My Bed of Faith

Yes..I know this post is a bit long. Seems like lately I have been writing from deep places within my being. 
It isn't meant for everyone. Only those who it's meant for or encouraged by them. I love you all very much. Regardless if my posts are read or not. Ill go over it later to fix errors and auto corrects. Im tired right now. Love, Kim 

 I named my Bed....Bed of Faith.
 I named my bed after I lost my momma and my baby son. 
IN 2000 And 2001.
It has been a safe place for my rest in Him. Filled with wonders, beauty, goods keep, spiritual dreams, visits to Glory, answers, counsels, prayers, all my emotions and situations were laid to rest in my bed of faith.
Even the sorrows, pain and hurts. No matter how I am and what season I'm having. I can trust Abba in it all.
In 2001, Abba took me to a place of rest.
I was in my bed grieving the lost of my son at 4 months of pregnancy. 
I had just lost my momma March 2000.
I wrote the experience of when I was in my bed and grieving so much for my unborn son. 
It's so beautiful and it is so comforting. 
I was very upset with Abba as well. 
I feel asleep crying. 
I'll try to sum it up briefly...
I was suddenly in a beautiful lush field of swaying green
 grass. It seemed my bedroom turned into this. 
I felt was was there though. 
The bed was so beautiful. Everything was so soft. Silky. Comfortable. White. A perfect pure white. 
Seemingly alive. 
Whisper of shashes of shear white blew like a dance on each column pole on the for corners.
Around the bed on the ground that was so full of perfect life...was the most beautiful plants I have never seen before. So lush and vibrant.
Then I saw Yeshua (Jesus)
He walked to my bedside and knelt down beside me. 
He was pure love.
He begin to pluck the beautiful living plants and then replace them with different plants. 
I watched Him and I asked Him, "Why are you doing that?"
He spoke to me, "There is a season for all things. A time to laugh a time to mourn. A time to pluck up and a time to plant."

And then I woke up fully.
And I was very mad at Yeshua. 
I was crying.

I got up and went to the kitchen and my Aunt Cindi Lankford was there. She had come to help out while I was recovering and mourning. My husband, Willard Wenrich too.
was in the kitchen too. 
I stood on the other side of the breakfast bar. And I said, 
"I'm so upset with Jesus!" "HE just came to me and told me,
"There's a time for mourning and a time for laughter. A time to plant and a time to pluck up!"
"He took my baby! And I'm so mad at Him." 
I said other things...mostly being mean words about Jesus.
In my anguish. 
My Aunt Cindi and my husband listened as I was crying and talking messy things about Jesus. 
My Aunt Cindi spoke up to me.
She said, Kimberly Dawn! Who do you think you are?
Talking about Him like this?
Is this same God you always tell me about with Love and Goodness?

Then she began to say, to say many scriptures from
 Job 38 and 39.
"Kimberly Dawn,"
"Who do you think you are?"
"Are You talking to me, like this of The God That You Tell Me Such Wonderful and Good Things About All The Time?"
"And...Where were you when He created the earth?
When He made the oceans and the waves?
And told the waves where to stop?
Did you create the Dawn and make the morning?"
"Who Created the stars and named them. And the moon and the sun." Isn't He the One you told me that holds the jars of rain and snow?"
"Isn't He the one that gives wisdom and understanding?"
"To those who seek Him?"
"Do you know when the mountian goats give birth?
Have you seen the deer in birth pains?
Did you give the horses their strength?
Is it your wisdom the sets the hawks by spreading their wings to soar and fly?
Do you really want to criticize Jesus and think you have all the answers?"

I stood there stunned and amazed at what she just said to me. 
SHE SAID, "But I do not know the Bible like this."
"To qoute from it."
"I did not know that this words I said was in the Bible, from Job."

I quickly went to my bedroom. Got my Bible to read her words spoken to me from Job. 
I began to read to her from it...exactly word for word what she said to me. 

We were all 3 astonished. 
 I was put in my place and reminded. 
Corrected in my meanest of messy words about our Beautiful Sovereign Lord. 
He loves me. 
He loves me too much to not remind me. To not correct me. His Child. 
I asked Him to forgive me and to give me understanding of the experience I had with Him in the field on the white bed and the plucking up and planting. 
He did. In His sweet, gentleness. 
Bringing me ever so much closer to His heart. 

The next week I had another very real experience with Him. 
I went to the grocery store. To get a few things. 
As I was alone in this one isle. I was still fresh with loss and sorrow.
 I said outloud, "Lord, my womb feels so empty. I am so sad."
I cried. 
I then dried my tears and went up to checkout. 
All at once I was drawn to look at the entrance. There stood 2 people a man and woman. They stood together facing me and their hands up in prayer. They were looking right at me. 
They were praying for me. 
I could feel in my spirit they were from The Lord, sent to me at that moment. 
I watched them, it seemed for a long time. But wasn't long in the natural. Yet seemed so. 
I looked down a second and looked back up and they were instantly gone. 
2 Angels "unaware" weren't sent to pray for me.
I asked the lady that was checking my things out...
"Did you see 2 people standing inside the entrance with their hands up praying?"
She said, "No."
I asked a couple others. The said, "No."
Instantly I knew they were Angels sent to me, for me.

