
Showing posts from September, 2023

Have You Truly Met Yeshua? Does He KNOW You?

When, a Child of Abba grows intimately and deeper in a relationship with Him and His Son  Yeshua....the friends and family, suddenly just don't want you anymore, they unfriend you, unfollow you, don't want time with you or make it very limited time with you.  Even say harsh, haughty things said  to you. Church family , my Beloveds and The truly heart loving Of Yeshua....friends embrace and add to this depths of this growing in the beautiful relationship I have with my Lord. We are all on different paths and journeys. All our relationships with Him is Unique and very intimate and special.  Yet our very own friends and family that we have shared life with for years...don't want to share into the depths of walking in His fullness and in His Word, in Kingdom living.   Oh it hurts. But Abba is so faithful to us,  He is seeing our hearts for Him and those we love. He keeps right on putting Healing Balm on us and drawing us nearer to Him. Even ...

Abba gave me a fall coffee cup

Testimony.  Living Testimony of our Abba God... We have got to stop wanting "Things" and instead wanting Jesus more and His Holy Mountian.  Let's go together, side by side... Let's turn our eyes away from the desire of wanting things, so easily put in front of our eyes through media and ads...every kind of online buying app. Stores are everywhere. Fastfood restaurants are everywhere. Social media bombarded with, "buy me." But look.  See.  Instead. To God the Provider. He leads us to be still.  He leads us to His Holy Mountian.  Don't you know what is there for us, even now?! He gives with no sorrows added.  He provides and we are filled with joy.  We can even ask Him for the smallest things we need. We can ask Him for things too big for us that we need. He delights in us to come to Him in all things big and small.  Why do we fret? Why do our eyes instantly go to the advertisements of this earth?  God makes a way and it's beautiful. ...

Testimony of loss of baby from my womb

I have shared this a couple or few years ago.  I was looking through my notes, reading the memories of our Father in my life. and I saw this one,and felt in my heart to share it with you.  Maybe you will be blessed, touched or moved.  I love Him so much. I don’t ever want to live my life without Him in it. I have the wonderful, humble, gratefulness of so many testimonies of Him in my life, that would never trade for what the world would offer.  Kim …………… I love to write about accounts and wonders of Yeshua’s grace and love in action into my life and His amazing realities of Who He Is.  I want to share with you now, a true story of a season that was extremely hard for me and of how Yeshua’s love for me had fingerprints all over all the entire season. He rushed in to be beside me and was life, healing, love and grace to me in many incredible ways and for my husband.  Now I must tell you...this is long. You may want to copy and save it to read. I don’t remembe...

Yeshua is so beautiful and loving

I HAVE HAD TWO AMAZING  THINGS HAPPEN IN TWO NIGHTS.  September 24, 2020  IT WAS ABOUT 11 pm AND then the next NIGHT IT WAS AFTER 2 am.  I HAVE BEEN FEELING SUCH A QUICKENING IN MY SPIRIT AS WELL, FOR WEEKS. AND MORE OFTEN THROUGHOUT MY DAYS AND EVENINGS.  The other night, I had taken my Doberman, Rheina to do her tinkle business.  I felt a strong sense to look up. I felt so compelled to look up.  I looked immediately up and over the mountain. I saw a huge candle like flame 🔥. It was tall and there was glory light glowing around the flame. I watched it for about 5 minutes. And then it just disappeared.  Then last night, while I slept. A very bright light came into my room. It went directly like a blast tunnel, straight to me, my eyes were closed, I instantly opened them fully awake and saw the Tunnel Blast of Brilliant Light. It was like, I felt it was nearly time for me to Home. I was not afraid. I knew it was for me, to go Home, very soon....

True Inspirational Story Testimony

This is a true, inspirational story from my old blog.  I wrote This October 7, 2010 This was written not long after we moved to  Rockingham, Virginia.   We call this area our Healing and Peaceful Place.  The Lord, writes themes upon my heart to share.  I love being His Pencil in His Hand.  I pray you are encouraged and blessed by this.  He has spoken to my spirit for a to publish this particular story to you. I couldn’t remember my blog address, it had been awhile since I have been on it.  Then, in my memory newsfeed was the link to my blog and this story attached.  He is so wonderful. I love Him so much.  Our lives has been adventure in Yeshua. My son is grown has a family of his own now. My husband is still an amazing godly man. Still is a dedicated professional Truck Driver, works now at a company here in Harrisonburg.  I have since become chronically ill. I wasn’t doing well in my health then, at this season either… I am so...

