God Takes Care of His Own from the wicked plans of others.
My husband told me a story....he told about a witch doctor in Africa who planned to destroy a Christian man, his family and home. This witch doctor called on the demons to force a wild elephant to stomp them to death and destroy their home. The Christian man and family began to pray to Yeshua. As they saw the elephant fast approaching. They begin to praise Abba and pray loudly to Abba. Right in front of their Home, the elephant came to a complete stop. Turned around. Went to the witch doctor’s home, stomped him to death and destroyed his home and went back into the wild. I thought about this. The wicked plan and plot. Against the Beloveds of Yeshua. But prayer and praise to Our King Yeshua...can change the direction...back onto the heads and lives of those who hate, oppress and plan wicked. To Yah be all glory, power and honor. So I believe if we claim the Word, shake Heaven’s gate with prayers and praise. ABBA will rise and we will see Th...