Have You Truly Met Yeshua? Does He KNOW You?

When, a Child of Abba grows intimately and deeper in a relationship with Him and His Son  Yeshua....the friends and family, suddenly just don't want you anymore, they unfriend you, unfollow you, don't want time with you or make it very limited time with you.  Even say harsh, haughty things said 
to you. 
Yet...my Church family , my Beloveds and The truly heart loving Of Yeshua....friends embrace and add to this depths of this growing in the beautiful relationship I have with my Lord. We are all on different paths and journeys. All our relationships with Him is Unique and very intimate and special. 
Yet our very own friends and family that we have shared life with for years...don't want to share into the depths of walking in His fullness and in His Word, in Kingdom living.  
Oh it hurts. But Abba is so faithful to us, 
He is seeing our hearts for Him and those we love. He keeps right on putting Healing Balm on us and drawing us nearer to Him. Even comforting us in the shadow of His Wings. 
It hurts His heart too. Because they have not just reject you, but they have ultimately rejected Him. 
They truly have not "met" Him.
But Abba heals us and He loves each of us so much. Each of us. We are all precious and uniquely loved by Him. In these last few years I have become very chronically ill and especially since the motorcycle wreck,  it has not been a easy journey. But a very Blessed One. It has been used for His glory and testimonies of His faithfulness, love and sustaining power in my life. That even doctors and nurses and unbelievers...have seen true evidence of Him in my life and His Truth they could not deny. Many encouraged as well. Through my difficulties...turned into blessings to others. I have been changing inside differently, especially since the motorcycle wreck and My spirit has been being renewed in ways that are no words for. I am moving and breathing in supernatural realities of His touches and in divine appointments. Sharing always His interventions, glories, and truths He does in my life. I Am His Living Testimony. 
I still don’t understand how anyone person can know and see and say Yes, Yes. 
 He surely is Real. He surely did do this or that.  I surely can’t explain that away.
 But, I don’t want Him. 
It hurts. It causes an ache inside you for them. 
I will never lose heart. I have captured Him in my heart and My story and all my life is written on His heart. 
Stay strong Beloveds. Keep pressing in. 
It leads to Home. 
Heaven is in our hearts always. 
Abba restores you and makes things new. The fountain cleaner. For The Holy Spirit to flows within us. 
He wants that for His children. 
Although my body wastes away, my Spirit is growing and developing in His Presence. My inward spirit is New every morning and better than the day before. 
I love Him so much. 
He never forsakes us or leaves us. 
He promised and He is Faithful. 
His desire is that no one perishes but have everlasting life in Him. If we just studied on that for a moment.  Ponder just that, and talked to Him about what this means, we can't be the same. 
I pray we won't be the same. Never ever. Stagnant water stinks and makes us sick. Abba wants His fresh Living water flowing through us and making us well with Him. 
It's all about choice. 
I trust Him. He is a Good Promise Keeper. His Covenants are Pure. His Commandments show us Life and Love. 
He is so thoughtful and loving. 
How or why would anyone not want Him Or more of Him? 
I love His Name. 
What's amazing to me is, though others removed and still remove themselves from me, (or He removed some them and I was removed as well)....He replaces twice as many into my life in so many other ways and across my country and the world. 
I embrace that love and gift of Him.  You....my Sisters and Brothers. I’m grateful. So grateful. 
He is God. And He is Holy and Good in all His ways. 
If all I have is Him, truly that is enough.
 For I truly know what it is like to have only Him and to have Him keeping me in His care. 
I cry in humble thankfulness,  when I see or hear of people who love Him and demonstrate His Love in Truth and A Right Spirit unto Him and others. 
It is a blessing. I know He is well pleased that His children that are seeking Him with everything and every detail and wanting more of Him and less of this world. 
I cry in humble gratefulness. Thanking Him for His Mysterious, Powerful, Presence working in our lives. 
We are here today. Not promised tomorrow or the next hour. What are we living for?  The world? 
The selfishness? Ourselves? 
Oh Lord may You please open our eyes to see You and our Spirit to feel You. May our ears hear You. You Calling.
 "Come here, be with Me. I want You to know of My Love and Care."
May we allow Him to walk with us,
 "In The Cool of The Day."
In Yeshua’s Name. I give all glory, honor and power. 
Kimberly Wenrich 
September 29, 2022
Edited September 29, 2023


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