When I shared this before (in more detail)....many were touched. Thousands. 
It is a living testimony of Abba's gentleness, compassions, constant care and love. 
His understanding. 
Today even now all these years later...this and more things He has done for me, is Alive and Very Real. It is fresh, not old. 
Eternity is in our hearts. Alive. 
In the last year...I got to see my son with my dad in Glory. 
He is a grown young man now. Exactly 6 years younger than my Jonathan Wenrich my first Son. 
He is 24. 
I wrote about it.  
But before this. Years ago in the same year my son went Home from my womb...He took me to a glory realm in Heaven and I saw my momma and a few others. 
My Uncle John, Cindi's husband...who had passed years before, was sitting at a beautiful table to tell me some things about my momma, who had just passed on March 31, I was still grieving her freshly still. And my son too, passing Spring 2001.
I say Aunt Cindi's dad there too. 
It's a beautiful thing. 
I wrote and shared this too. 
He is our comforter. But His love is bigger and wider and knows no bounds for each of us. 

So even now...being so unwell...He still has and is ministering to me in my bed of faith. 
Scripture tells us He is with us and gives dreams, true journeys in His eternal realities, ministers, sings softly over us.
He instructs us. And much more beautiful things. 

The other night at 3 am I was still awake. 
In the dark. And I heard a song. A beautiful melody. 
And I listened very closely to the words. I could hear a symphony of Angel Choir incredible song to our King. Of Him. 
And I so wanted to sing it with them. 
I wanted to remember the words. 
Just a few days ago, my husband had told me...that in this past year I have told him of songs being sung over me in my bed. And I said to him, that it seemed distant, but as the year kept going by, I could hear them closer and closer. 
Last night I felt they were closer still than before. 
Almost could "see" details of those who were singing. And in the spirit. I saw the glory of God.

Our beds, are supposed to be a blessed place. It holds all our physical and spiritual emotions of everything we go through.
And if we read scriptures. Search them out. We find beautiful things about it, why, and Abba's heart for us...even unto passing. We are at rest.
Our bedroom should be a place He is welcomed to and Angels come and go from. 

I've seen demons try to steal this and bully me and attack me. But I've seen the warfare of Angels...strong Angels battle them from me...while I was in my bed of faith. 

I even had 2 Angels do "surgery" on me, in my eyes. 
When I was in that motorcycle wreck. I was critically injured. 
I was told I was in a comma for about 2 days. I do not remember it. 
I had lost my sight from head trauma and I had brain injury...among other terrible injuries. I could not even walk and my right hand and wrist was "dead." 
Prayer from my Beloveds changed these for me. 
I was able to move my legs and feet by the 3rd day. And learned to walk again. And my fingers and thumb moved again. I had to diligently do physical therapy 3 times a week for nearly 3 years. 
I had to have speech therapy too. 
It was so hard. All the therapy was hard. Put I put my all into it. 
A couple years ago...I began loosing my sight again. 
I was in my bed of faith. And in the night. I saw my body in a deep sleep. I could see in the realities of the Spirit. 
2 Angels working on the oculator of my eyes. 
. on each side. I could hear them talking and what they were saying. They were doing an "operation" physically and Spiritually. On my eyes. 
Doctors confirmed that I had problems with the oculators of my eyes and that was why I had problems seeing. That glasses would not help. But I'd need reading glasses. 
There is so much to this story. 
I wrote it in parts and shared things as they happened in living testimonies. Through out the years to now. 

Your bedroom is supposed to be a sanctuary and your bed is supposed to be your bed of faith. 
My bed has all my tears, prayers, and many encounters with our Savior and Angels. 
Even my Dog, Cookie who had passed came to comfort me with an strong Angel. To help me live one early morning while I was home alone, from my bed. 
I was dead weight and could feel and see physically ands ee perfectly in the spirit....That my body was in a dying process this took place in 2023. In the very early Dawn one morning. 
Cookies was snuggling warmth onto my legs. And an Strong male Angel was lifting my body up for reviving. And setting my feet on the floor from my bed. While holding me up.
He walked me a few steps around my bed until I was revived. 
All these and much more are true stories. Living Testimonies. 
He loves us so much. Why is there such a problem for many who just don't want His Love or to Love Him?
I'll never understand it. 
Keep your room clean from things that defile it and of defining it with yourself. Let no unclean and unholy things in it. 
It's a humbling place to be in and in your bed. We need Abba God. We should want to need Him. In our life. All the way to our final hour. 
I love you all, Kimberly Wenrich


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