Dream of dangerous caos and Abba's protection.

When my husband came home this morning from work, I told him about a very vivid dream I had right before I woke. I told Him it. I asked him, should I write it out to my Beloveds on Facebook...
He said, "absolutely."
That is from God. 
So here it is....
Written September 12, 2022
Kimberly Wenrich 
I saw a caos of wild and tame animals and creatures of all kinds suddenly seemingly provoked by a wicked supernatural darkness over the lands.
The wild ones, and creatures...that were predators, Were being violent. 
Beyond reasoning or balance,
To other animals and creatures. 
And the tamer ones and domestic ones were panic and seeking saftey. 
It put people in fear as well.
Those not in their homes, were running in fear. And those who do not have a relationship with Jesus and a lukewarm...in their homes, were in fear as well. They would be easily devoured. 

I looked out my window. I saw the darkness and the caos. 
I said to my husband, The Devourer is Loose. 
We must take up stronger saftey precautions. 
Before we locked up and boarded up our home. I saw the domicile and tame animals coming to peaceful homes. And to our home. 
For saftey. 
Like an ark thing...but no rain.
Just darkness of spiritual wickedness.

We let them in and their babies. 
And we had plenty of space, food and water.  Because also ther peaceful homes, were taking them in as well.
All of us had everything we needed for them and us. 
Family was also together with us. 
We worked together. 
We worked together making the house extra safe too. 

We prayed together. 
We took care of each other and the animals with us. 

Every Peaceful Ark House..it was the same.

Then suddenly we heard an evil roaring lion.  
He sounded so filled with rage and murder and wanting to destroy the ark houses. He wanted to devour us.
 The ark houses.

He begin to look for ways to get into the house. 
He got on the roof, he tested the boarded up windows and doors. 
He looked at every creavas, very diligently and quickly for an entrance.  We could hear him growling and bouncing and walking at every area of the outside of the house and on it. He even checked the foundation. 

We were not afraid. And the animals were not afraid. 

We heard him on our front porch. He clawed the door. He was breaking loose the boards. 
We weren't afraid. 
We did not pray him away. 
We wanted to face him now. 
Square off with him. End him. 
He would not stop unless we did. 

So he entered, by invasion with wrath.
And we let him. 
He was in a stance of predator to do murdering in a violent way. 

We stood our ground. Fearless. 
Full of power of God. Equipped. 
We drew out our Sword. 
It was very weighty, strong, shining very brightly a white silver color. 
Sharp and doubled edged. 
The Light of it hurt The Devourer's eyes. He cringed. 

I and others, rushed at him and struck him on the head. With One strike. 
He fell dead instantly. 
But what was interesting is this...
He laid out open. 
His Whole skin coat intact and head.
Lifeless like a rug. 
His Whole under belly was wide open. 
And all his insides were in pieces. 
No longer together. But divided. 
Like meat of the dear, of a hunter is. 

Like God Himself divided up the lion's inside into equal pieces. Just opened up and divided inside. 
That part I do not understand. 

We carried on. 
And unboarded our houses. Opened up every window and door. We set the animals free to outside again, to a clear, bright, safe day. 
Sept.12, 2022
Love always, Kimberly Wenrich 


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