You Are My King

Sharing this from my memory newsfeed....
I'm so grateful To Be His Child. Kim 
Yeshua....In the quiet and the stillness, You are my King. In the thunder and the storms, You are my King. When wickedness seems to rise high and shake the foundations of this earth, You are my King. When the birds sing their morning songs in the cool breezes, You are my King. When the land is in unrest, You are my King.  When the Just are treated unjustly, You are my King. When You remove and replace “Kings” to rule, You are The King of my heart. When things fade away, You are my King. When things are reborn, You are my King. When the flowers bloom and when they die, You are my King. Though life here is put a vapor, You are my King. 
When the evening comes and I lay my head to rest, You are my King. When I rise to see another day, You are my King. When I was young and I grow older, You are my King. When You split the skies, the dead will rise and all of Your Own meet You in the air....You are my King. 
When my time to enter Shabbat forevermore, You are my King. Now and forever, You are my King. 
Every day and every night...every moment of my life is with You. And I’m filled with Your Love and goodness...because You are my King. ForeverHisDaughter, 
Kimberly Wenrich 
(Written this day, 2021)


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