Oct 15, 2022 Fall Festival with Avery and our conversation

My husband and I got blessed to have our  beautiful granddaughter Avery, to spend time with us and stay over night...
She loves Jesus very much. 
We were in the sukkah, outside this morning, together eating and talking. 
Our favorite topic is always about Jesus. I told her about the dream I had a few months ago, of her. 
How she was so brave to tell others and her family that Jesus loves them and saves them and that He was coming back soon to take us Home.  I told her, that in this dream family members were upset with her and told her to hush. 
But I told her in this dream, she told them, she was telling them the truth and that they should listen to her. 
I told her to never stop telling others these things no matter what. 
I also told her, she was very special to God because she is a child and children and babies are extremely precious and important in His Kingdom. So much so that He says, they are the greatest to Him. 
She liked this very much. 
I told she was so important...more so than poppa, memaw and even a preacher or teacher who talks about God. Children are more important anybody. 
I asked her did she remember when she asked Jesus in her heart...
We talked of when she did, when she was 5 and what she prayed. And how He is always with her and Jesus lives in her heart and life. She should always pray everyday to Him. About anything she wants to say to Him and tell Him that she loves Him. 
Some how we got on the subject of alters in the church. To pray at. She asked why doesn't churches have alters anymore.
She said, she has never seen an alter at a church she has gone to. 
I told her plainly...most churches have removed them. Because they don't love God that much anymore. 
She asked why.
I told her why. 
And I did tell her there were very few churches that exist, that still do have alters and truly pray to Him and worship Him in Truth and Spirit. 
I told her that is why we pray from our heart all the time. Relationship with Him is personal and He is our Best friend. We can't stop telling others that He loves them.
God uses children more than anyone. 
She said, but people don't want to listen to me or children. 
I told her that they will never forget what children say to them about Jesus, because it is pure and truth. 
Even if they act up about children that love them through His love. 
We know that Satan hates children and babies more than anything. 
We see it and we know this is true.
He loves to hurt them and kill them, through adults. 
He wants to hurt their identity and even thier gender. 
As Christians the ball has been dropped for years in the household. 
No one should be handling your child's 
Emotional, physical, mental, spiritual health or wellbeing and details of their lives.  It is suppose to be the parents first and foremost with Jesus, hand and hand. 
Otherwise we lose them...
To music, ads, corruptions, movies, shows,  schools, distortions, abuse, identity crisis, lies, deceptions, destroying, serial abuse and corruptions. We are accountable to God for these precious children and babies. 
When as Christians will we stop putting into their eyes and ears and hearts,  movies like hocus pocus...a movie of wickedness, all about sacrifice of children. Even the title is witchcraft and rebellion. Yet we deliver our children to it in fun. 
What else from hell, are we  presenting to them as parents and grandparents. 
Music tells them too many lies, sexual things, adultery and drunkenness is OK and having sex anytime. Even to hate God. 
Games is another. So many  very wicked games to play on devices. Alot of magic, spells and demonic.  
Social media is not safe for any child. 
Through the grace and mercy of God, some children will wake up and be sent someone from God...who tells them the truth and of Jesus love for them and they will give their hearts and lives to Jesus and get rid of all rebellion and wicked things out of their lives...even though they were in "Christian" home or ungodly home. Some raised in  godly home, taught right even..,will walk away from the faith...becoming prodigals. Someone or something outside this kind of Home... has deceived them enough to taste and try the world...But we keep praying to see them return to their first love. 
We must fight for the children, even if we have to lay down our own lives, make enemies, lose family or so called friends or even be ostracized by a church.
It's war. 
Did you know, you can discern the spirit of a child born from a godly parent or ungodly parent. 
Born to be lost or born to be saved. 
By either.
I have. 
My sister inlaw who is unstable and demonic and very rebellious had a baby...
When I held that newborn..it was not right at all.  I felt demonic attachments right away. That baby felt the Holy Spirit in me and began to try to leap out of my arms dramatically. My husband had to help me, with her. She went back to her momma and screamed horribly. 
That Never ended in her life. I have seen her be this way in the presence of godly people all her days...doing the same things. They try to pray for her all her life.  But she gets so violent, they are afraid of her hurting herself. The momma and the grandmother have always bragged about witchcraft on the women's side of the family witches...passed down from the grandmother's and how the grandmother's "spirit" visited the certian daughters in their cribs. The momma of this baby was visit by the demonic and I guess the daughter too. 
But the sister of this momma was not visited by the demonic and is a very sound and loving woman and mother of 5 who loves Jesus so much. When I held her children and anybody else held them it was peaceful, joyful...full of love.  Like the momma. 
I looked up to her and how she loved, enjoyed and raised her children. 
I wanted to be a momma like her. 
She taught me much good, just by my watching her with them. 
And then God gave me a son. 
And Such a joy and blessing he was and has been...but he is now a prodigal...pulled away by outside influences that he gave into at 18 years old. He is 28 and has a family of 5. His wife is a beautiful jewel 
and is inlove with Jesus. I am praying for him. Abba told me on July 4th this year...that He was going to heal him.
I do not know when though. 
 I think it's because of praying, and because of the grace of God, through his wife. 
What do you think about what I have written...
Some are truly born for and in adversity. 
Some are born in blessings and joy. 


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