A Very Supernatural Dream of Spiritual in the physical reality.
My Beloveds, Abba gave to me a dream before I woke?
Very supernatural. Has depths and several meanings.
I was waiting for interpretations. And our Father was very faithful to me, early that evening.
I am going to write the dream to you now.
I have asked Him to write through me to you.
My husband and I, as well as several others were standing at the beginning of a very very very broad road. It was vast in size. As we looked at it, we saw it was darkly. But seen easily by us.
We saw no end..
There were innumerable people on it. Walking extremely tightly together. A sea of people.
This road is what these people are on now.
As we who are Yeshua's very Own, and those who truly love Him in Truth and Spirit...we are on the narrow lit path now.
It is our daily road and path that each of us has chosen to live on. Toward our final destination.
The broad is a road.
The narrow is a path.
The narrow path is life. GLORY.
The broad road is death. HELL.
As we came nearer to it to see more...we saw the individuals on that broad road more distinctly.
They have "Jobs."
They are not comatose.
They aren't walking on this road without decisions, intentions or plans, they have chosen.
They have chosen self and the world and Hell as their final destination.
They are used by Satan and the demons.
They unsaved are on this road. Lukewarm. Fence sitters. Blasphemous. Wicked. Ungodly. Idol worshipers, murderers, drunkards, liars, theifs, etc. And also those filled with abominations and there are "good" ones that was only good and not lovingkindness. All togther on that road, to share the same cup of wrath in Hell.
Though many are who do good acts in the midst of having no light of life in them. Believe they will go to Glory even while on this road.
They will not.
And they are in judgment.
As you read further of this dream Abba gave me, you will understand things more.
My husband and I approached a couple.
A man and a woman.
The woman is very beautiful, her eyes where blue and shinny, but not like the light of Jesus.
It was discepetive.
She had very beautiful long blonde hair...a white shinny dress on. That looked very expensive. It was not like the robe or gown we wear from Jesus.
Her dress was disceptive.
She had beautiful high heels on. Very beautiful.
She had a smile that captivated anyone not with discernment and wisdom of God.
She was a very beautiful "bait."
The man was well dressed in tailored clothes.
Very nice shoes. He had brown flawless hair.
Brown eyes, glistened. But his eyes was very deceptive.
He was well fit man. Had strength and vitality in his body. Never tired.
He was an incredible "bait."
They put their full attention on us.
I talked with the woman.
My husband talked with the man.
They had words like honey.
We were not entrapped.
But we understood they had entrapped an incredible number of people.
We listened to them, do their best to capture us.
They talked of amazing "jobs" and wonderful benefits of those "jobs."
Their "boss" poured wealth of this earth, of all kinds to them, meeting their every desire.
The lady was holding a big bag of pearls.
It was a burlap bag. The size the western shows use to hold their gold and put on their horses to carry.
She had no trouble holding the bag of pearls.
All at once, the lady said to me that she needed to go to the bathroom.
She felt she could trust me...so she asked me to hold the bag of pearls.
She gave me serious instructions...
To not let any pearls out or to fall out or to touch the ground.
I told her, "ok."
She walked quickly to a building and climbed a tall set of stairs and did what she needed to do and came back quickly.
I decided at that moment, to tell her I had to go to the bathroom. And I had to go quickly.
And begin to run to the bathroom.
She screamed..."Wait! I need my bag of pearls back!"
But I acted like I did not hear her.
As she watched me climb the stairs to the bathroom, she screamed out...
As I went into a stall. I closed the door and opened the bag of pearls.
They were beautiful. Nothing like I have ever seen before.
3 fell out.
I picked them up and put them back.
It sent an atmospheric quake and ripples upon the ground and air.
There was an instant fear, panic and frenzy of them all.
I went to the woman.
She was screaming at me.
And as she did her voice changed and her image.
I still held the bag.
She screamed at me in a very demonic deep voice...
I saw the man distance himself from her.
My husband watched him closely.
