Last Days with the wicked and God's Power in Those Who are sealed in Him. Dream
I had a dream in early March 2020.
I had told my husband about. It was from our Father. There is much more to this dream. It was like a movie. I saw everything in motion.
I mentioned it on Facebook and told you all I would not share it until
He, our Father, has told my heart to share.
This morning I have been impressed upon to share a little bit of it.
Not the entirety.
I sought Him deeply this morning concerning this and talked with Him.
I sat still, allowing His Spirit to speak more in depth and revelation of this dream to me. So as to share, what He wanted me to share from Him and not of myself.
My husband came home from off the road. We were in the dinning room.
I begin to tell him all the things. Plus even more, as I spoke. We were both crying in the moving of The Holy Spirit and in confirmations in our hearts together. I pray that you decide to read this, that The Holy Spirit will give you the spiritual eyes to see the depths and of understanding the realities and mysteries of Abba. I was thinking about doing a video to tell this. But as I write, I am anointed to write in a deeper way.
The Holy Spirit always pours into my right Hand.
The words are always in word pictures, that flow from my mind’s eyes like a movie and become words.
To Our Father only be glory, honor and power.
Many people...Believers, bench warmers, sleepers, fence walkers, and lost...
were in a certain place. A certain season. It is now and the coming seasons as well.
There were very deceptive persons also there, of seemingly authority. They looked like they were good, even some seeming godly. They were not. They just weren’t good or godly at all.
They looked like they had wisdom, but were not.
They looked like safety, but were not so.
The looks, smiles, words, behaviors were deceptive. Very deceptive.
There was only one way to know The Truth.
Only by The Holy Spirit, these things and truth...were reveled to The Believers only. The sealed ones.
Truth was not recognized by the Dark ones, or lost, benchwarmers, sleepers or fence walkers.
Only by The Sealed Ones. The Woke Ones.
Only by Believers of and in Yeshua.
Sealed by The Holy Spirit. The others did not have His seal.
Those deceptive persons were filled with antichrist spirit. They were powerful, clever, and able to easily deceive the others. Wicked. They Thirst for babies and children. They steal them. In lust and in blood of them.
They can even cause the others like them, to give up their children to them. Convincing the parents and grandparents it was for the good of all.
But only The sealed ones knew all this and understood what was happening.
The sealed ones tried secretly to warn the lost, benchwarmers, sleepers and fence-walkers. They would not listen.
They mocked the sealed ones and became violent. To kill, steal and destroy.
Many would not listen at all. Many in a coma like trance. Seemingly muzzled.
The sealed ones saw....those people who gave into the deceptions, and they changed. Becoming darker and robotic. Unable to be anything more than the lies and deception they allowed to enter them. Their eyes changed. Their faces became without emotions of any softness.
Their children and babies...taken away from them.
The Sealed ones decided to try to help the children and babies.
The innocent ones.
As we sought Abba for renewed spiritual strength for a type of spiritual war. The Holy Spirit began to teach us how to fight the very ones that deceived so many. To fight the ones with authority of antichrist in them.
To save the innocent little ones. I saw the Angels showing the way through tunnels and secret doors. To rescue children and babies.
ABBA said, “My strength is in My Right Arm. My Right Hand.”
“My Power and Authority is in My Right Arm and My Right Hand.”
“I give this to you, My sealed Ones.”
“A power like you have never had before.”
“To fight like you never have before.”
Words, I give you, like you never spoke before.”
“My Angels are here. They are at work. They are fighting the enemy. They are here among you all, working to save the children and babies. They are here for you to come along side of them, to learn. To guide you, to expose the evils and to fight with them. To show you hidden things they are doing. You will do as the Angels are doing. Along side them. Working together.”
As we prayed out loud, specific words, put in our mouths to pray. Abba’s power and authority came upon us and into our Right Arms and Right Hands and in our mouths. We became more filled and powerful in Him, than we ever knew possible. Our eyes were completely open. As if we had a spiritual two way mirror over our eyes.
A dimension though, that can only be had in the Spirit.
We could see everything.
Hidden and unhidden. Was seen. We saw The Angels.
