
Showing posts from October, 2023


On October 13, 2023 I had a 1st person vivid dream from Abba. In this dream, He has made me a represention of one set of people (The Beloveds, The Bride, The Children of Abba, These are looking for Yeshua and are filled with Holy Spirit Oil, Sealed and Lit Brightly, walking and guarding their hearts and minds and  who are not unstable in their ways)    In this dream He has made my husband a first person representation of the other group of people.  (Those who put thier fleshly desires before Abba's desires for them, they are unstable and double minded, they say they love Yeshua with their mouth and even go to church buildings with others like them.  They are not lit. But like an old rusted dirty oil lamp. Dried up.) This dream is seemingly lengthy. But to dream and then write it out, is often lengthy.  But to tell it verbally is not as lengthy as writing it out.  I have told this dream to my Husband and my Son. It stirred in our minds and hearts d...

His True Love Changed Kim

I found this theme I had written... as I read it, I felt every word.  Fresh and new.  My heart squeezed within me and more core leaped in the awe I still feel about our Savior Jesus.  My eyes stung with tears of joy and gratefulness. Oh how I love Him.  Kim  ........ You are Beautiful and I honor You.  I want to draw close to You and know Your Heart. I want to walk closely with You.  Teach me Your ways, so to stay close to You.  Open my capacity to comprehend those Beautiful Things of You. I desire to see You, hear be able to hear Your whispers into my life.  I know Your voice and You captivate me.  My heart and being is Your Possesion. I completely belong to You. My breath belongs to You. My heart beat and every blink of my eyes are Yours.  I’m enthralled by You. Your eyes reveal the depths of You.   Deep calls upon Deep.  I listen. I listen to Your call to Your depths of Your secret place. ...

How Can It Be....

I was going through my stack of testimonies. Themes.  And prayer journals.  One moved me with deep emotion in my heart and eyes. And I remembered His care and love for me. I needed this comfort this morning.  I'm going through things inside myself.  I am reminded by His care through gentle leading to this theme I had written some time ago.  New and fresh to me today. Filling me with awe and tears. I feel Him so very near to me.  You may have read this before.  I edited it...I felt His Spirit upon me, as I wrote this out to you. In new wording, poured into me. I am sharing it  now.  Maybe you too, are going through some deep things. Maybe you will be touched in the knowledge and truth of His love and care for you today too.  I cried the whole time...I wrote this on here for you. And for me.  I Love You all, Kim  ~~~~~~~~ THE LION OF JUDAH ROARS WHEN HIS CHILD CRIES  _____ How can it be again Lord?  This life is so hard...

Reflecting on His Realities of Incredble Love and Testimonies

This states in my notes, that I wrote this in 2018. I've added to it since and even today. I’ve been thinking of all the beautiful family and things I’ve been allowed to see in Glory.  Dreams, visions, knowings, and out of body visits, even when I’ve passed on a couple of other times and also when I passed on in the motorcycle wreck. This time of year… The Autumn Season... I am always aware more than ever, it seems. Kim …….. My mom once said to me, a week before her going Home... something like this. “If I go to Heaven before you, when you get there, meet me at the feet of Jesus.” She left this printed out on her desk for us all, as well. Beside her Bible. Can’t remember the exact words in that print. But it was near the same. Often throughout my life, I have dreamed of a big, enormous tree on a huge hillside meadow. A village could live without set it, it was so big. The tree so full of life and color of green, I have never seen to compare it to. Even though it was ...

We Are Tribes. We are Not races.

YaHweh is my King and He Is Who Gathers Tribes of All Nations, who have been dispersed from Israel. We are not races but We Are Tribes. I have witnessed the names of all His Beloveds at the Table, inscribed with Tribes that I could read and our New Names that I could not read. I had a visit to a part of Glory or possibly the new earth. So Beautiful. I met Yeshua on a path in these beautiful magnificent woods. I was Dressed in a white gown. Barefoot. Walking a very narrow path. One like dear would make. Yeshua was there, for me. We talked. And He told me things. (I had written this to you all before and shared it) In short... He told me I was going to be with my tribe for awhile. I answered Him and said... "But I do not know how to talk as they talk, walk as they walk, run as they run, swim as they swim or war as they war." He answered me, "They are going to teach you all these things." (This is how I'm remembering it to write now...but in the fullnes...

Pray For Prodigals To Come Home To Abba

We must lift our heads up intentionally. And bless our soul with thr fruit of our lips.  We can not live one moment as those in the world, who live as if they who have no Hope. We have a Great Hope. YESHUA. And Hope doesn't ever disappoint. If we have ears to hear and eyes to see...we know Our King is in the field, calling all prodigals to Him right now. It's personal. Between Him and each prodigal. My son is a prodigal. My 2 little brothers are prodigals. I pray often for them to return to Him, while He is yet to still be found. His looks for them and cries out to them to come Home. His heart for each one is full of love, mercy and compassions.  Arms open...ready to run to them, when He sees them coming to Him.  To gather them up in His arms and rejoice, heal, restore and celebrate...and to put His robe on them and celebrate. I feel like crying thinking of the theater of mind I see it all. I see the prodigal responding and many not responding. May they ...

Dream of Trump

I had a dream on Saturday.  October 3, 2020  Do any of you remember this, from when I posted it then and also last year? Here it is fresh... :::::::::: It was in a city. There were people all around. Seemingly many in unrest and then some that were not.  Among those that were not in unrest, a giant Eagle came down from the sky and sat upon a tall building. Everyone could see him. He was exceptionally huge. Not average at all. Almost like a supernatural size.  All eyes were on the Eagle. So majestic. So beautiful.  So powerful.  The crowd of people in unrest was very very distressed about The Eagle. They began to murmur and complain. Desiring to kill the Eagle. Then suddenly a Giant of  grotesque man rose from under the ground beaneath their feet. Supernaturally.  He began to climb the building with death and destruction in his being. Clawing up the building. The godly cried out in prayers, that The Eagle be saved. The giant man, grabbed the Eagle’...

A Hug From Jesus

A HUG FROM JESUS This is a true story.  It really happened in my life. I have wrote about this before…I reflect back on this event from time to time… when I need a hug from Jesus. I felt the Lord talk to me heart today about this story and He reminded me how attentive He is in all areas of my life.  He loves His Girls and He wants you to know…that when life is overwhelming and your just exhausted from the stress.  When you are overcome with the emotions that the drama of life floods upon you…He wants you to take a moment, be still and rest in His arms. Let Him refresh you.  Let Him give you a hug. Some time ago, when I lived in another area a few hours from where I reside now…I was attending a church there for many years of my Christian walk.  I learned a lot from their Women’s Bible Study there.  I was a young mom and a growing Christian wife.  These women were so helpful in teaching and guiding in those areas of my life.  One morning I go...