He Is My Always and Forever
Shalom Beloveds. I have been in deep thinking in my heart. I think about Yeshua so much. He is my Always and Forever.
I know Him well. And I think often of all the personal moments we have together. I am that person, that walks with Him and talks with Him and I often say, “Did not my heart burn within me, when He spoke...when He is near me...”
Yes my heart burns. But not in a hurtful way. It’s His Love. It’s is His Care. His Profoundness of Realities that are the True Realities in my life.
I am changed from glory to glory. In so many ways. Because of Him. There is no better King, Savior, and Love than Him.
He hears my every sigh, thought in my heart. That’s how much He loves.
He takes care of all the details of my life, since before my birth.
That’s how much He loves.
He sets His eyes upon me and calls me His own.
Tells me, Be Still and Know Me.
And I am captivated.
He is so worthy to be captivated by. He love you so much.
ForeverHisDaughter, Kimberly Wenrich
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