
Showing posts from July, 2023

God Takes Care of His Own from the wicked plans of others.

My husband told me a story....he told about a witch doctor in Africa who planned to destroy a Christian man, his family and home. This witch doctor called on the demons to force a wild elephant to stomp them to death and destroy their home.  The Christian man and family began to pray to Yeshua.  As they saw the elephant fast approaching. They begin to praise Abba and pray loudly to Abba. Right in front of their Home, the elephant came to a complete stop. Turned around. Went to the witch doctor’s home, stomped him to death and destroyed his home and went back into the wild.  I thought about this.  The wicked plan and plot. Against the Beloveds of Yeshua.  But prayer and praise to Our King Yeshua...can change the direction...back onto the heads and lives of those who hate, oppress and plan wicked.  To Yah be all glory, power and honor.  So I believe if we claim the Word, shake Heaven’s gate with prayers and praise.  ABBA will rise and we will see Th...

I have passed 3 times times. Passing away and God's Loving Realities.

My husband told me....many folks wait to ask for forgiveness from yeshua on their death beds... Why?  Even then, by the motive of the heart...God only knows.  Salvation may not be given...  Found this in my memory newsfeed. ........... This morning, I was thinking about somethings. You know, Abba knows every thought we have. I was thinking about Forgiveness.   We know Yeshua told us, to forgive others, as The Father forgives us also. Who are we to hold forgiveness away from others, even our own selves?  We aren’t supposed to withhold it.  Many wait until they are on their dying bed. Why do you think that is? Because they fear and know Abba and in the depth of their core. They know they should forgive and ask forgiveness. They make their decision then, to even say bitter things or sweet things unto ABBA’s hearing.  Some people, at their the end of life....will ask Yeshua into their hearts and ask forgiveness for their sins. I honestly believe The H...

Dream on Jan. 9, 2022...Storms in devastation, many deaths, many destructions of various kinds all over our Nation. From The Lord.

Storms in devastation, many deaths, many destructions of various kinds all over our Nation. From The Lord. The Beloveds stay safe in Abba's care. On January 9th, 2022. Early in the morning before I woke, I was given a dream. It was centered in my area of Rockingham, Virginia. But, I understood…it was about our Nation too. In the dream…I was an observer. Yet I was in the dream.  I was inside my home.  I was in my sunroom spending time with our Father God. My home was filled with beautiful daylight and so was over my home and outside within our boarders of our home.  My son and his family was here, in the livingroom.  The little grandchildren were playing in there. My husband was in there too. Also Dawn R. was here.  In the livingroom with them.  She is my son’s mom inlaw and also a very special friend to my heart. I begin to feel a stir in my being.  I looked out the sunroom windows. And all at once, also Dawn felt a stirring and came into the...

Take One Step Forward. A prophetic vision.

A prophetic vison- word picture I came across this, not by accident.  I had written this and shared it before on social media.  As I read it...I was filled with great awe of Him. I love Yeshua so much.  This came alive for me again, in my season I'm in now...I wrote this some time ago, before I had got really ill and before the motorcycle wreck.  As I read this, I instantly was into seeing. As a seer, it is natural through The Holy Spirit. Fresh. New. Alive.  Very revelant to my life even now.  I so grateful of my life journey with Abba. He is so wonderful.   I so look forward to Home. But until that time, I pray to keep moving forward, carried in His Hands.  It is still very much alive in the blessing of Holy Spirit. It is still encouraging and a living testimony of our Father God.  When I write for Him, He moves in my mind, heart and fingers to write in visions and Word Pictures from Him.  May it bless you, as you choose to read i...

A Dream of Pressing In, Until Home Forever.

February 3, 2018 Dream I kept desiring to go to this one Building.  There were a few others with me, that also desired to go as well.  I did not know them personally.  But yet, I "knew" them and they "knew" me.  It was meant to be.  To feel this way and pursue this desire. I kept feeling I needed to go to "this  Building." The Building is Massive in size and led to something Greater.  The steps to the door were very wide and strong like a smooth concrete finish with a deep color of brown with specks of beige in the finish.   The doors were a set of two.  Beautiful Pure White. The set of doors each had a white silver knob.  As big as a large human size hand.   There was no way to see into the building from the outside.  Yet there seemed to be windows.  Once inside I understood the windows. Even though there were large steps that led to the doors.  The Building was one floor. I had to press on to go there....

I have seen Yeshua

This image of just about right. But He is not a specific color.  He is not an earthly color. He is the color of all the Tribes.  Indescrible.  Beautiful.  Just like The Holy Spirit's coloring. I saw Him too. But His hair is living moving fire. Incredible Glory.  Both are a dark kind of Olive/bronze. But I just can't really put in true wording.  Yeshua’s hair is not short. It is not long.  It's just right. His eyes...I didn't see coloring...but I did look into His eyes. Most folks say, His eyes are an incredible blue. Alot of Jews have blue eyes. As well as brown.  His hair is their coloring. Soft, wool like and dark. I have seen Him. I have seen Him several times. In passing on the 3 times...and other reasons.  I have also seen Ruach ha-Kodesh.  He Is Reailty. This world is not our home...with its religions and little idols and gods. We are passing through.   Live for Him.  Not this world. We are in it...not of...

