A Theme of My Heart
Yeshua, I ask that You bring me so close. Closer than ever,
so I can know Your heart.
Closer than the breath I breathe.
I want to know You and Your Love like I have never experienced before.
Take me to the depths of You only You can do.
Change me. Break me open before Your eyes.
See me. Look deep within my soul.
Tell me things I've never heard before. Things that are only from Your heart to my heart.
Make it all grow beautifully inside me.
Cause me to be a sweet aroma unto You.
All because of Your Love. It's Your Love that is so beautiful.
Take my hand. Walk with me to Your Holy Mountian.
Tell me stories I have never heard before.
When we get there, to Your Mountian, take me to Your fountian of Living Water. Draw water for me to drink from the cup of Your hand.
Seal my forehead with Kiss.
And keep Your gaze upon me.
For I long to see Your face always.
Oh how I love You.
I rejoice in the truth, that I am Your Daughter.
A Daughter in The King's Palace.
All Your Daughters are gathering. Gather to dance a dance of Grace and Joy before Your Throne.
May we bless You with our worship and songs.
For we love You Abba.
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