I saw her image change to her True identity.
She became very gross.
Very very ugly.
She became a very fat blob of layers of stinking fat flesh, sores on her and stinking acid pus flowed out of those places.
Her eyes became black as coal.
And her head had sores and seeping pus. Her hair was stringy in blonde dirty long lengths. Not thick. But bald spots all over.
Her lips became very fat and slobbering.
Her high heels still on her feet, but fat rolls of skin laid on them.
Her dress, was dirty and full of rips. Like as if you found it in a very trashy dumpster full of awful things.
She and the man, as well as many many many others...are devouring, clever Wolves...that were designed to look like "Sheep."
We know the wolves character, attributes, and how they can be very very clever. Seemingly harmless. But their motive is instinctively well planned in advance. To steal, kill and devouer...
Gluttonous with out end of appetite for sheep and lambs. Any anyone they could get.
But more people do not know this.
Those ones are easily caught.
Because they play in the world and for it's desires.
They do not seek Abba or His counsel.
They are also the lukewarm. And those on the fence. Half hearted. They play both sides, knowing the truth.
I understood the meaning if the pearls in the bags through interpretation and studying Abba's Word.
Please read these scriptures. To understand.
Ask Abba to cause you to see, hear and know.
Ezekiel 28:1-19
Matthew 7:6
Matthew 13:43-45
Job 28:12-18
(Pearls can be researched even more deeply in His Word)
Those who are His is a pearl.
And all things that is of Him.
They devils desires to kill, steal, devour.
All at once...
Everyone stood still and silent.
I looked around and saw very evil and perfectly trained demonic military type beings coming up and out of the ground. Everywhere.
Because pearls got out of the bag and dropped.
They did not see my husband or I watching or even there.
Or the others who were there with us from the narraw path that was watching. Under our feet was never dark. But of light of life. None could see this.
But under the feet of all those on the broad road, was darkness.
We saw clearly the reality of their conditions.
We knew their "jobs."
These people were Gluttons.
So committed to their "jobs" to do evil with purposes, vast desire, with great intent in depravity.
Relentless in devouring in consumption, to gulping swallow up people and their souls for Hell.
To steal, kill and destroy them from God.
No matter if a person loved Jesus or not.
The evil ones and authorities are of violence.
Perfect at manipulations, deceptions, oppression, against The Children of Light.
Only those who had strong Light of Life of Jesus, Wisdom, Discernment could not be caught.
They were not swayed and had understanding.
Yet they had trials and attacks from the enemy...but withstood and fought the good fight of faith. They had the full use of the authority of The Kingdom of God alive in them through The Holy Spirit.
Because of Jesus.
Abba has established them with
His Seal of Life and Light.
After we saw the demonic military arise...
They came toward the workers of their "jobs."
They picked a vast amount to immediately be sent to an deep underground realm of hell. To be punished and tortured.
But still a vast number were left to continue their "jobs."
And many more were added to them. To work.
The demonic military also picked certian ones from the broad path of darkness...to work with them in military. In a more strategic form...like a promotion.
Like a Sniper, Marine, Navy Seal. With extreme expertise.
We took notice, that the man that was with the woman, was picked to go with them for this promotion.
We were no longer visible to anyone at all on the broad path,
since the rising of the demonic military that came out and up, to do these things to the ones on the broad road.
We were immediately and instantly in another realm and place. To observe those who were sent to one of the deep underground realms of Hell.
We felt they would never return from there.
We saw what demonic authorities of the realm assigned there, did and will always continue to do to punish and torture them for the mishandling the pearls.
We saw things, I cannot speak of.
I can not put into words really.
And it is very terrifying...forever.
There are many levels and realms of Hell.
Then we were sent up and away...
To see the realm of earth.
Above ground.
We watched, unseen by the demonic spiritual realities that were relentlessly at work upon this earth against all things created by God and all people, even to the unborn.
To kill, steal and destroy.
Many many many people was and kept falling into traps set by the wicked.
