I Love You...My Abba
A theme from my heart to Abba God, our Father.
September 6, 2022 Tuesday
I Love You my Abba. I have never been an orphan, because of You. Because You are my Abba,
my daddy, my Father.
I have truly never been forsaken.
To know You and this truth, fills my heart up with assurances and complete acceptance.
I am never alone.
When I hear Your Name, my heart squeezes with the beautiful knowledge of Who You Are and the understanding of Who I Am in You.
I give you my full attention. To Your Name.
The Name I love so so much.
When I hear Your Name spoken outloud by someone, by friends and family...
my heart instantly says,
"Who is talking about my Lord?"
"Who is singing about my Lord?"
"Who?" "I want to hear!"
Your Name Lord, puts my very core in awe.
I cry out within myself...
"Tell me more!"
"Please say more about my Daddy, my Lord!"
"About The One I Love so very much."
"Tell me the good, wonderful, kind things about Him."
"Tell me your testimonies."
"Sing His songs unto my hearing."
"What did He say to you?"
"What did He show you today or last night?"
"How did He bless you?"
"Write it, say it, sing it all to me."
"I Love Him so much. I love to hear of Him."
Don't you know my friends, my family, the sojourner, the prophet, the seer, the remnant, the baby, the children, the beloveds, All of Creation even...I want to hear what you say about Him?"
I look for You Abba everywhere I go, everywhere I am and in everyone too. In Your creations, You are speaking and doing glorious things.
Even though You are in my heart...many belong to You
and You live in them as well.
You Love us all so much.
All Your Creations have inside them, Your DNA and Breath of Life.
So I see You everywhere.
So they too see You everywhere.
Where can we go that You do not see us too?
I look for You.
Abba, I hate the sins You said that You hate.
I am running to You everyday and night...to be held and renewed from this very painful world.
Oh how we all need You!
No one or thing can adjust us and save us. Only You. Only You heal us and save us.
Feet and hands and eyes and affections often run to the ones and things that are filled with lies and deceptions of those who are filled with hate and darkness. Empty, things that destroy the body and soul.
They label Your Creations an abomination of titles and give everything they canmnnames from hell. Even their children are given over to these loveless, lifeless things, idols that are dead and can't move, see, or speak.
They do not acknowledge You.
I look to You Alone.
I never want to miss any chance to get to know You more.
I long to see Your face again.
Even in the face and writings of my sweet friends, my brothers and sisters who love You with their heart, soul, and mind.
They radiate in You. In their faces, in thier being, and words.
Oh how blessed I am because of them.
They talk to my heart, and they do not know it.
They pierce me with the Amazing Truths of You and Your Love.
I Love them for their love for You.
I am imprinted forever by our shared loved.
Only You can touch the heart and bring forth amazing bliss and living waters that flow. Cleaning and flowing through our beings and our soul rejoices.
You can even cause a violent storm inside our hearts, when we become complacent or lose our way to You. Because of Your Great Love...You call us back in Thunders, to get our attention to Your Beautiful ways, to draw close to You, and for us to allow You, to claim our lives again.
You cause mighty men of worthlessness to crumble and benno more and
You also raise mighty men up, who are humble in their heart, yet have the warfare cry from Heaven...like none has ever seen before or could even dream possible.
You establish Your Own on pedestals, that raise them up toward Your Throneroom of mercy and grace and forgiveness. Strength up strength.
And they rise. With arms lifted high toward You.
And Your eyes are set on them of all good things and pure love of a Father to His Child. It is a perfect relationship in every way.
You Give Good Counsel.
You will break our heart and get the mess out. We want You to. We need You to.
Cleanse us oh Lord!
So we can face You with the pure faith of a child.
Your Love conquers and captivates
in the hard places in us.
Only You can tender our heart, make it soft. Take the hardness of our heart and make our hearts beat soft in flesh again.
You sensitize the desensitized.
You open blind eyes to see. To truly see Your magnificent realities.
You open deaf ears to hear and understand.
Your Holy Spirit fills our innerman lamp. And we are lit bright with this anointed oil from Him.
Love heals and touches all the dark places.
Because You Are Love.
You Are Life.
You Are The Light.
You are our Breath.
Love of God. God of Love.
Life of God. God of Life.
Light of God. God of Light.
Breath of God. God of Breath.
All is these are One.
The One True Living God.
There is no other form or god that can do what You do. Nothing and no one can replace the journey You took to the cross, tomb and Glory. You are Lord God and Salvation.
You came to save us in Your beautiful sacrificing love for every single person...so we might live. Truly live and be set free.
You gave us free will. An incredible loving gift.
May we choose You oh Father!
And keep choosing You!
Hearts are meant to belong to You Father.
We need You.
We need to want You.
To search You out.
And when we choose this...we have found the greatest of all treasures.
Where can we go from His Presence?
Why do we Hide, like You can seeand know?
Everything and everyone is laid bare before You.
Why do we hide from You...from The One Who longs to walk in the cool of the day with us?
He calls out our Name in loving affection.
If we are still, we can hear Him.
Oh Father, cause us to be still in quiet trust and longing.
Break our hearts open and renew a right spirit within us.
Draw us ever so close.
Get our attention on You.
Open our eyes, ears and understanding in new depths with You.
Cause us not to let go of You for Any reason or circumstance.
Father, my heart is Yours. My eyes are Yours, my ears are Yours.
My life, I place before Your beautiful feet.
I want every part of Who You Are and none of this world. I never ever want to be the same after time with You.
Your Love Is Enough and Is Complete.
I never want to stop knowing You.
I want to go into the depths of Your heart and go deeper still.
Only You can show me how and take me there.
I want to walk with You always.
Experiencing you, like breathing.
I choose to live in Your constant touches in my life.
All the way Home.
Counting my days.
And if I'm ever "Lost," oh Father!
I want to be lost in You. Lost in the Love In You.
I Love You my Abba, my daddy, my Father God.
I'm forevermore Your Child.
Kimberly Wenrich
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