
Showing posts from October, 2024

Dream of Yeshua Taking His Own Home

This morning before I woke...I was still half awake, half asleep.  Dreaming and aware.  In my spirit and upon my lips phyically...I was singing one part of a song...many of us know very well.  Over and over. Only this part of the song. "The dead in Christ shall rise to meet Him in the air And then those that remain will be quickly changed At the midnight cry when Jesus comes again" I woke still singing this over and over as I took care of my furkids, fed the birds, made a cup of coffee, and prepared to sit in my sunroom with them to spend time with Jesus.  Once I sat down in my swing chair,  I  pondered this part of the song, that was repeating in my being and of singing outloud. I looked out my window and I asked God, "Why was  I singing this in my twilight sleep?  And even now as I am fully awake?" I sat awhile and stayed still.  Being still to hear and know from Him. I then opened my Bible to Luke. I was led to Luke 7, "An Amazing Report S...

God Has Shortened The Time

In these last 3 years, maybe even before...I have felt time shortened. Seemingly more with each season and in each year.  Lately I have felt an anxiety about it. Because what I want to do, I can't. Only can do what I need to do. But those need to do is pushed into the I can chose to make precious time with my grandchildren.  Choices have to be made in our lack of time now.  What is important? I feel keeping home clean and tidy is important. But isn't Abba God and Children and Family and Others more important than anything else we could put first in front of them? At the end of the day, which comes quickly now...when my husband gets ready to go to work at night, I give him my time. Then when he leaves at 9pm...I tidy and clean up.  Although throughout the short day I tend to do necessary tidying and taking care my furkids. As well as see my grandchildren. I love my little chats with Jonathan and Abby as well. I make sure to try to make spurts of time with ...

Lord, let the whole world know.

Lord, let the whole world... friends, family, strangers, deceivers, lukewarmers, wicked and ungodly... Say what they may and do what they want. But Lord, No One can or will take away the Love I have for You or the foundation of my heart in You, nor my  faith and assurances in You Alone.  Because I look to You.  I Believe in You.  I am sealed by You. You call me by Name.  You tell me I belong to You.  My identity is in You. I'm saved by Your Salvation.  I set my affections on You, no pain, tears, joy, laughter, trials and in the details of my life and being...I set my affections on You.  You are my strong tower.  In You I have refuge. Under the shadow of Your wings even, I am kept.  You stand beside me, watching over my life. You roar at those who have wickedness and cause hurt and pain to the godly. You end those who hate You and Your Own. And Heal and Restore Your Beloveds.  My path and my being is radiant with Your Lig...

I give myself to Him Alone

I give myself away to Him Alone… No other is like Him.  He rescues the weak. He strengthens the arms of His Own.  He breathes His Spirit of Refreshments upon us.  He sends storms to clear our paths and stables us in His Strong Tower.  He provides without sorrows.  He hears and receives our petitions and cries.  He receives our words unto Him as a sweet aroma unto His Throneroom.  He is angry with The Wicked everyday.  He delights in His Church, The Bride.  To no other Will I bow to, comply or submit to… but only to our God, our Elohim. The Creator of my being.  Nothing But His Spirit lives within my body.  No poisons of this world has my permission to enter my being, The Temple that hosts His Spirit.  He is The air I breathe.  I will never mask it.  Oh my eyes seek Him.  My ears delight with great expectations at the sound of His Voice Alone.  I will not allow anything wicked to enter my eyes, ears, or being...

Testimony...Abba is our Daddy and we are His Children

I wrote this testimony on this date, 2017  What a wonderful thing that we can look back to remember Abba in the details instead of the stress of the details…. Love always, Kim  ~~~~~~ Abba showed me something incredibly beautiful today in a very stressful situation.  We have a partial mesh fence up at the back to the side of our home.  We live right off a very busy road. We have lost 2 furkids to that road. A precious cat, Bigboy. And also Farely, our son's Doberman a couple years ago.  We still cry.  My husband is on an overlay.  He is a Trucker. I let our Cody Doberman out to potty. It wasn't but a few minutes and I got a strong feeling to go check on him. My heart dropped. He wasn't inside the fence. I looked to the front side and saw the cold wind had blown it off its attachment to the house.  He was gone!   I cried out His Name. Frantically.  I looked everywhere. Praying,  "God, Abba, please not again. Please help me find ...