The demonic had complete access to many people, to use...and to kill, steal and devour anyone and any created things of God.
But not access to the godly and sealed ones of His Kingdom.
The war here never ceases, or eases up.
We see God uses small armies of His Own people, to win souls and battles. Even unto death. They do not relent.
We see Angels who are even more stronger, faster and equipped in battles than the demonic and demons. The fight for us. They do not relent.
After we saw all this...
My husband and I was taken to another time and place.
We were in a new Home.
One floor Home. Very pretty.
Full of Light too. Not just sunlight...but The Light of Jesus filled the whole place inside and out.
We were at joy and peace. No concerns or worries.
Enjoying life, loving others and being a blessing and living in blessings.
The atmosphere was filled up in Abba's Presence and in us too.
My husband and I had 2 people over. We hadn't seen them in a long while. They were married.
A hurting couple. Going through alot in life in their bodies and faith.
We were being loving kindness to them. Refreshing them, and giving them rest.
They felt the love of Jesus in their hearts and body through us.
They knew our love, blessings, care, words and doing kind things for them were coming from our hearts. We had made sure the bedroom they stayed in was a blessing to their rest and peace as well.
They were feeling encouraged and put their thoughts on God.
Then in about the 3rd day. We had unexpected guests. A married couple. People we have known for many years. But not shared time together, with each other for many years.
They wanted to see our new home and visit with us.
As they sat and we talked...we explained about the other couple that was staying with us. Not given them too much details. But telling them they needed our loving kindness at this time in their lives. That they were going through much things in their private life.
They decided they wanted to be "good" to the couple staying with us. They felt as a "Christian," they should.
But as we watched...they were mechanical.
No heart in any of it. Not even in their voices.
As if they were doing "good" to strangers.
Because the couple that was staying with us, they also knew.
Loving kindness was not what they were showing to them at all. But "good" works.
They were not glorifying Abba. But themselves. In their own minds.
By doing the "Christian thing."
Like many who go to church buildings...
Like many who do "good"...
But have no truth and spirit in their hearts and lives.
They can't fool Abba, or true Beloveds or those who are hurting.
These are called Lukewarmers.
The couple who were staying with us. Went from being at peace and rest to being frustrated and unsettled. Even angry.
Because they saw, felt and heard the difference toward them by the other married couple compared to what we were doing for them. They knew Jesus was loving them through us genuinely.
But knew the other couple was not edifying them at all.
They decided to leave.
As they were leaving they did not hold back their feelings concerning the other couple and were very upset.
They cried out to us, "COME AWAY FROM THEM!"
Several times as they were coming out their room, through the house, out the door, in the driveway, in their car and as the drove away.
The other couple that was lukewarm...were stunned and confused.
Then indignant.
Thinking of themselves better than the other couple and even us.
They felt the other couple as ungrateful.
But that was not how it was at all.
The lukewarm couple did not learn from this or see their wrong and harm.
I cried with such an ache of sorrow.
I thought on all Jesus has done and does for us because of Love for us.
His sacrifice on the journey to the cross, on the cross, death and resurrection. As well as the gift of The Holy Spirit to us all.
For Love.
I thought on that Love and the Love He fills us with when we embrace Him.
I cried. Because I understood.
And thought how those with no heart of loving kindness but only having good works. Their condition being only in the name of being a "christian" but not really one...must hurt the Lord and His Spirit.
My husband felt the same way. We cried.
I woke up...still feeling this way. And as I told my husband the dream...he too cried. We cried togther in an ache of sorrow for those who hurt Abba and His Spirit.
Take what you will from this dream.
But I want you to know.
Where you spend Eternity is your choice alone.
Broad Road (death and darkness)
Or Narrow Path (life and light)
You are on one or the other right now.
It's up to you to understand which one you have truly chosen.
It's not too late to pray and repent. It's not too late to give your life and heart to Jesus.
But one hour...it will be too late.
Love always,
Kimberly Wenrich
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