Pray For Prodigals To Come Home To Abba
We must lift our heads up intentionally. And bless our soul with thr fruit of our lips. We can not live one moment as those in the world, who live as if they who have no Hope.
We have a Great Hope. YESHUA.
And Hope doesn't ever disappoint.
If we have ears to hear and eyes to see...we know Our King is in the field, calling all prodigals to Him right now. It's personal. Between Him and each prodigal. My son is a prodigal.
My 2 little brothers are prodigals.
I pray often for them to return to Him, while He is yet to still be found.
His looks for them and cries out to them to come Home. His heart for each one is full of love, mercy and compassions. Arms open...ready to run to them, when He sees them coming to Him. To gather them up in His arms and rejoice, heal, restore and celebrate...and to put His robe on them and celebrate.
I feel like crying thinking of the theater of mind I see it all. I see the prodigal responding and many not responding.
May they not miss out while The King is in the field. Soon Yeshua will take us Home. But we must be looking for His Coming. He is now in the field. Gathering the great Harvest.
The Wheat. The Tares will burn up.
Satan is hard at work...doing everything he can to keep them from returning. We must pray for the prodigal.
It takes God and His Angels to do mighty things in these days. It's an all out spiritual warfare that is fighting. One for their death forever. And One, the King...for their Redemption.
Our prayers and authority giving to us from Yeshua..will be very effective through Yeshua, for this warfare...
But the profound truth is...even when the way is made clearly to each one of the prodigals, it is a personal choice they have to make.
It is the choice of life or death...eternal.
We may weep now Beloveds..even groan in various trials.
Longing in our being for no more death, sorrow, trials and crying over our loved ones and unsaved.
The ache is more real than we can compare to any ache otherin this world. There are no words to describe this ache for the prodigal and unsaved
also the longing for Home.
It is all for the glory of God.
Lift your head Beloveds...even in the longing, groaning and aching in our core.
We have a Hope the world can't understand.
One twinkling of an in eye...we will be changed into His likeness. Forevermore.
I Love you all, Kimberly Wenrich
Edited October 4, 2023
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