Dream...of President Trump and Our Nation

On October 1, 2020 A dream Abba gave to me. In it I was an observer.  I told my husband a few days after and then decided to write it out to post and share.  Now, I have been impressed by ABBA upon my heart to share it again. During this season of our country.  The testimony is, I did not save it to my notes. I had to pray for a few days and ask Him to show me where I had put the dream.  Late night night...January 8th, 2021, He told me and now I’m going to share it.  May this dream bless you and encourage you. It is from our Abba. Kim  ————————- It was in a city. There were so many people all around. There was a mass group of people, that were at evil unrest and then many people, who were not in evil unrest. Among those that were not in evil unrest, A Giant Eagle came down from the sky and stood on a tall building. Among them.  Everyone could see him. He was exceptionally huge.  Not an average kind of Eagle. Almost supernatural in size.  Very...

Dream as Observer of Peace and Saftey For Beloveds in a world in judgments of Abba.

On January 9th, 2022. Early in the morning before I woke, I was given a dream. It was centered in my area of Rockingham, Virginia.  But, I understood…it was about our Nation too. In the dream…I was an observer. Yet I was in the dream.   I was inside my home.  I was in my sunroom spending time with our Father God. My home was filled with beautiful daylight and so was over my home and outside within our boarders of our home.   My son and his family was here, in the livingroom.  The little grandchildren were playing in there. My husband was in there too. Also Dawn R. was here.  In the livingroom with them.  She is my son’s mom inlaw and also a very special friend to my heart.  I begin to feel a stir in my being.  I looked out the sunroom windows. And all at once, also Dawn felt a stirring and came into the sunroom.  We both stood side by side and looked out beyond the boarders of the home. Yet, we did not look at each other. ...

Dream God Showing Truth To All. And He is Returning soon.

A Dream I had this morning. Monday July 25, 2022 HE IS COMING BACK SOON I have to skip the first part. It is too personal of some folks I know. ...I was at a house, on their deck talking to the family I knew. About Jesus and His Return to take us Home soon. And the children would go too.  It was getting dark outside. I noticed I had living glory sparkles of white gold around me like a cloud. But they were alive and moved about, around me and over me like a dance.  And never left me. They were with me always. A older man came out of the house, to tell me I needed to leave now. His smile was kind, but his eyes were tolerant. But not welcoming. I told him, he knew all that I said was true. I knew he knew. And he smiled with the knowledge of truth. But not his eyes.  His eyes only tolerated me. Before I left... I then said to him, "Do you remember the old song, Jesus Is Coming Soon?" He said, Yes. I began to sing the chorus so beautifully. So clear. And I t...

Dream. God gives power and strength to His Own. A mysterious complex dream.

On Sept 24, 2020 I had a veey real dream from our Abba God, in early March 2020. I see beyond my dreams.  I had told my husband about.  There is much more to this dream. It was like a movie.  I saw everything in motion. In this one I was not observing. But rather truly apart of the dream. I saw me. Not watching. But there.  I mentioned it on Facebook. And wrote that I would not share it until... He, our Father, has told my heart to share. I did share it there within that year. But not the entirety of all He showed me.  This morning I have been impressed upon to share on this new blog.  I sought Him deeply this morning concerning this and talked with Him. I sat still, allowing His Spirit to speak more in depth and revelation of this dream to me. So as to share, what He wanted me to share from Him and not of myself. Hen I had told my husband this dream, the morning I had it...  We were in the dinning room. I begin to tell him all the things. Plus ...

Abba Showed Me His Mountian

On July 8, 2020.  I was shown Abba's Mountian. Shalom Beloveds I had a dream from our Ruach HaKodesh It was very wonderful. I pray you are blessed and encouraged. ———- It was a nice day outside the sun was shining. The sky was blue. Many of us were standing on the streets. So many of us.  Many people. I was with a couple of friends. I was talking with them. Things around us, in shadowed places were very unrestful. But it seemed we were “guarded” to not see any real truth of any of it. I asked them, “If things are so bad in this world, why are our needs met so easily?”  “It doesn’t make sense.”  “Why does it seem like peace and yet there is no peace?” “Whenever we need or want anything, it’s available? Yet we can not go directly to the places and there are rules?” My two friends seemed content with this. And I felt uncomfortable. I saw so many others,were walking around feeling “okay” with how things were too. Almost robotic to all required to be and do...

Prophetic dreams of unrest and wars in last days.

Dec. 27, 2019  I have been dreaming of much unrest and wars in America. Bibles and Christian books being taken away by force. No longer a patriotic country.  Churches turning darkly. Christians fighting for their brothers and sisters. Underground worship and Bible studies. Godly warriors standing in the gap in persecution even from their families. Police and military banging on Doors and raiding. Dressed in black gear with odd Padres and helmets,  but could not see their faces. Their faces was shadowed. Covered in a shadow. But could feel what was in their eyes.  Pets of the godly being killed. Families and friends taken to FEMA camps never to be heard from again.  Choices to be made by the asleep ones and them making wrong choices and selling out for what they think is saving their own lives and their families but leading still to their ultimate destruction of their souls.  They were told they would receive benefits of things needed, if they told on others...

A Prophetic Dream of War

April 9, 2018 Early this morning I had a dream.  I have never dreamt like this.  I had a dream of a war.   I have never dreamt of war.  Things begin to happen. Here and there throughout our land. Destructions. But not told of full truth by media. Downplayed.  Those not "asleep" those awake and ready in spirit. Knew. Prayed. Was getting prepared.  In our country. In vivid details.  I was in the dream. But as an observer. At first I was there before the war. Doing other things. Like I am today.  Then people begin to get attacked in many different areas.  More and more.  The news could not lie and hide things anymore.  So we all went to strong safe buildings.  But I was no longer.  I was an observer now.  I saw many details.  At a safe building, that started being attacked by a small group of evil doers.... Women and children begin to be moved quickly out to a safer place. The men fighting the bad ones. To prot...