Being In Love With Holy Spirit
This morning, as I sit in Abba's quietness...
I was talking to Him about some of the beautiful things He has shown me in The Spirit. Things so incredible these last few years.
And even before.
My heart moved in love of Holy Spirit.
I saw again, when I saw Him before in The Glory Realm.
In person. As He Is and Presented Himself to me.
He is incredibly beautiful.
(I had shared the testimony with you all before on here)
He was surrounded on His sides and back side with enormous Angels.
I could not even see their faces. They were so massive. Yielding with swords...I could only see from the waist of them, down. To the feet.
Holy Spirit was "High and Lifted Up."
Standing on an incredible platform of some kind. And The Massive Angels too.
Glory filled the surroundings.
A Glory mist of beauty, alive and moving.
I was standing before Him in silence.
And He was not far from me. But near. Even though the whole surrounding were magnificent. He was very near.
I could see every detail of His being. His hair, face, eyes, skin.
EVERYTHING was in His eyes.
His hair was long and blazed in moving Glory.
His Skin is the color of all people, and tribes. One complete incredibly beautiful color.
I think on this experience often.
This morning, it was like it was brand new. And I became filled with such a love.
A love that can only be felt from Him.
He loves me and I love Him.
A pure love this earth can not feel in the flesh, but only those who are in truth and spirit.
Since I have been abiding in questness, rest and in truth in my very unwell body. My spirit has quickened differently.
Since my last visit with my doctor,
2 Friday's ago...and the seriousness of the conversations were said plainly....
And Holy Spirit was there with us...
Abba was Glorified.
Surely Mercy and Goodness has and is following me All My Life.
And my eyes and core of my being...
Are filled in awe of Him, as I reflect.
I am wide open now in my spirit.
And I see as a seer more than ever.
Know and understand those things, that have no words to tell.
My heart is filled with Heaven.
I love Holy Spirit so much.
I recently had 2 identical dreams within 7 days of each other.
It was within the time of when Abba had also healed me in the night hours, of all trauma and abuse done to me.
As many of you know, Abba has told me I am not to share anymore dreams on Facebook.
I have been obedient to Him.
You all may remember how I have written to you of my momma and visits with her and of her eagerly and joyfully waiting for me too.
I have saw my dad twice before as well and had told you all of those times. But these past 7 days...
I dreamt of him differently.
I am not to tell the dreams, but I can tell you, now He is waiting eagerly for me in great joy.
Abba is so loving and Kind. Very comforting and encouraging.
Often tears of deep thoughts drip slowly and softly down my cheeks.
These are of sadness. A type of grief for Beloveds. I feel sad for those who play in knowing of Yeshua but truly do not know Abba.
I see. And I know who does this, even if I am not face to face. Even on here.
It hurts Holy Spirit's Heart.
In a sad broken heart way.
I have myself, broken His heart many times in my life. And I reflect on this...when I made choices that hurt Him. And it crushes me on the inside.
And all I think about is running to Him because of it.
We must take our words, actions, thoughts and all decisions into obedience. With His Help.
We are broken and in a broken world. A world that nags, in chaos, demanding us to look here and there, sing this and that, partake in things that grieve Him. Hurting others and ourselves.
We need Yeshua. We need Holy Spirit.
They want us to turn away from worthless things. And see the fullness they have for us.
It's a journey. A beautiful love story journey.
Don't let it be about you.
Let it be a love song filled with testimonies of Him for your life.
A love song of a love relationship that is so deep, that there is more to be shared and had.
I truly have been shown some very beautiful things that Abba has for us in Glory and I know The new earth is more than we can imagine.
I also know, we are given the gift of free will.
Oh may we repent and truly turn away from things that hurt our body, mind and spirit.
Things that hurt our children and grandchildren too.
Abba doesn't need our help in anything.
We need His, in everything.
He has called and His has chosen.
2 different things there.
Many are called...few are chosen.
Think about that a moment.
Let Holy Spirit reveal the profound depths of what that means.
Oh please Prodigal, come Home.
Oh please Atheist, Believe and Know.
Oh please lukewarmer, repent and drink of the newness of Abba's Living waters, that flow from the belly.
Oh please sinner, give your heart and life to Yeshua fully.
The wheat and the tare are separated.
We can not dwell in the field of both anymore.
Sharing my heart and love,
Kimberly Wenrich
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