Dream of Yeshua Taking His Own Home
This morning before I woke...I was still half awake, half asleep. Dreaming and aware. In my spirit and upon my lips phyically...I was singing one part of a song...many of us know very well. Over and over. Only this part of the song. "The dead in Christ shall rise to meet Him in the air And then those that remain will be quickly changed At the midnight cry when Jesus comes again" I woke still singing this over and over as I took care of my furkids, fed the birds, made a cup of coffee, and prepared to sit in my sunroom with them to spend time with Jesus. Once I sat down in my swing chair, I pondered this part of the song, that was repeating in my being and of singing outloud. I looked out my window and I asked God, "Why was I singing this in my twilight sleep? And even now as I am fully awake?" I sat awhile and stayed still. Being still to hear and know from Him. I then opened my Bible to Luke. I was led to Luke 7, "An Amazing Report S...