I give myself to Him Alone

I give myself away to Him Alone…
No other is like Him. 
He rescues the weak. He strengthens the arms of His Own. 
He breathes His Spirit of Refreshments upon us. 
He sends storms to clear our paths and stables us in His Strong Tower. 
He provides without sorrows. 
He hears and receives our petitions and cries. 
He receives our words unto Him as a sweet aroma unto His Throneroom. 
He is angry with The Wicked everyday. 
He delights in His Church, The Bride. 
To no other Will I bow to, comply or submit to…
but only to our God, our Elohim. The Creator of my being. 
Nothing But His Spirit lives within my body. 
No poisons of this world has my permission to enter my being, The Temple that hosts His Spirit. 
He is The air I breathe. 
I will never mask it. 
Oh my eyes seek Him.  My ears delight with great expectations at the sound of His Voice Alone. 
I will not allow anything wicked to enter my eyes, ears, or being. 
God and devils do not dwell together in His Temple. 
We love one or gate the other. There is no compromise or reasonings. That validates our decisions to wrong our being and spirit in His sight with anything unworthy and unholy of this world. 
May I present my body as a living sacrifice to Him Alone in His Sight, until the very hour, I am Home forever with Him. 
Who is like Him. Who can offer anything “better” or “good” for me than Him. 
I give myself to Him Alone. 
And I have nothing to fear. 
He fights for His Own and frees Nations from tyrannies. 
He fights for His Own. 
He always wins. 
Kimberly Wenrich 


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