My thoughts concerning holidays and Holy Days
There is always those evil folks doing all kinds of evil. And there always good folks doing all kinds of good things. There is always unsaved folks doing both. To what end? I recently have thought alot about this world and its celebrations. Holy Days and Holidays... I have decided, Halloween is extremely dark and evil. A very very bad "holiday." But I have also decided that I want to let God be God. And He has His Warriors, Street Preachers, Prophets, Seers, and set aside remnants to tell and preach and give understanding to a lost and dying world. Jesus sat with many who lived for world traditions and they changed, they didn't change Him...they changed. Oh how I pray we will all sit with Him in our brokenness and for counsel. For everything concerning our lives. Because a smote is a smote. A sin is a sin. And there is only One Who can reveal truth in any matter to our hearts. Many are hated and looked down on for celebrating God's Holy Days and that they ...