The Lord Said To Me, "Kim Count Your Days."

I wrote this last year, 2022.
I wanted to share it with you today,as it was written in original form on that day. Not one thing of or from Abba is ever old. Always is revelant. Kim 
Abba has spoken to me this morning of an interpretation (interpretations was not something I has before. 
But this has begun to happen in my Spirit recently) 
and scriptures as well that He has provided to me...
Of why He said to me a few weeks ago,

It is for us all. Not just me. 
He is so wonderful in all His ways. 

We must, 

We must search Him out and study His Word. 

It fills us up with understanding, wisdom, life and preparedness. 
Setting us apart from the dark and foolish world and foolish people. 

He truly has Shorten Time.  
But not like I thought or you might think. 
His ways are better. Better than our understandings. 
Seek His Counsel. He will answer.

He told me this morning, when my husband and I were talking of Him.

He said to me...again.
This morning.
Kim, count your days. 

And just as suddenly, 
I saw and understood in the spirit. 

And my husband saw that He revealed to me. 
And I was in awe. 
And so was he. 

Kim, Count Your days...
And I saw time....
The seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, seasons, years...
Are Truly Shorter. 
For incredible Kingdom Reasons.

Haven't you noticed, that there SEEMS to not be enough time in the days anymore. 

It's prophecy. 
And I looked it all up. 

Here is a question for you now...
As I am right now writing this,
 I saw, in a vision, by the Spirit...Mary and Martha.

Which one are you in these end of times? 
Choose wisely Children of God. 

Because when we choose rightly...we are blessed, and satisfied to get all things done regardless and get rest. 

If you choose busyness and without will not get anything done well and none of it all done as you needed or planned. It will not be fruitful. And you will be frustrated and exhausted. 

Remember He is mindful
 Of you and delights to bless you. 
He is and does do this for those who seek Him.

Count your days and make them count in His Presence. 
Leave out the world affairs and cares. 
That is Our King's Job.
What are you going to do Beloved?

Love always,  Kimberly Wenrich 
Edited September 12, 2023
Kimberly Wenrich


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