Dream of His Returning and no one can sneak into Glory.

On Jan. 30, 2023. Monday
In the morning I woke at 7 am. I had a dream from Abba before I woke.  It was full of details, mysteries, profound truths and symbolism. 
But not all can be written out for you.
Some things are without words, but only understanding. 

I can't  write it all out. It would be to long for you to read too. I think some of it, was also personal, not to tell. Because I saw many of those I know in this dream. Many family and friends that were in it. 
(It wasn't a good thing for some of them)

The other morning I was reading Abba's Word. 
A  Parable Yeshua told, in Matthew 22.

(His Word is The Only Book That Is Alive and Has Breath)

The Parable of the...
Invitation to the Wedding Feast

I read it again before writing this. 

It would be good if you to also read it, after or before you read this dream. Or either way. 

I received even more understanding reading it again, after the dream.
Maybe you will too. 

But first I want to tell you, after I read it the first time, I had some questions in my heart. 
About the man who snuck in. 
Not wearing the wedding garment.

For some reason it made me stirred in emotion of sadness. 
I asked Abba why couldn't He stay, even if he didn't have the wedding garment on. 

(I was provoked in my spirit, to feel this way and to ask this and to genuinely feel the way I did.  I wanted him to stay) 

I felt sadder in my dream of those who I saw and those who I know and love, who could not go. 
But in my dream I saw why. 

The Dream.

I noticed I was living in a familiar area. Many folks I knew. But yet I saw folks I knew where I am now too.  It was like it was all one area.  
I saw people were Shopping. Visiting with each other. Doing plans, good and bad things like folks do everyday. 
I was being content. I saw many folks also content in enjoying life as they wanted.  
I saw good and bad folks. 

The day seemed like any other day. 
As folks lived their days. 

In my stillness, and watching them in their being busy, I suddenly felt and 
knew very strongly, that very very soon there is going to be a 
Grand Wedding Feast Celebration. 
The Kingdom was in their midst and so many were not even aware of it. 
Yet it is also in a distance not of this earth. 
Of a vast place. 

 So very many were not ready.
But many were ready and  waiting...and anticipating it with great joy. 

I decided I needed to go prepare for myself my wedding garment.
I wanted to dress appropriately and present myself beautiful. 

But I had nothing beautiful or suitable of my own, for such an event as this one. 

I went to an old shed and took out a box of old clothes to look in and see if I had anything at all. 
I saw 3 beautiful dresses. I tried each one of them on. 

Each one worse than the other.
On me it made me feel that I was dirty. The dresses had a terrible smell
on them. That would penetrated my being. I would not want to present myself to a Wedding Feast Celebration in these. It was as if the  dress had representations of this world and not for Kingdom Wedding Feast Celebration. 
They were not perfect, beautiful, or fragrant of sweetness. 
They had tears and rips in them. The zipper wasn't right or didn't go up all the way.  The lace was frayed. The dresses were not bright either. Faded and old. Darkly. 

I thought to myself. I can't go in any of these.  Nothing I do will make me clean or give me the perfect garment to wear.  How do I get a Wedding garment without blemish and that is fragrant and bright!? 

 I am sure  though, somehow, I can get into the celebration with the others. 
In this dream...I am represented as a "good" person. With "good" works. 
And also with understanding of truths of God and His Word.

I noticed it was getting to be evening and the sun seemed to be setting soon. 
Still having on the last dress, that I had tried on. 
It felt so heavy and awful. I wanted to take it off. But....

All at once, 
I heard a humongous sound. 
It came from the sky. 

The sky became bright with light. 
As if night time became day. 
But even greater. 

Everyone could see and hear, 
this humongous sound.
The whole world could hear it. 
Then we all saw, so many beautiful things. 
Angels proclaiming...The Coming King.
And they were saying.... The Incredible Wedding Feast Celebration was about to begin.
 Angels singing incredible Songs of Beautiful things about Him. 
Sofars blowing and incredible music instruments playing. 
The Word being proclaimed in melody and harmony with it all.  