The Holy Spirit Himself, will teach and show you all things

Is anybody else reading Abba's Word with incredible understandings and truths and depths, that no man can even teach or preach to you... I have been experiencing knowledge, wisdom, understanding and even depths like never before in these recent months.  I had read in scriptures, that He said, There will be a time, when you will not need a man to teach you...but The Holy Spirit will be your only teacher and reveal all to you.  I have been hearing others are experiencing exactly what I am experiencing.   And the conversations are very evident between The Beloved and The Holy Spirit in all matters. He leads us to all truths.  Man can not do in these entertaining, deceiving times. Of the tickling of ears and the desire of lukewarmness.  May the Word, that is the very breath of God enter us and become living like we never experienced before.  Kim  You Need Not That Any Man Teach You Isaiah 54:13. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord. Jeremi...

Oct 15, 2022 Fall Festival with Avery and our conversation

My husband and I got blessed to have our  beautiful granddaughter Avery, to spend time with us and stay over night... She loves Jesus very much.  We were in the sukkah, outside this morning, together eating and talking.  Our favorite topic is always about Jesus. I told her about the dream I had a few months ago, of her.  How she was so brave to tell others and her family that Jesus loves them and saves them and that He was coming back soon to take us Home.  I told her, that in this dream family members were upset with her and told her to hush.  But I told her in this dream, she told them, she was telling them the truth and that they should listen to her.  I told her to never stop telling others these things no matter what.  I also told her, she was very special to God because she is a child and children and babies are extremely precious and important in His Kingdom. So much so that He says, they are the greatest to Him.  She liked this very m...

My Bed of Faith

Yes..I know this post is a bit long. Seems like lately I have been writing from deep places within my being.  It isn't meant for everyone. Only those who it's meant for or encouraged by them. I love you all very much. Regardless if my posts are read or not. Ill go over it later to fix errors and auto corrects. Im tired right now. Love, Kim   I named my Bed....Bed of Faith.  I named my bed after I lost my momma and my baby son.  IN 2000 And 2001. It has been a safe place for my rest in Him. Filled with wonders, beauty, goods keep, spiritual dreams, visits to Glory, answers, counsels, prayers, all my emotions and situations were laid to rest in my bed of faith. Even the sorrows, pain and hurts. No matter how I am and what season I'm having. I can trust Abba in it all. In 2001, Abba took me to a place of rest. I was in my bed grieving the lost of my son at 4 months of pregnancy.  I had just lost my momma March 2000. I wrote the experience of when I was in my...

Abba You Are Beautiful and I Love You

I found this theme I had written... as I read it, I felt every word.  Fresh and new.  My heart squeezed within me and more core leaped in the awe I still feel about our Savior Jesus.  My eyes stung with tears of joy and gratefulness. Oh how I love Him.  Kim  ........ You are Beautiful and I honor You.  I want to draw close to You and know Your Heart. I want to walk closely with You.  Teach me Your ways, so to stay close to You.  Open my capacity to comprehend those Beautiful Things of You. I desire to see You, hear be able to hear Your whispers into my life.  I know Your voice and You captivate me.  My heart and being is Your Possesion. I completely belong to You. My breath belongs to You. My heart beat and every blink of my eyes are Yours.  I’m enthralled by You. Your eyes reveal the depths of You.   Deep calls upon Deep.  I listen. I listen to Your call to Your depths of Your secret place.  Whatever de...

True Inspirational Story of a Peaceful Healing Place

This is a true, inspirational story from my blog.   I wrote This October 7, 2010 This was written not long after we moved to  Rockingham, Virginia.   We call this area our Healing and Peaceful Place.  The Lord, writes themes upon my heart to share.  I love being His Pencil in His Hand.  I pray you are encouraged and blessed by this.  He has spoken to my spirit for a to publish this particular story to you. I couldn’t remember my blog address, it had been awhile since I have been on it. Then, in my memory newsfeed was the link to my blog and this story attached.  He is so wonderful. I love Him so much.  Our lives has been adventure in Yeshua. My son is grown has a family of his own now. My husband is still an amazing godly man. Still is a dedicated professional Truck Driver, works now at a company here in Harrisonburg. I have since become chronically ill. I wasn’t doing well in my health then, at this season either… I am so much in...