I was taken out of my body, into the spirit...to a certian time and place.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022. 
I was taken from my body, into the spirit. 
For how long...I do not know. 
I can not say it was a dream. It truly was more than this. 
My prayer is that as you choose to read this, that you will understand. The depths and realities of Truth through our Precious Holy Spirit. 
I was suddenly at a place on this earth. 
There were these type of trailers everywhere. They each had a small tiny yard around them. 
A porch on the front and only one door. 
A window in the front and one in the back. 
A boxed in type potty thing in it as well. 
No running water. 
No comforts. 
Supplies were given, by government. 
They decided when. 
Noone could tell them what their needs were. 
Not wants...needs. 
The needs were not generous. 
Less than enough. 
Wants was not an option. 

Unless you were a complier....and 
One Who reasoned out things in your life...it was easy for you to listen and receive, The false promises of lies, and false lies of seemingly good things...
Families were in these trailers. 
Even babies and elderly. 
Even sick folks who needed various medications and things. 
Not given...Unless  you complied to deceptions, and then treated to entice those the wicked  had on the hook.  Once you received...you were sealed. Nothing can change your damnation. 

But the ones strong in Truth and spirit...were very aware, alert and did not comply their souls away or those of their families. 
I was in a trailer with my family. 
My son, his children, including Avery and his wife and new baby. My husband as well. 

This was a vast place...representing all over the earth's Nations. 

Every tongue, every race of people. 

No one went out, unless they complied. 
The sky was even deceptive. 
Looking sunshine filled to those who gave themselves over, 
But stormy to those who did not.
The sunshine was the lie. 
The truth was the storm.

To those who listened to deceptions and complied...their grass was green. 
And had living plants. A lie. 

To those who did not give themselves over or complied...their grass was dead and no pretty plants there. That is the truth. 

The compliers gave secrets of others, they knew that did comply. 
So they could be given rewards from the wicked ones.

The religious stayed false in their doctrinesand traditions.  But extremely distorted in the antichrist. 

The ones inTruth and Spirit were not religious into doctrines and traditions. 
They were very brave. 
Even their children and elderly. 

The set apart people suffered much. But only phyically. 

Yet they seemed so strengthened, it baffled all the rest of the people and wicked ones in charge. 
It made them mad. 
Because even though they had less. They looked well taken care of. This was a beautiful reality of God in their lives. 

Clearly seen and hated by the others. 

I looked out the front window and I saw movement in our very small yard. 
I saw some people I knew and some I didn't. 
I was sad to see that some of the people were ones I knew. They were working with the wicked ones. 

They had changed. No longer themselves...but also wicked now. Given over inside and outside their being. 
They didn't even care about their family, babies, children or their elderly that they had dwelled with.  Just themselves. 
They were filled with hate, obedience to antichrist agenda, and evils. To never have a choice again, to choose rightly. 

In our trailer, we prayed, worshiped Jesus and had strong faith and even strength of heart and Spirit in Truth. We had a peace beyond understanding. 
We truly shown brightly. 

This infuriated the wicked ones...those who did not dwell in trailers anymore. 

If anyone who was not a complier tried to leave their trailer, they would be caught and burned up. 

But those who left, from godly trailers, fought to tell other Beloveds in their trailers to be strong, to be full of faith. Even unto death. They went out to encourage and strengthen. 
Unto death. 
We knew they were willingly laying down thier lives to their last breath for others. 

I wondered how the compliers were getting changed over.
To antichrist Spirit. 

They were bribed into a shot. 
I thought outloud...is the the covid shot?

Some did transition from IT, to the big one. 
But IT was not the big one. 
Because many had the covid shot out of innocent ignorance. 
Many forced to take that  other one.
Many chose it on purpose in delusions. 
This one was not forced or allowed into anyone with out full consent. 

Once The disobedient ones, got their Big shot, by choice.... they didn't have caring feelings for anyone. 
Not even their family, babies or children. 
They abandoned them. 

They also would be pretenders too.  So they could give report to those wicked onrsbthat were in charge to kill those who did not have this shot. 

Dead bodies mounted alot.  Kept in  places of  mass burial. But not a funeral or recognition of any individual.  
Just thrown into a pit with no regard. 
The smell was very bad. 

I saw someone I had loved as a dear friend,  come to our trailer. She was alone. 
She was being kind and brought us gifts and supplies. 
As she spoke to us. I knew her lies, deceptions and why she was truly there. 

Firmly I told her. "You are no long you."
"You are sealed by Darkness of the antichrist. 
I see your seal plainly."

I told the family, to not take any of her gifts and do not taste or drink any thing she gives. 
Throw it out the door.  They did. 
Her sweet conniving image changed to her darkness. Her True Self. 
She told me she'd be back. And left. 

We prayed. 
I told them, when she comes back, she will have others like her to try to persuade you. 
Do not listen, do not compromise. Do not take the shot that they want to put under the skin your being. 