3 dreams in succession

The dreams in succession.  Even though shown in different moments.  I have asked our Father and His Spirit to write to you.  He has ministered to me.  I do not remember physically what I had written before. But In His Spirit I will write now. Kim  Glory to God Alone.  In the last 2 years to present, I had 2 judgment dreams. And one victory dream and one pouring out of His glory and Spirit dream.  I thought In my mind I had written them to you before.  I can not really remember if I did or did not.  But my spirit has seen the refreshing of them, to write to you.  In paraphrasing and what He, our Precious Holy Spirit causes me to write.  I have petitioned Him to bless me and to bless you, to those who choose to read.  I know many will read and not comment or express.... That is The Glory of God.  Kim  1st dream....was around 2 years ago.  I saw so many people in towns and cities.  There was much open debaucher...

Dream of Magnificent Black Horse and Getting your "House" in order and clean.

I love when I think about something Abba has shown me a dream or a vision or out of body spiritual realities....reminds me in the theater of my mind....only He can do this... And it is for a purpose and for His glory and honor. I was thinking on this a couple days ago and discussing it with my husband.   We know what it means and Abba has given us both the depths of understanding of this entire dream. This morning I found it on my memory newsfeed.  In obedience to Him....I share to you. This horse is a very incredibly  huge black majestic horse. Normally I see white horses. He is very shiny and sleek. It’s hair on the right side was braided back along its neck and it was about to take off in flight in  a quick determined Holy purpose. Kim ......  THE DREAM  I was in this house. It is my house. I was trying too take very good care of it. Being diligent and not lazy, inside it.  I was making it brighter. More light. Putting candles and lamps everywh...

His Word Is Alive

Christy Hatfield  shared a post about Ecclesiatics in the Word. And I instantly thought of a living true testimony I had of Jesus and Ecclesiatics. My hope is that you will be touched and encouraged to know...Abba's Word is His Breath and Life. Kim  When I lost my son in pregnancy... I was in intense grief and very upset with God too.  And I told Him, I was upset with Him.  As I laid in my bed of faith, suffering.  I was suddenly in a beautiful bed of pure white bedding and white shashes. I was in a beautiful field of the most purest green and beautiful plants were around my bed. Jesus kneeled down at my bedside and began plucking up some of the plants and replanting them... He spoke to me Ecclesiatics 3.  For everything there is a season and a time for every activity under heaven: a time to give birth and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted; a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build up; a tim...

But Abba! I want the songs of You.

For a few days now, I have been thinking about Abba's songs. Songs I've sang alot throughout my Christian journey in this life.  And I can't understand how I have forgotten these. My favorites. Unless I'm triggered to remember.  I mean...I know my brain has not been very well and symptoms of chronic illness overwhelm me like constant waves...But I Want The Songs! And my heart aches and cries out to our living God.  Please cause my lips to sing them again. Bring them back to me.  My chronic sufferings gave overwhelmed me and I cannot even speak much anymore. But Abba! Please give me back my songs of You.  If I can voice them out lips will whisper them. My heart will be as loud as a drum with their words of You.  As I have been reflecting this to Him...this post ihad written came up in my memory newsfeed.  I had written on this date, 2022. Myeyes filled up with deep loving emotions...Kimberly Wenrich  ...... Oh Yeshua, I lift my Hands up t...

Count Your Days

I wrote this last year, 2022. I wanted to share it with you today,as it was written in original form on that day. Not one thing of or from Abba is ever old. Always is revelant. Kim  ........ Abba has spoken to me this morning of an interpretation (interpretations was not something I has before.  But this has begun to happen in my Spirit recently)  and scriptures as well that He has provided to me... Of why He said to me a few weeks ago, "KIM, COUNT YOUR DAYS." It is for us all. Not just me.  He is so wonderful in all His ways.  We must,  DISCERN THE TIMES We must search Him out and study His Word.  It fills us up with understanding, wisdom, life and preparedness.  Setting us apart from the dark and foolish world and foolish people.  He truly has Shorten Time.   But not like I thought or you might think.  His ways are better. Better than our understandings.  Seek His Counsel. He will answer. He told me this morning, when my...

Dream of dangerous caos and Abba's protection.

When my husband came home this morning from work, I told him about a very vivid dream I had right before I woke. I told Him it. I asked him, should I write it out to my Beloveds on Facebook... He said, "absolutely." That is from God.  So here it is.... Written September 12, 2022 Kimberly Wenrich  ~~~~~~~~~ I saw a caos of wild and tame animals and creatures of all kinds suddenly seemingly provoked by a wicked supernatural darkness over the lands. The wild ones, and creatures...that were predators, Were being violent.  Beyond reasoning or balance, To other animals and creatures.  And the tamer ones and domestic ones were panic and seeking saftey.  It put people in fear as well. Those not in their homes, were running in fear. And those who do not have a relationship with Jesus and a their homes, were in fear as well. They would be easily devoured.  I looked out my window. I saw the darkness and the caos.  I said to my husband, The Devourer ...