I would not be long in there. Because Abba has reserved something there for me. 

So we went, my husband sat in the car to wait. 
I went straight to the fall section. 
I don't know exactly why...just that my feet was set to do this. 
And There It Was! 
Pretty Brand New Hobby Lobby Large Fall Cup. Sticker still on the bottom from there. 

This is our Father!
Isn't He so Kind and Thoughtful.
I Love you all, Kim 
Ps. Excuse the background of my sunroom..I'm still organizing and such😊
September 28, 2022
Kimberly Wenrich 


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