We moved quickly, with divine purpose. We saw the lost, the benchwarmers, sleepers and lukewarm...those who were sold spiritually, to eternal damnation of their choices. Their choices.
We saw the demons at work. And exactly what they were doing.
We knew everything with a greatness, than ever has been known or seen.
Those who were enticed to get microchips into their right hands...they believed the lie that they could easily just remove it anytime they wanted. Spiritually it was permanent. They were sealed with the mark. Spiritually. They made their choice.
Those with the physical mark by antichrist spirit were, clearly marked spiritually and physically. On their Right hands. Sealed by their choice to antichrist.
The left hand and arm, was useless, The Right meant everything.
The foreheads have seals. Those who had made the willful choice to have the physical microchip... (removed or not from their hands)it sealed them spiritually and the physical, to the mark of antichrist. Forever spiritually permanent on their foreheads. These people instantly who made the choice willfully to be microchipped (physically removed or not) and also took the mark of antichrist
(a willful choice)...had seals appear on their foreheads. Spiritual seared seals upon their foreheads. Seals of Death, the Grave and Hell.
Those who belong to Abba had different type of seals than the sold out ones. Ours were Holy Spirit Seals on our forehead, Glowing white Light, down our entire faces. Making our beings very bright with power of Abba and White bright Light. The seal and Light was alive.
The ungodly could not see our seals. So we could move around and work for Abba with Angels without being detected easily.
ABBA said, The devil, the antichrist spirit has always stolen the forehead and right arm and hand from Him, in mocking and for purposes of evil, to steal devotion and worship from the people. So He could be their god. They would worship antichrist.
ABBA said, My people have always been told to bind my Words upon their forehead and their Right arm and hand. That is My Power and Strength on them. Satan has mimicked this in abominations and rebellion. For evil and to devour.
ABBA said, use your Right Arms and Right Hands.
Not the left. For the left does not know what the right is doing.
As things are shown to you. As you stand up against the darkness and those who are wicked.
Extend your Right Arm and put palm up facing an arrow ready for a target. Aim for the forehead. Speak loudly and boldly. Like a roar. Not a whisper. But like a roar. And say one the darkness...LIGHT!
I will cause a great light to come forth from you, a Flash of a wave of Bright White Light. It will hit them, and expose them. You will see. It will be full of My power and authority. I will show you things about them.
The darkness will be exposed. They will become stunned and tremble under it. You will fight them with My Power and Authority.
When you see a wicked person, who is clever and very deceptive...deceiving many to call evil good. You will extend Your Right Arm and Right palm of your hand toward their foreheads. And Speak the Word...WICKED! In a roar. Loud. Not in a whisper.
And they will be exposed for you to see all things hidden. To fight it.
I Am teaching you to war. To battle. To win.
The enemy will be relentless. They will keep trying to overcome My Authority. To devour. You are to keep fighting. As I teach you. I have Angels with you, showing you how to battle. You will be fighting together.
My Spirit is on you and in you. My Power and Authority.
I will show you everything. Everything will be exposed.
I then saw this....
Any modifications to the body of this wicked. Sexual surgeries to change gender, plastic surgeries to modify the body in pride and images of demons and animals. Chips, marks, demonic, NWO, Illuminate, Antichrist, Egyptian, Mason, New Age, symbols of tattoos that have evil origins on body is abominations of the wicked. (this does not apply to those who did these things and then repented. Yeshua only see them as clean)
Clothes the wicked choose to wear. With open statements of blasphemous words and symbols. Upside down crosses images of My Son as homosexual. False scriptures. Foreign gods.
Celebrities, sexual images and words, NWO, Illuminate, Masons, Egyptian symbols, hidden languages of false gods, blasphemous words against Me, My Son and Spirit, celebrity names in tags and on shirts, and pants . Jewelry, shoes, and all things that can be worn designed by celebrities and elites that are wicked and seared...those things display disobedience and rebellion. They become your identity. Those things are dedicated to the antichrist. Do not do any of these things to your body. Your body is the temple.
It is meant for My dwelling. Those who do not belong to me, has the antichrist dwelling in their temple.
