
Showing posts from January, 2024

Dream Abba Gave Me about people on the wide road and the narrow road. Incredible.

My Beloveds, Remember I told you all that Abba gave to me a dream the other morning, before I woke?  Very supernatural. Has depths and several meanings.  I was waiting for interpretations. And our Father was very faithful to me, early that evening.  I am going to write the dream to you now.  I have asked Him to write through me to you.  My husband and I, as well as several others were standing at the beginning of a very very very broad road.  It was vast in size. As we looked at it, we saw it was darkly. But seen easily by us. We saw no end..  There were innumerable people on it.  Walking extremely tightly together. A sea of people. This road is what these people are on now.  As we who are Yeshua's very Own, and those who truly love Him in Truth and Spirit...we are on the narrow lit path now.  It is our daily road and path that each of us has chosen to live on. Toward our final destination. The broad is a road.  The narrow is a path...

Last Day. Judgment coming.

Last days...dream. Judgment coming. I was at a Thrift store with Avery... I had a dream the morning of  January 23, 2019.  This…of course is a repost.   I wanted to share it again.  Honestly, I do not know the interpretation or what many of the details mean. If you have understanding, please feel free to comment. Love to all, Kim  I don’t know the interpretation.  But I keep thinking about it and it keeps playing in the theater of my mind and heart.  I will write it.  I was very tired and weary. I went to a thrift store with Avery. My mom came there. I was happy to see her. She said to me, “ Kim, you got to get strong and stand. You must wake up fully  restored.  I sensed something in the Air. A strong stirring that something was about to come and needed to prepare for. I grabbed 2 blankets and a plant. I wrapped Avery in the blankets as to keep her safe and protected. Mom said she had to leave to get two tickets for us. To wait and...

Dream Truth Exposed to us all...hidden things shown and Yeshua Returning

This is a dream I had...of Yeshua Returning.  But also of Truth of all things hidden in our nation being exposed to us.  I was thinking about this dream for a few days and of another one of Yeshua Returning to take His own Home soon.  Then I thought, I wonder how hard it would be to find these dreams to share again.... I will share the both of them separately  on both both profiles.... Here is the one of Truth exposed and His Returning soon.  Next I will share the dream of Him Actually returning... Some of you may have read them.   But I'm still going to be faithful to share them again and to put them in the new blog too.   Love Always, Kimberly Wenrich  .......... A Dream I had on  Monday July 25, 2022 HE IS COMING BACK SOON. TRUTH EXPOSED TO OUR NATION. I have to skip the first part. It is too personal of some folks I know.  ...I was at a house, on their deck talking to the family I knew.  About Jesus and His Return to t...

Last Days with the wicked and God's Power in Those Who are sealed in Him. Dream

I had a dream in early March 2020.  I had told my husband about. It was from our Father. There is much more to this dream. It was like a movie.  I saw everything in motion.  I mentioned it on Facebook and told you all I would not share it until  He, our Father, has told my heart to share.  This morning I have been impressed upon to share a little bit of it.  Not the entirety.  I sought Him deeply this morning concerning this and talked with Him.  I sat still, allowing His Spirit to speak more in depth and revelation of this dream to me. So as to share, what He wanted me to share from Him and not of myself.  My husband came home from off the road. We were in the dinning room.  I begin to tell him all the things. Plus even more, as I spoke. We were both crying in the moving of The Holy Spirit and in confirmations in our hearts together. I pray that you decide to read this, that The Holy Spirit will give you the spiritual eyes to see the de...

September 12, 2023 caos dream and fighting the good fight of faith.

When my husband came home this morning from work, I told him about a very vivid dream I had right before I woke. I told Him it. I asked him, should I write it out to my Beloveds on Facebook... He said, "absolutely." That is from God.  So here it is.... Written September 12, 2022 Kimberly Wenrich  ~~~~~~~~~ I saw a caos of wild and tame animals and creatures of all kinds suddenly seemingly provoked by a wicked supernatural darkness over the lands. The wild ones, and creatures...that were predators, Were being violent.  Beyond reasoning or balance, To other animals and creatures.  And the tamer ones and domestic ones were panic and seeking saftey.  It put people in fear as well. Those not in their homes, were running in fear. And those who do not have a relationship with Jesus and a their homes, were in fear as well. They would be easily devoured.  I looked out my window. I saw the darkness and the caos.  I said to my husband, The Devourer ...

I was taken out of my body, into the a certian time and place.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022.  I was taken from my body, into the spirit.  For how long...I do not know.  I can not say it was a dream. It truly was more than this.  My prayer is that as you choose to read this, that you will understand. The depths and realities of Truth through our Precious Holy Spirit.  ..... I was suddenly at a place on this earth.  There were these type of trailers everywhere. They each had a small tiny yard around them.  A porch on the front and only one door.  A window in the front and one in the back.  A boxed in type potty thing in it as well.  No running water.  No comforts.  Supplies were given, by government.  They decided when.  Noone could tell them what their needs were.  Not wants...needs.  The needs were not generous.  Less than enough.  Wants was not an option.  Unless you were a complier....and  One Who reasoned out things in your was easy for you...

Dream of His Returning and no one can sneak into Glory.

On Jan. 30, 2023. Monday In the morning I woke at 7 am. I had a dream from Abba before I woke.  It was full of details, mysteries, profound truths and symbolism.  But not all can be written out for you. Some things are without words, but only understanding.  I can't  write it all out. It would be to long for you to read too. I think some of it, was also personal, not to tell. Because I saw many of those I know in this dream. Many family and friends that were in it.  (It wasn't a good thing for some of them) The other morning I was reading Abba's Word.  A  Parable Yeshua told, in Matthew 22. (His Word is The Only Book That Is Alive and Has Breath) The Parable of the... Invitation to the Wedding Feast I read it again before writing this.  It would be good if you to also read it, after or before you read this dream. Or either way.  I received even more understanding reading it again, after the dream. Maybe you will too.  But first I want to...

A Very Supernatural Dream of Spiritual in the physical reality.

My Beloveds,  Abba gave to me a dream before I woke?  Very supernatural. Has depths and several meanings.  I was waiting for interpretations. And our Father was very faithful to me, early that evening.  I am going to write the dream to you now.  I have asked Him to write through me to you.  My husband and I, as well as several others were standing at the beginning of a very very very broad road.  It was vast in size. As we looked at it, we saw it was darkly. But seen easily by us. We saw no end..  There were innumerable people on it.  Walking extremely tightly together. A sea of people. This road is what these people are on now.  As we who are Yeshua's very Own, and those who truly love Him in Truth and Spirit...we are on the narrow lit path now.  It is our daily road and path that each of us has chosen to live on. Toward our final destination. The broad is a road.  The narrow is a path.  The narrow path is life. GLORY. Th...