Lord, let the whole world know.

Lord, let the whole world...
friends, family, strangers, deceivers, lukewarmers, wicked and ungodly...
Say what they may and do what they want.
But Lord, No One can or will take away the Love I have for You or the foundation of my heart in You, nor my  faith and assurances in You Alone. 
Because I look to You. 
I Believe in You. 
I am sealed by You.
You call me by Name. 
You tell me I belong to You. 
My identity is in You.
I'm saved by Your Salvation. 
I set my affections on You, no matter...in pain, tears, joy, laughter, trials and in the details of my life and being...I set my affections on You. 
You are my strong tower.
 In You I have refuge. Under the shadow of Your wings even, I am kept. 
You stand beside me, watching over my life. You roar at those who have wickedness and cause hurt and pain to the godly. You end those who hate You and Your Own. And Heal and Restore Your Beloveds. 
My path and my being is radiant with Your Light of Life. You say to me, "Welcome to Sabbath Forever."
I Love You my Abba. My daddy. 
I am filled and satisfied by Your care and love. 
I look to Your Holy Mountian. 
I will dwell there with You and all those who loved You in Truth and Spirit...forever in Joys unspeakable and glories forever. 
Kimberly Wenrich 


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