She did come back with others, within the hour. 
But the target was me. 
In front of my family. 

There were  4 of them. And they were people we knew. Who had given over to the shot, that marked them with the antichrist. 
They even hated each other. But worked together. 

I did not want them near my family...so I stood up against them. 
Brave, full of faith unshakable and full of The Spirit of God. I began to speak out scriptures. 
The Word Is The Sword. 

They were tired of me. 
They decided  to kill me. 
I told them," you can not kill me."
"Only God decides when to take my last breath back. You have no authority or power over me or my family. We are sealed by His Holy  Spirit."

I and my family...we lay our life's down willingly for His Glory. For He laid His life down for us, willingly. So that we live forever with Him in glory. 
He rose His body up to life from death...so shall we in Him.  We do not give you this authority to say, that you will take pur lives." 
"We belong to Him, who gives and takes away." 
"We give Him all the glory and He is all Authority."

And I kept talking of the scriptures. 
3 grabbed me to hold me down. 
Even though I did not fight them physically. 

They acted like would. 
Because they are evil. 

One each held my ankles down. One held one arm down. By the wrist. My right arm.  

I laid still.
But kept speaking scriptures and love of Jesus.  My love for Him and my family. 

I turned  my head to my family, I said...
"Don't fear what men can do."
"Keep strong in faith even unto death."
"It will not hurt. You will live." 
"Do not fear what they do to my body or yours. Our true identity belongs to Jesus. We are going Home.  I am going Home." 

This infuriated the evil ones. 
They wanted to silence me. 
So they put something in my left wrist vein. 
It was something to cause me to shut up and to die in horrible pain throughout my body...into the blood of all my veins.  Causing my heart to hurt and stop.

They taunted my family as they did this. 
I told my family, "Keep you're eyes and focus on Jesus. Speak Him all the time, even unto your last breath." 

I lifted up my left arm unto Heaven. 
Pointing to an open sky through and past the confounds of the trailer. I saw the Lord. 

My body was getting very weak. 
My breath very labored and harder for me to breathe. 
But I was able  to speak in labored  whispers. 
As my chest rose and fell deeply inbetween  breaths.
Talking of The One Who I Was Seeing. 
His Love and Beauty. 
My praise and worship of Him. My love for Him. 

The wicked ones could not understand why I was not dead yet. And said so . 
"Why won't you die yet!?" 
"You should be dead alreadt!"

The wicked ones tried  to shut me up again.  Gave more more injections in my vein, that burned my being, as it flowed through my body to my heart. 
I did not acknowledge this or its torment to my body. 

I told the wicked ones, "I have died before. This is not new to me.  I went to sleep in my body.  My spirit went to be with Him in His Light." 
"I wasn't afraid then and I am not afraid now." 
"I have peace that is unexplainable."

I Kept focus on my Savior and King... JESUS. 

My family saw too. 
I turned my head toward them, and with extremely labored breath. I knew I was going to die in body now. But live with Jesus forever.

I  took my left hand and I pointed at each  of my family there.
  I said, "I love you."
"And , I love you,"
"I love you,"
"I love you,"
"I love you,"
"I love you," 
"And, I love you."

"Be strong, even unto Your Last Breath."
"He will make you able."
"The peace of God and joy will fill your spirit."

Then I turned my head and looked up. 
And I pointed to Jesus. 

"Look now.  See Him."
"He is high and lifted up. 
The glory of God has come upon me now. 
I am going Home."
And as I took my final breath...
I cried out..."I Love You Jesus!"

I gave that last breath , back to God .  In those words...to Him Alone. 

At that moment. I was truly with Him. 
I was in a deminsional reality.
I was transformed out of my body, in my spirit. t
To have this experience to tell all this to you. 
I already know, how I will pass on...Jesus already told me, this isn't how I will go. 
But countless has and is and will be. 
They are called, Lay Down Lifers...Martyr Saints.
When my husband woke me at 9:30 am, 
I was breathing my life breath. Literally
 my body was in labored  breaths. 
Literally I was also speaking outloud in this whole experience. 
It took him a bit of effort to speak me back. 
And as I opened my eyes, I was still seeing and talking in the spirit. 
Talking the end of this experience from the spirit of telling my loved ones, I loved them and to the end. 
Yet I saw my husband, here by me too.
 I was recovering back into my body. 
After I had finished speaking. 
I told him, if you had not come in to wake me, I think I could have passed on. 
I tried to get up, but still felt so wobbly. 
My spiritual eyes still deep into the spirit. 
My physical body adjusting again, to the physical.

As I finally made it to my sunroom to spend my time with Jesus. I sat in my swing chair thinking, pondering and praying. Tears had never stopped flowing from the time I woke to this time in my sunroom. 

Now I have written to you, what The Lord has shown me and caused me to remember. 

God bless you all. 
Love always, Kimberly Wenrich 


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