The Word that we have now, has told
 us about this coming day. The Coming King. The Wedding Feast Celebration. 

It was so incredible to see all this over the Entire Sky For The Entire World. 

I saw things in decorations around the Angels as they proclaimed and even on them too. All the decorations are in pure Gold like I've never seen before. 
Glistening. Alive. 
Light so Alive. PURE. 

Then I saw The King. And He beckoned His Own To Come. 
I saw them go.  I saw many go. 
And I saw many many more Left. 

It all disappeared suddenly with those who were ready.  
They were dressed in beautiful gowns of living light. Pure, Bright, White. No blemishes.  Their sweet fragrances went with them. 
Then the skies grew dark. 
And the earth was very different. It felt dead and dark. 
In a frightening tormenting way. 

Rain came down. Gushing rain. 
From the ground also. 
The earth seemed to be flooding. 
People wanted to go to the distant Kingdom and get in now and kept trying to through the waters. 
But as they tried to reach the door of
The Kingdom. 
They could not open it. They could not enter in. It was shut and No One left could get in. 

Many went under the water and into the earth. 

I woke up.  I thought on it. 
When my husband got home from work not long after...
I told him. 
And He understood it. 
He begin to tear up and became moved in His Spirit. 
He told me many things, that he understood in the dream. 
He said God answered you through this dream. About the man that snuck in that was not wearing The Wedding gararment. That you talked to Him about. 

And He used you in the dream to wear a fithly gown to show you why he could not be in The Wedding Feast Celebration. 

The Holy Spirit also revealed and confirmed many things to me.

Many folks are like the man who tried to sneak in, trying by their own works to get in.
But their righteousness is as filthy rags. 
Only those who have repented, and turned away from their old ways and accepted His Healing Salvation in their lives and hearts. With truth and spirit are invited. 
The man knew the truth, but put it off. Until it was too late. 
But felt he could sneak his way in by his own doing. 
Only Jesus is The Way. 
He is The King. 
He knows who is His Own and who is not. 
Each and every person makes their own choice. 
Not one was not invited. Not one was not offered His Healing Salvation and Truth. 
Not one has not been told what He has done for them to be able to go into the Kingdom of Joys unimaginable.

Not one can say they didn't know. 
But those who said yes to the invitation. Those who didn't pretend to be a Christian...they went in. 

The others perish into everlasting darkness...terrible unimaginable darkness, fears, worms, flames, torment, screams that are never silent.
They chose by their free will. 
And lived as they wanted. 
And still do today. 

As I think on all this. And know the profound love, truth, and salvation offered to me, and I said yes and lived my life, to keep on choosing Him in my life, and not this world and it's ways. I have been seeking Him in my life in all the seasons of all my years as a Beloved...in the good and hard times. I pressed on. 
We have to pres on.  This world seeks to kill, steal and devour us away from Jesus. 
I understand many do not seek Him first in their lives and heart at all. 
Many pretend to. 
Many hate Him.
It is very sad. 
A reality. 
The man in Matthew 22,  is a symbolism of many. 
Who cannot be at The Wedding Feast Celebration with The King.
They are like those in The Days Of Noah.
I pray many will read that true story, who have not read it or need a refresher of what truly has happened. 

We are in The Days of Noah and Suddenly "The Door" will be closed. 
But all the people, great and small...have been warned since the beginning. 

Beloveds will be transformed into A Glorious Beautiful Bride. Dressed by Him instantly. For The Wedding Feast Celebration and forevermore.
And He will receive The Bride. 
Because He knows His Bride and The Bride knows Him well. 
We as His Beloveds are His Beautuful Bride. 
Love always, Kimberly Wenrich 

 I could not have written this without The Holy Spirit to helped me to write this. I could not have done so on my own...it was a very complicated dream to write. 


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