
Showing posts from March, 2024

God of Wonders testimony.

I have something to tell is wonderful... I'm better at telling you inspiration encouraging things mixed in with the down times.  Because of God and His goodness.  You know we are suffering greatly. It is kindof weird though.    I don't know a better word to say than, weird.  It does come in waves...every week of waves of 3.  It's awful....but this morning....this Wave overtook me.   Me...not my husband.  He became my pillar.  God is good like this...because as husband and wife we are one in flesh and spirit....I have his rib inside my body as a plus one of my ribs. God did that for us all.   When one is down, the other is not and lifts or holds the other.  Women are the weaker vessel of the man...hence why we are all created as He has created us.  And still be one.  It's a beautiful thing when you ponder it.  No man was every meant to be Alone.  Therfore, He created the perfect helpmate. ...

Dream From Abba...Be A Ready Bride...Yeshua Is Returning Soon.

On Jan. 30, 2023. Monday In the morning I woke at 7 am. I had a dream from Abba before I woke. It was full of details, mysteries, profound truths and symbolism.  But not all can be written out for you. Some things are without words, but only understanding.  I can't write it all out. It would be to long for you to read too. I think some of it, was also personal, not to tell. Because I saw many of those I know in this dream. Many family and friends that were in it.  (It wasn't a good thing for some of them) The other morning I was reading Abba's Word.  A Parable Yeshua told, in Matthew 22. (His Word is The Only Book That Is Alive and Has Breath) The Parable of the... Invitation to the Wedding Feast I read it again before writing this.  It would be good if you to also read it, after or before you read this dream. Or either way.  I received even more understanding reading it again, after the dream. Maybe you will too.  But first I want to tell you, afte...

A Relationship With Abba God is to be personable and intimate as His Child

I was just thinking of the beauty of our Lord Most High. He is so personal and desires a intimate relationship with us.  When He crated Adam and Eve...they were in the most beautiful garden. The most incredible Garden that Abba ever created on earth. We probably can’t even imagine the beauty, the peace, the life in it. The plants, trees, flowers and beautiful creatures of the land and air that dwelled among them. Probably clear ponds and waterfalls. Lush, soft green grass. I’m sure Abba did not forget one beautiful touch when He created the Garden that they dwelled in.  Every the cool of every evening...Abba came to walk with them. Talk with them. Share time together and demonstrated a purest most loving Father relationship with them. How many evenings do you think this was...until they fell into disobedience. Maybe years and years and years. Maybe.  But He did not stop dwelling with them. He loved them so much. Even though the could not dwell in the Garden a...

An Angel Visit In The Night

It is the glory of Yah to demonstrate His Holy Magnificent Love and Care to us through Angels. They are dispatched to us through the Word of His mouth. For so many purposes. I’ve seen and experienced more than quite a few. I’ve seen all sizes and all kinds of different ones that do different things. Whenever I have and still see them...I know their purpose. I do not worship them. I do not make them an idol. I do not set my affections or prayers to them. I only set my affections, worship, prayer on our Father.  I remember the very first time I saw an Angel. It was right after I gave my heart and life to Yeshua.  I was 15. It was August. I stopped running the streets all the time and doing wrong things. So I was at home. I decided to sleep on our couch, one night instead of my bedroom. I don’t remember why.  It’s not something I normally did. I laid down and started to talk to Abba.  I loved talking to Him before I fell asleep. I would always sleep with my Bible too. I...