An Angel Visit In The Night

It is the glory of Yah to demonstrate His Holy Magnificent Love and Care to us through Angels. They are dispatched to us through the Word of His mouth. For so many purposes. I’ve seen and experienced more than quite a few. I’ve seen all sizes and all kinds of different ones that do different things. Whenever I have and still see them...I know their purpose. I do not worship them. I do not make them an idol. I do not set my affections or prayers to them. I only set my affections, worship, prayer on our Father. 
I remember the very first time I saw an Angel. It was right after I gave my heart and life to Yeshua. 
I was 15. It was August. I stopped running the streets all the time and doing wrong things. So I was at home. I decided to sleep on our couch, one night instead of my bedroom. I don’t remember why. 
It’s not something I normally did. I laid down and started to talk to Abba.  I loved talking to Him before I fell asleep. I would always sleep with my Bible too. I would talk to Him, until I fell asleep, while still talking to Him. 
Sometimes I still fall asleep talking to Him. Have you ever had your little child or grandchild being with you...talking to you one minute and the next they fall asleep? It’s like that. We are His child and He is our Abba. It’s very touching and sweet to a Father or Mother to have your child be so comfortable with you, secure with you that they just fall asleep in sweet peace being near you. 
Same with Abba and us. 
This night...I started to fall asleep as I was talking to Him. I suddenly saw beautiful glistening sparkles in the living room. Like incredible golden white little dots. Maybe bigger than a quarter. Some bigger than others. 
Then I smelled sweetness. A smell of a sweetness I have never experienced before. It was heavenly. I then heard a tambourine. Not like the sound of one on our earth. It was a very different sound. 
But I knew it was a tambourine. 
And saw purple ribbon sashes flowing in the glistening sparkles. As I watched,smelled, listened...I was in holy awe. 
I then saw the appearance of a beautiful female Angel. Not very big. More like my size and height. She was wearing purple and the sashes she waved with one hand, was also purple and she had the tambourine in the other. Her hair was blonde. 
I watched for her, until I fell back to sleep. 
I have other incredible encounters, for the rest of my life. 
Because of the Love of Abba. And my Love for Him. 
I will tell more later as His Spirit leads me. 
Please know this, we all may not see or hear in the supernatural realities of The Kingdom of Yah on earth as it is in Heaven. 
But it’s happening to you all the time. 
Ask Abba to open the eyes of your heart. Draw into His Presence. 
Change your life to reflect your love for Him and His Son, Yeshua. 
Seek The Kingdom of Yah and all these things will be added to you. 
Love always, Kimberly Wenrich 
March 18, 2023


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