Those who have rejected My Son and My Salvation. I have given them over to their lusts and desires of the flesh. They are reprobate now.
They have chose. By their free will, I gave them.
I saw the ones who decorated their teeth, lips, body, eyes in prideful fashions. Selfish fashions. Bold and flashy fashions.
They were sold out to their lusts and desires of their bodies. They worshipped their bodies. Their bodies were an idol. Even those who were addicted to working out their bodies. With wrong motives.
And displaying their bodies.
Those who use their bodies as an idol. For show. For lusts. For love of the flesh and not spirit.
In the end after the coming of Yeshua...and Believers, babies and children were taken from graves...immortal, caught up with those alive, becoming immortal together with Yeshua and His armies...
I saw what was left.
I saw what happened on the earth. There was no Spirit of Abba on the earth. Grace and mercy gone. Respites gone.
Those who did such terrible wickednesses. And benchwarmers, lukewarmers, sleepers and fence walkers. Those who didn’t chose salvation through ABBA’s Son, Yeshua. The “Almost” ones that put off excepting Him.
They Were All Left. Many of the benchwarmers, fence walkers, sleepers, lukewarmers and “Almost” ones, were upset with emotions of great sorrow. Knowing the truth. Screaming in sobs and remorse. Acknowledging it was their own fault.
Trying to tell others what has happened and why.
There were many very wicked...mocking, screaming madly.
Being rampant with evil acts while they still could.
I saw demons jumping around on everyone...clawing into the people’s bodies. Not little demons either.
Things were released upon the earth. From hidden places of waiting.
Terrible, hidden things. That had been waiting for this time. Attacking, devouring. Holding on. Demons, giants, beasts. Who have been waiting to be released. Now free.
Demons latched on, looking at the people’s faces. Acid, stinking drool...dripping from the demons mouths on to the faces and chests they were attached too...burning them and searing holes into their beings.
The demons were clawing them and tearing out everything the people put on and done to their bodies. They were being mocked in vile ways and in words by the grotesque demons.
Over and over. No death. No relief.
Saying to those they were attached to, while they drooled and clawed them...”You like your shirt!? You like You teeth!? You like your “Penis!?”
“You like your “Vagina!?” (The demons were not using polite or medical words. The were speaking vulgar words at them)
“You Bi*t*h!” And other nasty words. Screaming laughters of evil delight.
I heard and saw.
The demons clawing at decorated jeweled teeth and pulled tongues out of the people’s mouths. Pulled their hair out from the scalps. Shredding clothes, accessories. To the skin, into the muscles...even exposing organs.
It was awful. Just ripping the people up over and over.
I saw so much more.
I then saw a huge wave I can’t describe that came from inside the earth and from Heaven. Upon thee lands and waters.
It was hot. It was like a wind but very very very hot.
Coming with full force. It blasted everything and everybody. The whole earth. The atmosphere. I did not see anymore. I knew there was more.
I have had many dreams and visions of things to come.
Also very good heavenly dreams and visions of what is in store and prepared...For His Sealed Ones and The Remnant. The Remnant Ones will be rising very soon. They are very godly, powerful. With the anointing of Elijah.
I have been to Glory as well quite a few times and seen things and was told things. But I’m not not a prophet or a preacher.
I’m A Daughter of our King of Kings. A citizen of The Heavenly Kingdom. A Kingdom that is not this world.
Do not look at me. Please.
Look at Yeshua.
Listen to Him.
Many are Pershing. And have perished. There are many who have chosen already and are not His and can not be His.
There are those who have not chosen Yeshua yet and need Yeshua.
They need truth and prayer. Before it’s too late.
There are the benchwarmers and fence walkers.
I just don’t know, if they are willing to not be like that anymore.
ABBA detests them very much.
He desires no one should perish. But to have everlasting life through His Son. There is no other way.
Choices. We can’t make anyone choose. But we can speak the truth and fight the good fight of faith.
The Remnant has began to rise and come forth to do amazing things we have never seen before, in the Name of Yeshua.
To God be all glory, honor and power.
ForeverHisDaughter, Kim
Kimberly Wenrich
Sept 24, 2020
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