God of Wonders testimony.
I have something to tell you...it is wonderful...
I'm better at telling you inspiration encouraging things mixed in with the down times. Because of God and His goodness.
You know we are suffering greatly. It is kindof weird though.
I don't know a better word to say than, weird.
It does come in waves...every week of waves of 3.
It's awful....but this morning....this Wave overtook me.
Me...not my husband. He became my pillar.
God is good like this...because as husband and wife we are one in flesh and spirit....I have his rib inside my body as a plus one of my ribs. God did that for us all.
When one is down, the other is not and lifts or holds the other. Women are the weaker vessel of the man...hence why we are all created as He has created us. And still be one.
It's a beautiful thing when you ponder it.
No man was every meant to be Alone. Therfore, He created the perfect helpmate.
Of course satan pretty much destroyed that devine balance in a marriage and family unit... in this world and to even kill babies.
We honor our Creator to strive to kept the sacracy of His Married and Family Creation for His Glory and Honor. But now we live in such a broken, devil ruined world....
That all life is extremely fragile.
Yet for those of us who pursue Abba God and His Standards that are good and beneficial...we fight the good fight in everyday.
Marriage is supposed to represent Yeshua and The Bride.
Satan hates it all.
So I ponder these things alot. It keeps my affections from having a train wreck.
As the big wave hit us this early morning...it was all I could take. It took me under and my heart began to hurt and I felt faint and cried very hard and for awhile. My husband came to me right away and held me. Talked soft and sweet to me. Reminding me of Abba's blessings and strength for us. He also reminded me that Abba said the Beloveds were in a season of waves of various kinds and that they would get bigger...He would not leave our sake us and take care of us in each one. To not forsake Him during this time. For it is a stretching of faith and would end suddenly and breakthrough would happen suddenly as well.
I remembered the goodness of Abba over us and I calmed down. Tears still slowly and silently streaming down my cheeks and my heart aching still, because my heart is not well. As my husband held me..I told my husband, " This wave felt pretty big.
I don't know if I can't take anymore." This Wave held everything we are going through, plus one new thing.
We prayed together.
Which did cause a calm.
Before my husband left to go to do important things today...
He asked me to count how much money we had. I told him...he looked concerned. I saw his expression.
These words entered my heart to speak to my husband...
"Use what you Have To Use Today. God will give the increase for tomorrow."
Beloveds live in each day and know God is in it with us all and we know, He will take care of us today and also the tomorrow.
It's hard sometimes to remember this...with its testimonies, when Waves come in and overtake.
I do remember that Abba showed me in a dream...that at some point, The Beloveds Who put all their trust and affection on Him...will Ride on top of the waves soon. Very soon.
And I saw us and All Beloveds Riding The Waves, high up from the other waves....and not being crushed or harmed. Our waves were in golden color and we were carrying all things with us from the Lord and safely being put on solid ground.
But the ones who did not put their trust and affections...their water was dark and stormy and their waves were fierce and dark and they were being crushed under them and growing. As they did not cry out to Abba at all. But scream and nurse themselves to no good affect and weres self-centered instead. They were not delivered as The Beloveds were.
After my husband left to do what he had to do today.
I came in still with tears, but drying up...
I said outloud with the fruit of my lips...3 times.
"I cried out and You heard me."
"I cried out and You heard me."
"I cried out and You heard me."
My crying stopped completely. My heart stopped aching.
And I laid to rest awhile on my bed pondering.
I then opened the app to Pinterest and the first thing on the feed was Psalm 77.
"I cried out with my voice -To God with my voice.
He Heard me. I sought The Lord. He gave ear to me in the day of my trouble."
I then read all of the scriptures of Psalm 77
And I realized how much He is truly with us.
Oh my Family...He does not fail us.
He never forsakes us. He feels us in what we are going through. He sees us. He Hears our cries, even our sighs.
Is the waves going to stop?
I say no. Not yet. But they will. But for now our waves are being turned into saftey and blessings and they will end once we ride it through to the solid ground He has for each of us.
So we press on. We our pressed but not crushed.
To Him Only Be All Glory, Honor and Praise.
He Is The Living Testimonies of The Beloveds Lives.
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