We Are Tribes. We are Not races.

YaHweh is my King and He Is Who Gathers Tribes of All Nations, who have been dispersed from Israel.
We are not races but We Are Tribes.
I have witnessed the names of all His Beloveds at the Table, inscribed with Tribes that I could read and
our New Names that I could not read.
I had a visit to a part of Glory or possibly the new earth. So Beautiful.
I met Yeshua on a path in these beautiful magnificent woods. I was Dressed in a white gown. Barefoot. Walking a very narrow path. One like dear would make. Yeshua was there, for me. We talked. And He told me things. (I had written this to you all before and shared it)
In short...
He told me I was going to be with my tribe for awhile.
I answered Him and said...
"But I do not know how to talk as they talk, walk as they walk, run as they run, swim as they swim or war as they war."
He answered me, "They are going to teach you all these things."
(This is how I'm remembering it to write now...but in the fullness of what I shared before it is more accurate and in depth.)

Love always, Kimberly Wenrich
Edited October 4, 2023


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